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Here I Grow Again

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Everything posted by Here I Grow Again

  1. Hi Hairfree, I too experienced pimples at right about the same time you did. I actually had many that were puss like and applying a warm damp towel did help relieve some but in the end they continued to appear. My doc did perscribe antibiotics and it pretty much cleared it up. Do contact your doc to let him know and don't worry, mine cleared right up after the antibiotics with no further issues.
  2. Hi SA, I would definitely recommend you not limit your search to a specific area as there are great docs throughout. Also recommend speaking with at least 2-3 docs for different prespectives and to help you understand if you are making the right decisions. Also, share with the docs what you are trying to accomplish and let them recommend the number of graphs needed. You may find you need more or even less. Good luck!
  3. Hi Mil, Your procedure should go pretty fast but take some DVDs/music with you to help pass the time. I did, and we all had (the techs and I) a good time listening to the tunes. Make sure you are clear on post op care and don't hesitate to scan this site for past experiences which you will definitely encounter. I've said this before and will say it again, the hardest part of the procedure is waiting for your hair to grow. That's when you experience some degree of remorse, doubt and impatience until you reach your full potential. Enjoy the ride!
  4. Hi Nervous, Just to share my experience, I did have some shock loss. I am just about 4.5 months out and some of that loss has grown back but not at 100% yet. Like Bill stated, various degrees of shock loss is a potential issue for many of us, so give yourself time to recover.
  5. Welcome Krispykreme, I too have had a procedure with Dr. Epstein, he and his staff are top notch and truly care for their patients. Glad you had a great experience, like Bill, I'd love to see some pics. Happy healing and growth!
  6. Hi IH, Looks good so far. Your scar is well hidden. Where exactly did you have the second round placed? Was it mixed into the front half?
  7. Hey Orion, Now that I think about it, you are right, there was a "Zen-like" feeling shortly before the procedure that made me feel like I did the right thing. Maybe it was me thinking about the things to come, not sure exactly but I do remember the peaceful joy felt then. Funny, huh.
  8. Hi Ms. Nguyen, I read through your posts and just want to offer my humble opinion: I am in no way a doctor or no much if anything about moles but if you have not already done so, I would research and speak to doctors who specialize in this condition to find out first what physical condition the skin/scalp where the mole was removed, is in. I would want to find out if this area is suitable as a donor area. It probably is but I would validate that . Also, it sounds like you are talking about getting a scalp reduction? If so I would also look into the pros and cons of that. Here is some info on that from ISHRS: Potential Complications and Side Effects Careful planning and expert surgical skills are required to achieve good results in alopecia reduction. Complications are uncommon but there can be postoperative complications such as scarring at the suture lines, "stretch back" of scalp skin at the excised bald area, and a central midline scar called a slot deformity. I also read that you may still have to get a transplant to hide the suture lines. I guess my point is that you should really research in depth evey option you are contemplating.
  9. Hi Hairdini, Buyer's remorse? Totally normal indeed! This is a big step for anyone so the fact that you are second guessing yourself and running all the scenarios in your mind is very common and normal. Just be sure that you address all your fears accordingly so that in your mind you are satisfied that you made the right choices before you have the procedure. I myself have had these same fears and apprehension. I've questioned whether it was the right thing to do, if I could make better use of my money and if it was just pure vanity. I thought that I should just be happy with who I was. In the end I did it and I have no regrets but I did take my time and made sure all my concerns were addressed. My biggest concern was whether the transplant would be detectable or not. The proof is in the pudding so I actually met some past patients and I really could not tell they had a procedure, so that fear was laid to rest. I am 4 months out and on my way to good growth which has been at about an average rate, maybe a little slower but I'm ok with that, patience is a virtue. I did have some fears come to life with regards to shock loss and swelling, which is why I think it is important to set your expectations correctly. We all react differently to the procedure so you should prepare yourself for that. Hope this helps.
  10. Hey PC, I live in Florida now, relocated about 2.5 yrs ago from NY but am still a NYorker at heart. Didn't think a cab ride would be so high even in NY. Exit 23-25 on LIE is not far at all. I lived by Exit 27 which is still Queens. Have you looked into hopping on the LIRR if his office is near a station? (I believe Great Neck has a station). Even if you have to hop on a cab from the station it would be much cheaper.
  11. Hi MM, You can try Dr. Epstein who performs procedures in Miami but I understand that he has an office in Tampa for consultations. I had a procedure with him back in November. Another thing to consider is that most veterans on this site will recommend you not let geography limit your search as there are great doctors throughout. You are probably looking for a Tampa doc out of convenience since you will already be there but research this site for other docs, which by the way do conduct online/phone consultations as well. (I see that I registered on this site 2 years to the day you did. Uncanny
  12. Hi Ralph, I too have had a very good experience with Dr. Epstein (and have posted a very detailed experience with pics) back in November. My consultation was similar to yours in that I was/am a N5-6 and relatively young. Dr. E did take the conservative approach which I thought was right for me. My hair line restoration approach was in line with my age however. I would make sure that you get a good assessment on your hairline expectations so that you are clear on what Dr. E feels he can and cannot do for you. Don't leave that area unclear since it is of particular interest to you, if I understood your post correctly. In my opinion, Dr. E is a great choice if you decide to go with him. I was very happy with his work.
  13. Thanks IH, Very good info indeed. Hope to see more progress on this.
  14. I remember reading a discussion about Intercytex and their work here (within Future Medical Treatments posted by ibehavinghairnow) and just recently found this info on Dr. Paul Rose's site: "Dr. Rose is also involved with the culturing of Dermal Papilla cells which can then be implanted into the scalp. These implanted cells could provide a source of growing hairs. The work is being done in association with a company named Intercytex. Preliminary work on mice using human dermal papilla cells has resulted in the growth of human hairs on the mice." Just thought I'd share as I know this research looked promising. I would love to hear from Dr. Rose on this...
  15. I remember reading a discussion about Intercytex and their work here (within Future Medical Treatments posted by ibehavinghairnow) and just recently found this info on Dr. Paul Rose's site: "Dr. Rose is also involved with the culturing of Dermal Papilla cells which can then be implanted into the scalp. These implanted cells could provide a source of growing hairs. The work is being done in association with a company named Intercytex. Preliminary work on mice using human dermal papilla cells has resulted in the growth of human hairs on the mice." Just thought I'd share as I know this research looked promising. I would love to hear from Dr. Rose on this...
  16. Hey NN, Sorry to see you've decided to slow down a bit. I for one have benefited from your posts as so many others here but I can't say I don't blame you. Time for you to take the dive! But of course absence is going to make your heart grow fonder and you will be back; I feel it. Besides, who are you going to speak with about your new transplant?
  17. Hi LaGrange, 1. I've read nothing but great feedback about Hasson & Wong over the past year on this forum so you have made an excellent choice. 2. Your nervousness is totally normal given what you are about to do. I would say you are a rational person. 3. So far, up until now you have your wife's support so once again a plus. You can't ask for a better scenario, you are going through a normal, rational stage and will be just fine. Are you going to take some time off? If so think about the rest you will be getting and try to plan some relaxing activities for you to look forward to and repeat after me: "This same time next year I am going to be in hair-growth heaven..." "This same time next year I am going to be in hair-growth heaven..." "This same time next year I am going to be in hair-growth heaven..."
  18. Hi Vinto, Not sure if this is the same as what you were just exposed to but take a look: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=144378 It was posted in a previous thread for our review.
  19. Depressed Child, Like Bill said, we feel your pain but all is not lost. At your age you will probably be able to take advantage of the most advanced techniques and developments at an early age. I also agree with hairbank that you may be experiencing some degree of loss but not necessarily progress to bald. You are young enough and caught it an an early enough stage that you can monitor, take a wait and see attitude and then take action as soon as appropriate.
  20. Congratulations Neptune, The hardest physical part is finally over and you can now sit back and relax. Now comes the hardest mental part: (Is my hair growing as it should, does it look right, did I lose any graphs, are they going to fall out-some did not fall out, is it dense enough, are hairs still growing or have they stopped, etc, etc.) All questions your mind is going to run but be not afraid just sit back and let the transplant run its course. I sure am glad to see another peer approx 3 months behind that I can track to see how far I've come. Keep us posted
  21. Hi Navraj, I can't personally recommend any docs other than the one I used (Dr. Epstein) but I will say that a common response you will get here is to try not to limit your search to local docs as there are many opportunities for a successful HT with docs abroad, particularly coalition members. I had to travel and the costs were minimal when compared to the overall HT costs and I probably would have regretted my decision if I based it on location only. The advice I would give you is to do what I did when I was searching for the right doc. Remove any travel restrictions and research every potential doctor regardless of location. Speak with past clients and meet with them if possible, request consultations (online, over phone, in person), take a look at past client pics. Also be clear on what your expectations are and communicate that with each doc. Take your time and research techniques and docs so that you are clear in your mind about your decisions. Spend time researching this site as there is tons of valuable info here. Read thru surgeon reviews. You made the right choice to visit this site to start your research. Lot's of luck!
  22. Oh yes, you can certainly bring in cds for everyone's enjoyment but mostly for your enjoyment of course. Lots of luck!!
  23. Best Wishes Neptune, you are definitely in good hands. Take some latin CDs in with you and you'll have the tech team in great spirits! Don't know if you've visited his offices during consult but if you have not had a chance to view his portfolio do so. It will be a great motivator for you to see what's in store for you...
  24. NN, LOL...or a new set of kidneys... I agree, while not exactly perfect, stick with what the market defines as approved treatment. If for no other reason, you at least have someone to blame/take action against if things go seriously wrong.
  25. Hi 2nd HT, just MHO, I am in no way saying your surgeon did the right thing by choosing to place the hairs where he did and it may indeed have been a bad decision but on the bright side, it does not look really horrible. To B Spot's point, it looks to be rectifiable. Of course this does not let your doc off the hook, though. Also, I see the pitched roof look you are talking about. Maybe a good hairstylist can minimize that.
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