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Posts posted by baldfighter


    Also curious about this. Are hairs in the donor zone genetically DHT resistant, or there is less DHT in the donor zone? Has there been a scientific consensus on this?

    If the former is true then the transplanted hairs will stay for life without meds, otherwise they will die out over time because they are moved to a new area with more DHT.

  2. Sometimes people feel that their new hairlines are low because they are used to the high forehead. From the photos it's hard to see how low your hairline is. What is the distance from glabella to hairline.

    If you are worried about scarring and you don't even care about replanting those hairs then you can consider electrolysis to kill those.

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  3. Hi everyone!

    Is it normal to see 2 hairs stick together then they shed? If those are only hair shafts, they should not stick together, right? If they stick together, does it mean that the hair follicle is dead and now shed?

    I have seen a lot of hairs shedding like this so I am a bit worried. Does anyone have the same experience? Thanks!



  4. 12 hours ago, Will_the_way said:

    I’m not a doctor so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I find it very hard to believe that grafts that died in the surgery process or shortly after would continue to grow post death. One thing to consider though is that your body may be pushing out hairs from grafts that did not survive, which could appear as growth as the hairs push further out of the scalp. 

    The idea that body pushes out dead hairs is interesting. Most of my transplanted grafts grew and then stopped. Most of them are still there 5 weeks post op, don’t grow and also don’t shed. This makes me worry…

  5. 4 hours ago, Burns said:

    I thought I have good donor density before I had my HT, but unfortunately I was told by the Doctor that I wasn’t, that was also how they “convinced” me to go thro with FUT

    Yes I never want to go with FUT, I asked for FUE from the beginning because I know I would be so depressed if this happened. I went to Korea by myself, and the first day should just be a simple consultation so I have time to think of the options, but I was told my consultation appointment was rescheduled to the same day of the surgery (AM Consult PM surgery) after I alrdy confirmed my flight ticket and hotel room and all the staff, even I told them I would like to stick with the original plan, they left me no choice. Then, that morning at the Clinic Doctor gave me a rush consultation, and told me I need to go with FUT if I want a better result, and I needed to decide immediately, I was super stressed and felt pressured at that moment, so I made a bad decision which is totally my fault. 
     This experience taught me that Never agreed to a rush consultation, HT is a lifetime surgery, a lot of small things you should discuss and let the doctor and team know, like the hairline shape, temple angle, hair direction…which I had none detail discussion :( ps. I can not comb my fringe down because of the direction they implanted

    I am so sorry to hear your experience. It's not your fault, the clinic should not push you to make a life changing decision without giving you time to think about it.

    I think the scar can be concealed pretty well with grafts placed into it. The frontal hair direction might be more complicated to fix but it's possible. I think Dr. Feriduni does this kind of repair quite often.

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  6. 7 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:

    @AlexMeister21 @baldfighter

    I am not that lucky to skip the ugly ducking phase...it started to shed quickly..since yesterday i can see many grafts all over my forehead and shoulders and when i wash my head....and the ones which are there aren't growing so they may fall soon..😅

    The problem is that most of my grafts haven't shed but they also seem to stop growing. Not sure what's happening.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Falcon23 said:

    @HappyMan2021 I appreciate your opinion and I’m sorry you had a botched procedure. 
    Maybe it is just the density that is getting me down a bit, I just feel super conscious peoples eyes are drawn to my hairline when they weren’t before, I just want it to appear natural, I felt it looked a little “bar code like” but it’s not by all your opinions. 
    No one has actually commented anything in person so maybe I am just being self conscious. 

    Perhaps they are just wondering why this guy suddenly has hairs now. Your hairline looks fine.

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