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Posts posted by SoonToBeThomasShelby

  1. I am about 90 days post op. I am really worried about my scalp in the transplanted area and the resulting hairs. The temples are covered in a thick crust. It doesn't burn or itch, but it's like crusted over. I can't tell what the heck it is. Whenever I try to google anything, I just get sebhorric dermatitis, but I've never had that before. You can see in my previous photos that I didn't have any crusting. Can a hair transplant cause me to get dermatitis? Whenever i try to massage the scabs off in the shower, gobs of hair come out with the scabs. Should I just shave my head and clean off all the scabs and let the hair grow again?

    I can't even take a good picture of what it looks like, with my hair being black the scabs just end up looking like blurry hair.

    Has anyone else suffered with this?

  2. 8 hours ago, 1028 said:

    I got a transplant with Nader about a month before you so I’m a few weeks ahead. I did experience a weird texture on the transplanted skin which only went way within the last 2-3 weeks. 

    RE your dermarolling comment: I’m 3 months in now and I cannot imagine dermarolling anywhere near the transplanted hair right now. Seems like it would be very painful and counterintuitive while it’s healing. 

    That said, everything looks great from your pics so far! You have a lot to look forward to in the next few months. 

    Looking forward to your next update. Did you do or apply anything to your scalp to help with the scalp texture? Did you have dandruff in the area too? I wonder if it's cuz I have been applying coconut oil and rosemary oil once a week. 


    And yeah you're right re: dermarolling. Def won't be doing that anytime soon. Maybe at like the 6 month mark

  3. 8 week update:
    Hair has shed, but not all of it, still a significant amount remains and has grown.

    The skin under in the transplanted area is really flakey and feels almost scabby again. Can't tell if it's dandruff or what. I didn't really have a major dandruff issue before the transplant. Anyone else experience new flakiness in that area?



  4.   I was hoping to be posting with more excitement, but feeling a bit concerned after seeing the pattern of my grafts. I had a surgery a couple weeks ago with Dr Luis Nader in Reynosa Mexico where he implanted 1,661 in my temples and hairline to fix my receded hairline. I went with Nader because I couldn't find a single bad review on any forum and because I live in Texas. Scheduling was a breeze and I got on his calendar 2 months prior to the surgery, and I was super grateful for the quick turnaround because I know he's super busy and sometimes hard to reach. My experience with Nader was and has been great, he's extremely responsive and is there for you after your surgery to answer any questions and to keep tabs on your progress. He even gives you his phone number to text which he responds promptly to.

      My issue is, there's a noticeable gap between my implanted hairs and my old hairline on my left temple. I am well familiar with the shedding phase and shock loss, but this gap became noticeable just 3 days post surgery. And given the pattern of implantation, the gap makes sense. The fact is:

    1. My left temple was more receded and thinner than the right temple to begin with.

    2. The grafts on my left side don't go as far back as the grafts on my right side and there's a gap in the center left portion.

      Double whammy. What do you all think of the gap? Will it be cosmetically noticable when hair grows in? I wanted to be able to wear my hair buzzed or long with no issue and not have to worry about covering a gap. 

    Left: My origin hairline, as you can see, I'm thinner and more receded on the left to begin with. Right: The graft pattern the morning after the surgery



    2.5 days post op:


    6 days post op:


    6 days post OP birds eye view:


    11 days post OP:


    I love my hairline design, the right side looks phenomenal, and I would still recommend Dr Nader, but I'm feeling pretty bummed overall. Dr. Nader has been very responsive and has reassured me that he'd fill in the gap for little or no cost if the issue is still there after regrowth, but he wants to give it some time to see how things fill in before making a judgement.

    Even though Nader is wonderful, frankly I'm a little upset by the situation when it's kind of obvious (at least to me) that it'll need filling in. My whole goal was to get it right in one surgery and to see results in 8 months, which I feel like is a very reasonable expectation given that I was like a NW2.5/3. Not to have to get a repair job and have to wait 20 months to really get my hair back.

    What do you all think? Are my concerns misplaced? Would love to hear that I'm overreacting and this will be fine lol

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