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Everything posted by patronovski

  1. Some clinics advised me to use topical minoxidil after two weeks of surgery. I am very confused now.
  2. Hello, i did my first HT in 2023. The clinic told me to use minoxidil after 3-4 weeks but only on my donor area, not on the transplanted area. They said that minoxidil can cause for loss on transplanted area. What are your experiences using minoxidil? You guys experience some loss? And what about using minoxidil on the long term. Some say it will lose its effectiveness over time and you will lose more hair.
  3. Can shockloss also occur on different area's? I had a surgery for adding density to the left side of my hairline. After 2-3 months i noticed thinning/loss on the left side, but also on the right side of my hairline. Is this normal?
  4. Hello all, Today its been exactly 3 months since my operation at BHR clinic with dr. Bisanga. I was hoping to see a slight improvement each month in my donor, but unfortunately i did not experience this. Here some recent photos: Right side: Left side: As for my hairline, we did implant 150 grafts to add more density to the left part of my hairline. My hairline has now less density compared to before this operation. Maybe shockloss and/or shedding? I also experience some thinning/loss on the right side of my hairline. Can a shockloss also occur there even though its not close to the area of surgery? The clinic told me that a shockloss can occur after 1-2 weeks after the surgery and will be back to normal after 2-3 months. I also saw some other patients and their donor healed after couple of weeks. I posted this topic after 1.5 months after my surgery with my concerns about my donor. You guys still believe this is shockloss and will improve? Shouldnt i have experienced a slight improvement each month?
  5. Thanks, i saw the pictures but what if its shaved? Still no scars visible? Or if you have a little tan in summer?
  6. Do you notice any white dots on your chest when shaved? Or when you have a little tan during summer?
  7. I also made a mistake and went to dr. Bisanga for my second surgery. I agree that the consult with him is like in a rush, he doesnt talk much and the consult is done in 5-10 minutes. For me its now 3 months and my donor still looks patchy. As for my hairline, its still to early to say something. Overall, i am very disappointed in this clinic,
  8. Its been 8 week since my surgery. @Melvin- Admin please change the title. Here are some photo's: Right side, it looks better. There was one big patchy area on this side, now i can cover it with the existing hairs. Left side is still patchy and weak. On the photo it is not clear, because of the reflection of light i think. When the hair is little wet or oily, you can definitely see the patchy area's better. Nothing to show for the hairline and beard grafts, is dont see any difference there.
  9. No i didnt yet. I think they wrote about this because some guy posted about them on Redit. BHR thinks it was me, but i wasnt of course. I think its a former member of this forum who had problems with Melvin before. He was bashing on him, because Melvin deleted his review about some other clinic i guess. It was realy a suprise for me. I mean, i am not the only repair patient right? If this is always the case, why offer a repair? Yes we will see. This week its exactly 8 weeks since my surgery. The right side looks slightly better, i can cover the bald area with the hairs around. Left side still looking bad
  10. Thanks @GeneralNorwood, i couldn t describe it better. You are one of the few that realy is reading and understanding well. What you wrote is absolutely correct about the pressure i had to make the decission, about the pricing and about the beard grafts (which where useless). I had my first consult with Dr. Bisanga, but like i said he was always in a rush. The consult didnt even took 10 minutes. I just had bad feelings, but at the same time i ve read alot of good reviews about him on this forum. So i chose him even though i had mixed feelings. Thank god we didnt do 300 scalp grafts. I can only be happy about that, because my sides would have been in a even worse condition. I think if they took 300 grafts from the back, it wouldnt look worse then it was before. Because the area is much bigger in the back, so they could spread it over this bigger area. My first consult was with dr Bisanga yes. After the consult i walked away with this lady and went to her room to see some available dates. There she mentioned about 1000 grafts and about the costs (4 euros per graft). Couple months later, i emailed this lady with new photo's and she said looks like 300 is enough. I assume she consults with the doctor before she tells me anything.
  11. Dude, I think you don’t understand nothing. They didnt give me twice, they quoted me for 300 grafts, i paid for 300 and i did 300 grafts. I also wrote why i didnt do all 300 grafts on the hairline. At the time of writing my very first post my whole attention was the patchiness on the sides. My frustration was that the doctor didnt took my concerns seriously when i mentioned about the fact that it is not a good idea to touch the sides. I already was afraid that this would happen. Second, you clearly do not understand, because i also wrote several times that its not about the results only. Its the whole experience i had with this clinic. He didnt even do any examination with microscope or something to check if the hairs on the sides are suitable and good quality as a donor. He was so in a rush, not kind to me, not caring . Third, i think i put to much effort in this reply for you.
  12. Like i said, my experience wasnt that great with this clinic. Not only the result, but also the consults. I had the feeling that the doctor was always in a rush and i didnt felt that i was understood well. I find that the dr wasnt realy listening to my wishes. The hairline was a problem yes, but not a bigger problem compared to my sides now. The patchy sides are very obvious and noticeable to people. I cant hide it. I did accepted the hairline for a long time, because it wasnt that noticeable with my hair style. I am not saying this because of the second surgery. If the hairline was a bigger problem, then i would stop looking at my sides and post updates here about my hairline instead. Well, its like most Tukish places. They are like factories. Its called Gold City and they offered a free touch up, but no way i go back to them. And no way i will go back to BHR again to fix this. For me, a clinic has only one chance, you do it first time right, or you dont touch my head. For this reason, i offered 500 euros to BHR (they didnt accepted it) via email for just telling me their honest opinion. Will you fu.. my hair or not with this operation ? If yes, keep the money and i will not do this surgery.
  13. Yes, i read about the growth cycle that is similar to scalp hair. I think its good to hide scars on the back of the head, because the hairs on the back are also thicker compared on the sides. It may blend well as it is the case with mustang. But I didnt see much repair cases where beard grafts are put on the sides. So i wonder if it will look weird because of the difference in texture.
  14. Thanks guys, it realy gives me hope again after reading about your donor recovery times and about the fact that it is fixable. I am not planning to fix it asap of course, i was just wondering if BHT can be my rescue in case it wont get any better after several months.
  15. Very facinating. You did alot of BHT. I wonder how your body looks like now. You experienced any scarring? In your chest? Your arms? Can you also share your BHT donor?
  16. I just saw the place around his left ear. I think the beard grafts blended in very nicely:
  17. Thanks for the info. I did trimmed my chest so i will post a photo when its grown a bit longer. The idea is that i want to add contrast to some patchy area's. Those areas are not completly bald, i do still have some hair. I thought maybe adding chest or beard in between would help the overal look. I certinaly dont want it to look more weird then it is now.
  18. Hello, this is the second time i post this question. The first post was deleted by this corrupt admin guy Melvyn for no reason. I've had a repair surgery before (BHR clinic) and i did not like the outcome. I want to fix some areas of my donor on the sides. Do you guys have experience implanting beard or chest hairs on the sides (not the back donor)? What about chest scarring? Is it very noticeable? Anyone has some photo's so i can get a better idea? The quality of my chest is not bad i guess, there are some double grafts. My beard quality is also good. However, i do think the structure of my chest hair is closer to my scalp hair. The goal is to fill in some patchy areas on the sides.
  19. I had alot of stress after my first HT because of the overharvested donor. It took months to get used to it and find a different hairstyle to cover it. Dont get me wrong, its overharvested yes, but i still have plenty of hair left in my back. With this 2nd operation, i wanted to homoginize it by taking hairs from areas with alot of dark contrast. My sides were always weak and not so good, so taking hair from the back wouldnt be noticed that much as taking hairs from the sides. The way the hair grows in the back, the direction and the amount of grafts, it was just a better option for me. And yes, like i said several times, i didnt now about the 50% survival chance. The clinic claims that they have told me about this during the consultation before, but why should I lie about this? I prepared myself for this operation months ago, i did my research, saw others with similair problem. I had a plan how i wanted to achieve this by reading other repair cases. Just homogonize the donor and put those grafts in the hairline. Killing two birds with one stone. If i knew about the low survival chance before, i would have never considered a second surgery. Like i said, the hairline lacks density yes, but for me it was not a huge problem. If it was, then i wouldnt need 300 grafts, but more like maybe 1000. I mean, like 30 minutes before my surgery the doctor told me about the 50% survival chance. He didnt forced me to do the operation. But i was prepared for this operation months ago, i traveled to belgium, booked the hotel, took days of from work, everything was prepared. So i decided to do it. We did less grafts then initally planned, because i didnt wanted to waste grafts because of the low growth chance. Instead of 300 grafts on the hairline, we did 150. We also took 150 beard grafts to fix some overharvested areas in the back. I came up with the beard grafts because i didnt like the idea of paying 2K euros just for 150 grafts after hearing about the low survival chance. So to clarify, i did not pay more or less, we just did 150 grafts from scalp to hairline and 150 grafts from beard to donor, so totall 300 grafts.
  20. Of course i wasnt. I didn't know that it was possible to send a DM here. So i started a new topic here on this forum after Melvyn deleted my original topic to ask him why he did that and i tagged him. In the same topic some guy posted a link to Reddit and said that the discussion was continuing there. I think its somebody who had a problem with Melvyn before i guess. After i discovered about the DM functionality on this forum, i sent Melvyn a dm and asked him to reopen the topic. I already gave the clinic permission to reply. I only didnt want them to share my photos, and by this i meant with my face visible to the public. See the post below where some guy shared a reddit link. I didnt even know about that discussion on Reddit. This is the internet and news is shared everywhere so fast. UPDATE: i just saw that the guy who posted the link to reddit removed his post, or maybe it was the admin again. The discussion on reddit is also removed by the moderators.
  21. Hi Guys, i will do a detailed update later today. But i want to point out the following: The clinic shows a picture where they say that some area was already overharvested on the left side. During the surgery i told dr. Bisanga, " doctor i think you took more hairs from the left side then from the right side". Because it took longer to finish, i was like counting the minutes. He answered that the left side had more grafts to offer and the right side did not. So he took 100. Oh btw, he also said that i should shut my mouth. What an attitude. So as a doctor, you show us a picture of the left side pointing out the area of overharvesting, and you still take more from that area? Why? Also, the doctor didnt want to take hair from my back, his reason was that it was overharvested. They didnt even trimmed the back of my head to check. So why you take more from an area if you think that that area was also already overharvested, like in the photo. Especially the left side where he took even more than the right side. About the hairline, i never said the hairline was perfectly good. I said i had not a big problem with it, this operation for me was just a small unnecessary costmetic operation i wanted to do. The hairline didnt bother me too much, but i wanted to fix it. I said we fixed one problem but created another problem in an area which is even more visible and that bothers me. Another point is, i dont know why people are pointing to the area behind my ear. I told several times that my concern is the area closer to my temples and face. During the first surgery they even didnt touch those areas so stop pointing to that area. i am upsest an disappointed because i did warn the doctor and said that i dont think its good idea to touch the sides. He said it wont be noticeable. Also the fact that i came to implant 300 hairs, but during the surgery day i was told that there was just a small chance for success. It just didn feel so well. As for aftercare, there is a lady i wont give the name, i asked her several times if we could do a 1 min phone call about my concerns. There were moments where i asked 3-4 questions and she only replied to one of them. This happend multiple times. It took like 1-2 days for every reply and I thought its easier just to do a quick phone call so i can express myself better. She never did call me, even after i spoke to her colleague where she put a note for her to call me. I did called the general number and told the person that took the phone that i was not happy how the aftercare was. I felt ignored and not threated well. Coincidentally it was the same lady and she said oh yes i am sorry i know its because of me bla bla. About the reddit post, i did not post that topic. Not on reddit nor on other platforms. I was just informed that the discussion was continuing there. Somebody copied some screens and posted there. But hey, its the internet and everybody is free to share his experiences on any platform. I am AGAINST it if someone just posts something without being an actual patient themselves of that clinic. Because then you make bad name of the clinic without having an actual experience with the clinic. So its fake review then. But in my case, i was a patient and i have my own experience and story which i can share. You cant do nothing about this, not you, not your boss. I even asked the dockter before the surgery if it was okay to take pictures and share my experience on the internet, he answered yes. But i never shared my experience in any other platform, except here. So YOU are accusing. Regardless of all these things, i started this topic because i wanted to know if anybody had experience with BHT on the donor. I wanted more information about chest hair and scarring. But this admin guy was constantly defending the clinic so it went to another direction. I even did post this question today in the questions section of this forum. I see that he also deleted that topic about the advice i was seeking about chest hair and scarring. I even wasn’t criticizing the clinic there. @Melvin- Admin why i cant see this topic where i asked for advice about chest hair and scarring today? Why you keep deleting topics silenty? This website is run by clinics, not by patients. About the shockloss, their own advisor told me via phone that the left side didnt look like a shockloss. You guys think i am here for attention or what? Lastly: this clinic and Melvyn constantly talks about permissions and the photos the clinic want to post. Dude, this clinic only took 2-3 photos pre and post op, and the advisor send me those. Here it is, you can cleary see that the doctor even didnt stick to that plan. He went way beyond the lines of the the left side. He took from areas where it was already overharvested (behind the ear). Left side (see where the line is and compare this to the after photo, he went way beyond this. Even to the overharvested area around my ear. The little circle is where we put some beard grafts 50 in total): Right side: (look where he draw the line and look where he did the actual extraction, he took 50 and didnt spread this as on the drawing) This topic was my very first topic on this forum. I didnt know how things worked exactly here, like about direct messaging (dm) functionality and about giving permissions to clinics. I even dm'ed Melvyn and asked him if there is some sort of a button where i need to click on to give them the permission they want. Because i told him several times, yes i give them permission, but this guy still didnt restore the topic.
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