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Posts posted by Petchski

  1. Hi All,


    This is my very first post here but I reading others posts from long time. I am considering Dr. Tejinder Bhatti for my first HT and hopefully in November 2015. he recommend 3500 grafts to me. I have few doubts and questions which might already answered many times before but it is very hard to explore all of existing topics with accurate answers.


    So here are the questions:-


    1. How important Finasteride (Propecia) is after HT?


    2. Does one get more benefits if he start few weeks before HT, instead of afterward?


    3. What is a recommended dose of Finasteride to avoid side effects and does brand also make any difference (Cipla or Propecia)?


    4. What about A-cell Injections? Is that really help to boost the growth after HT?


    5. Which one you recommend new or used Harris Punch and is that actually effect on success of HT?


    6. DR. Bhatti have two packages for INR 89 and INR 99. Which one you recommend and why?


    Thanks everyone in advance. :-)


    1. Yes it is important for obvious reasons...but if you don't bald beyond NW4 you can get away without using it..


    2. Better to start before, some docs recommend using propecia for 12 months then get HT, which is great advise, and shows the doc has your best interests at heart as opposed to his bank balance.


    3. Brand is unimportant. Recomended dose is 1mg, you can take less, but beware many have temprary side effects that will go away, this is pretty normal, long term effects are rare, but yes there are horror stories online, but isn't there for practically everything.


    4. I don't know much about Acell.


    5. don't think it matters, best not to focus too much on the tools, more the technique,skill, results of the doctor, although i'm not a fan of neograts or motorised FUE.


    6. No idea


    Hope this helps

  2. "would have been nice to see the back of the head too though."


    Hi Petchski, Thanks, I appreciate the feedback! Not sure what you mean by this, though. Do you mean a close up of the back?


    Thanks Modern!


    Yes, but actually there is one there, so i don't know if you've edited the post to add an picture of the back of his head, or if i simply didn't notice the picture first time round.


    That was one bad scar, still visable but much improved. I'm thinking of getting smp in to my scar if i shave short in the future, instead of FUE grafts. It's good to see that there are choices out there. SMP, FUe into scar. You're doing good work from the pictures i've seen online :)

  3. What's Liposomal ATP?


    Looking good Esrec, scar looks like it will be thin too, i had the staples from Dr Feller, Hasson and Wong use them too, down to Dr preference.


    When you take them out make sure you soak in the bath first and rub along the staples, this gets rid of any scabs, which will be ready to fall off by then anyhow, makes taking them out so much easier.

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