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Posts posted by Petchski

  1. I don't think actually masterbating is a problem, i've done it, and i'm doing it now while typing one handed. i'm currently day 6 post op, but i bashed one out on day 4 no problems, it's more the exertion of actual real sex post op, which involves more than a one armed tugging motion.


    Most post op instructions say don't do any strenuous exercise and that covers sex.


    Jerk it with piece of mind that you are not harming your grafts.

  2. Thanks Petchski.... are these for the donor or recipient areas. or both ?


    I'm hoping to speed up the healing and growing process as much as possible. And minimize any problems with the donor scar especially prior to the stitches being removed.


    Both. I've read that vitamin c post op is good for healing, so i've bought some 1000mg tablets, and got some cayenne capsules to help with good blood circulation, along with some MSM to help speed up the hair growth as my head will be shaved for the procedure.


    There is also some kind of ATP spray that some clinics use to speed up healing, but you can't buy it privately, you have to be a doctor to get hold of it.

  3. "We tell patients that sexual activities in the first week would damage the transplanted hairs. This patient had sex or masturbated on the surgery date and grafts popped up and did not growth back since grafts live around 6 hours at most outside of body. The day after the surgery date he gave this information to us."


    lol first time hearing that, - and he told you that, 'oh i was beating the monkey and felt my grafts push out my scalp after an intense ejaculation, what do i do doc?'


    The patient has not been identified so it's not a breach of confidentiality, but it does all sound a bit neat and tidy way of dismissing bad results.


    I've also never known a clinic be so liberal with refunds...

  4. Should you take propecia? Answer: YES.


    Don't take notice right now of side effects of propecia, the nightmare stories are very rare, especially in comparison to the people having no problems or minor temporary sides.


    There is no way of knowing how you will respond, but 80% of people who take the drug cease balding, some get moderate regrowth, some get decent regrowth, but it mainly maintains what you have.

  5. Thanks HTsoon. I got that sense when reading around on Fellers website (but having said that, i also got the same feel on Rahal and Shapiro's too!)


    When you guys refer to Shaprio, is that Ron or Paul?


    My next deciding factor will be clarifying who uses manual extraction and has the more hands on approach (vs. use of their technicians).


    appreciate all the replies so far! - preaching to the choir i know, but hair loss can be a very depressing and lonely time.. really glad i joined HRN!


    Ron is the better of the two

  6. Stick to what it says on the label. Use 3 times a week for 1 month then 1x a week thereafter, any more and you may cause yourself problems...but saying that you will probably be ok, up to you if you want to risk it.


    Nizoral seems to be the only shampoo that really works for me when it comes to dandruff.


    I take it you wash your hair everyday? Could you not change to every other day and see how that works out

  7. [Petchski] I really appreciate your input on this matter. But you forgot important things. The thread's title is "FUT 2300 grafts - 8.5 months." But this thread was started 4.5 months ago. I actually met the doctor for 1 year checkup as I said. This is my 13th month. I don't think you actually read my posts well. And did you read that the doctor didn't touch my hair at all during that 12 months checkup? And do you think the blame game isn't going to change anything? I am sharing my experience here for people to know. And if you think doctors can get away with this, I don't know what to say to you.

    Maybe you didn't read my new post I shared yesterday at all, and you just read my post written 4.5 months ago.


    I have read all the thread, although not in one sitting and re reading it before replying probably would have helped me get more of the details correct, but lets not get too hung up on that, fair enough, you are at 13 months post op now, my HT did continue to improve over 18 months so my point still stands that your HT could still improve a little.


    I did mention in my previous reply that "You would expect that he would have taken a good look at your hair when evaluating the success of the HT", so you see that it is easy to overlook comments made.


    Sharing your experience here is important to help others, no doubt. What are you going to do from here? Start propecia? Get another HT?>


    Minoxidil is a great regrowth agent, and also boosts the amount of hair growing on your head by taking hair out of the dormant phase, but it does not tackle the underlying root cause of MPB, DHT, which miniaturizes the follicle over time.


    If propecia gives you sides, you could try saw palmetto, which also reduces DHT, although not as well, but if you're sensitive to DHT inhibitors then even that may give you minor sides.

  8. I can understand your logic in not taking propecia, but i don't agree with it, and it hasn't really worked out either as now you don't know if it would have helped keep the native hair if you have indeed progressed with your hairloss, and your Dr can now point to that as a reason for the result not meeting your expectations, for good or ill.


    Propecia also helps with native hair shock loss, so you really should have taken it first...nevertheless, i find it quite hard to tell if all the grafts he transplanted did grow or not, i think the only way you can find that out is to find out how many grafts he transplanted per cm2 and then get another HT doc to assess how many of the grafts grew.


    You would expect that he would have taken a good look at your hair when evaluating the success of the HT, but it is still your decision to go through with the surgery without prevention medicine as you put it, and you shouldn't put that decison in the doctors hands, it's your decision to make.


    Playing the blame game now isn't going to change anything, your HT will still improve after 8.5 months, probably not enough to make you happy with the result, but you stated the doc said all the grafts grew, so he is not going to offer a refund or anything, wait until 12 months post op and then see where you want to go from there.

  9. Would have made more sense to post your own thread about your results if you didn't create your account here just to reply to this specific thread.


    It seems Dr Doganay has really taken his foot off the peddle since your HT, but hey, you're ok bro, what about Paleo's experience and the poor results that have been surfacing since?


    If the Dr is barely present for any of the HT and doesn't even do the implanting then what are the patients actually paying for? Might as well go to Bosley or some Harley Street HT mill, at least they have a doctor carrying out the procedure.


    The only way the clinic can recover from this is changing back to the way it was with the doctor playing an active role in the procedure, as patients have been led to believe happens, and even then you now have this black mark next to your name since standards have fallen.

  10. I would not call this a failed HT, and it is your responsibility to sort yourself out with propecia, saying that, if he told you to wait after the HT i don't agree with that. I think he should have done more grafts, but it is not unreasonable to suggest you lost native hair through continuation of the balding process, and/or shock loss.


    You are better off now than you were pre op, but obviosly for you this was not the experience/result you were looking for.

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