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Everything posted by needmyhairback

  1. Sorry to hear there is not much improvement. What's your plan now? Touch up with a different doctor?
  2. Thanks for the update. I agree this is disappointing for month 7. I understand the frustration when you still have to use styling tricks to cover your baldness, but to stay positive I think now it takes much less effort to cover your baldness than before the procedure, doesn't it? Don't lose your hope yet. It can still improve in the coming months. I am curious what the clinic would say other than please wait for the 1 year result.
  3. Any noticeable improvement yet? Do you plan to contact the clinic? At this point they can only tell you to wait until 12 months
  4. I have read several cases from SMG and looks like they make incisions the day before for large cases, above 2000 grafts I guess. Don't know how that impacts the outcome.
  5. Looks like you still have many baby hairs. When they mature it will look better.
  6. I think you do look better than before the surgery. But I also expect a much better result given the reputation of the clinic and the number of grafts you got. I understand your frustration when you have done your research and went to one of the best clinic in the world and still get a subpar result. Hopefully you are a slow grower and we will see more growth soon.
  7. To be honest the corner angle is too sharp for my taste. But may be it looks better when hairs grow.
  8. I understand your frustration, but don't worry, I see it is getting better each month. I think next month update we will see a big improvement.
  9. wow you got this density just after 4 months, this looks amazing! May I ask which clinic you went to?
  10. Hi everyone! I see some doctors performs the extraction themselves and have the techs do the placement, while some others do the placement and let the techs do the extraction. I am wondering which step is more important to the results and requires doctor's skills. To me it seems like placement is more critical to the results, but apparently many top doctors let their techs do that. Should I choose a doctor based on whether he/she performs placement or extraction himself/herself?
  11. Dr. Dorin is on the conservative side, which I think is better for the long term. From the photo the density looks decent. Please keep us posted.
  12. Looks good! Do you know the density of the hairline? And may I ask how much per graft did he charge?
  13. I am wondering how any hair transplant surgeons do the graft counting? Do they count one by one as they extract the grafts? That would be easy to miscount.
  14. @Balding Bad may I ask why you don't consider NYC doctors like True Dorin? It would be much easier for you to drive there.
  15. I have this same concern. I am not much worried about people looking at me, I am more worried about sun exposure if I don't wear a cap. But if I wear a cap or a bandana, it may damage the grafts. Any advice please!
  16. Looks like more hairs are coming up. How is the bald spot in your donor area? One question, did Dr. Josephitis use a motorised device for extraction?
  17. I am more or less NW2 and Dr. Konior also quoted 2000 grafts. 😅
  18. Left side looks good but right side looks thin. Have you talked to the doctors about the low density on the right side?
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