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Everything posted by JDilla

  1. It‘s been exactly a year now and I‘d like to share the update. I‘m feeling great every day and having my hair back gives so much confidence! Even though the crown is not where I‘d wish it would be I think the results are phenomenal and I feel like a totally new person (okay losing 12kg in the process by picking up sports again probably also did it’s fair share 😉) As of now I‘m not considering going for a second one to fill up the back. In case I need another HT in a few years I might reconsider this.
  2. 9 month update here (skipped 8, due to holidays and no big change) the front is perfect in my opinion. For the crown I hope it‘ll thicken up a bit more, with shorter hair the skull is still very visible, longer hair can cover it a little. I guess difficult to estimate, but the ones here who have seen many journeys: How much more do you think the crown will thicken up? Will I get complete coverage or will I have to live with a translucent crown?
  3. I’m super happy how it turned out and it gives you a whole different feeling about yourself. The result even inspired a friend to go and get it done as well. So no regrets whatsoever, only that I didn’t do it earlier. I don’t think I could have done anything differently…. Only thing is I picked some pimples every now and then which I know I shouldn’t have done but it all healed up perfectly.
  4. 7 month update incoming Everything seems to be thickening up. Especially the crown made a jump over the last couple of weeks I’m also getting happier & happier with how natural the front looks. With this journey I became much more observant of people’s hairlines and I noticed many unnatural looking hairlines out there…
  5. The comparison is pretty cool! I know I‘m not even halfway through. It’s just I‘m very spoiled with how quickly the front grew, which creates unrealistic expectations.
  6. Month 6 update Pretty happy with the front! If this would be the final result I’d consider this a win already The back is unfortunately stagnating/very slowly developing… but hey, there’s still 6-12 months for the crown to grow before making a final assessment.
  7. Another month has passed, so this is the month 5 update. Growth is clearly visible, density is getting much better already and people are complementing on how much fresher I look. Especially the front which was originally no big concern to me looks so good! The crown is much slower and depending on the angle I take the picture it looks more or less dense. Only concern I have is, that for the last 2-3 weeks I’ve been getting some pimples. First in the crown, now also in the hairline. I assume it’s ingrown hair, so I’m putting warm packs on them every now and then, but if anyone has other tips on what to do, please let me know.
  8. I paid 9.000€ for the procedure.
  9. Thanks for your kind words & reassurance 🙂 Just to add, maybe that makes a difference, I‘ve been taking Biotin & MSM pills for the last 3 months and I‘ve been noticing an improvement on my hair structure.
  10. So this is the month 4 update. Looking at the previous pictures there has been a good jump in the temples, crown seems to have slowed down. But it really depends on the angle and lightning. My right temple is also growing slower than the left one, so I changed my hairstyle to temporarily ‚cover‘ this up. I also believe that the minoxidil (which I only started after the procedure) has a positive impact on the midscalp which hasn‘t gotten any work. Compared to the pre-OP pictures it looks much denser even with a short cut. Bottom line: For 4 month I got a solid result and it feels already much better!
  11. Day & Night! Looks like two different people! Congrats on those results. I also went to her and I’m in month 4 now, when I see this I’m getting really excited!!!
  12. This is the three month mark. Still very happy with the progress and excited for month 4. Hoping for some serious growth now.
  13. This is 10 days after the transplant
  14. This is the 2.5 month update. The growth in the crown seems to have really started. The temples are slowly starting to grow from back inwards. I’m using Minoxidil 2x per day in all transplanted areas. I’m super happy with the result at this point.
  15. Honesty, I didn’t really notice with the crown & temples that were so far along. Those areas were really my focus. We also went pretty much to the limit of grafts she felt comfortable transplanting in one session. During the online consultations she even said I will need two sessions for crown & temples, but once she saw me in person she said that one session will be enough. I think with the density in the hairline the thinning midscalp won’t be noticeable. Apparently I still have about 2-3k grafts in my donor left so I have some backup for the future.
  16. In Jan 2023 I went to Dr. Bicer after several years of considering a hair transplant and getting overwhelmed many times by the research needed. This Forum helped me a lot in finding the right surgeon. I’m not going into detail about the procedure, since it has been written about many times. Bottom line I felt very reassured by Dr. Bicer and her translator Aydin. They were both there for several consultations before I traveled to Turkey and calmed me down the day of. also now after the operation, whenever I had a question they quickly answered or jumped on a video call with me. I’m really excited for the next weeks & months to come to see some progress. Right now I’m in week 9 and hope that I can start seeing some first hair soon. Date: 21.01.2023 Duration: ca. 11h incl break 3800 FUE grafts micromotor ca. 1600 Crown ca. 2200 Hairline Medication: Finasterid 0.5mg daily (started 1.5 month before HT) Minoxidil 5% twice a day (started 1 month after HT) before directly after the Transplant 1 Week 2 weeks 1 Month 2 Months It seems like I definitely need a haircut soon, I’m trying to wait until month 3 though. Let me know what you think!
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