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Everything posted by takuma

  1. One thought i had is possibly the new hair that's forming after verteporfin is not dht sensitive to the degree that miniaturized hairs are or If thick robust hairs form after verteporfin to the scalp then you can essentially get all ur hair back without a transplant, sure dht will keep attacking those follicles but that could be a slow process, and if it works then you can just repeat the treatment when the follicles miniaturize again, and it also helps for future drugs that might come out to maintain those results. Plus it would save you from traumatizing the scalp over and over by extracting follicles from the donor and applying verteporfin and then coming back after the Donor has recovered and doing it again and repeating till u have full coverage. If wounding the recipient area can take you to full coverage again then why not do it that way.
  2. Yeah, that would be good, But I think it would be better if followed the same format as this trial. He could have a control section and three or more test sections which he might need to find a way to mark so that they can be identified througout the trial because I'm assuming he would be trying different doses and concentrations. It might be good to also test it in the recipient area and see if new hair sprouts after wounding the area and applying verteporfin after closing the wound.
  3. Unfortunately we don't know if any hair grew back at all. I think we will need another study to be done with specific markings/ tattoos where follicles have been extracted to know if verteporfin is growing back any donor hairs at all, because it's hard to tell just looking at the scalp directly without any markings.
  4. @DrTBarghouthi Dr. Barghouthi is it possible that you can take a picture of the full scalp again like you did at the very beginning of the trial immediately after extracting the hair follicles and applying the verteporfin to the test areas, so we can see if the growth is visible from distance. And so we can also see the scars on the control sections and the test sections and see what the improvement is in the test sections. It might give a better idea of the amount of regrowth and scarring in the different test areas where verteporfin was used in doses 0.25, 0.32, and 0.4 vs the control
  5. Has Dr Bloxham, updated on this Fox? Has he acquired the verteporfin for the trial?
  6. I'm a little confused then why verteporfin is growing hairs, because not all skin has hair...for example forehead skin is without hair and there are parts of our bodies with skin but no hair. So why would hair follicles be a natural by-product of normal skin formation if that's the case.
  7. If we are seeing full regeneration, then that could possibly mean that anyone can get their full donor back also by wounding previous fue scars and applying verteporfin to allow functional normal skin to grow in it's place, as underneath the fue scarred skin may lay dormant dht resistant hair follicles that are blocked from sprouting back from underneath the dermis due to scar formations. It may be that the only thing that was stopping hair follicles from growing back after an extraction was the formation of scar tissue where the follicles were extracted...
  8. Hello Dr. Barghouthi, Have you received the pathology report and biopsy results back, do you expect to recipe them today or when?
  9. I am wondering about something, why do injection only, why not try smearing the verteporfin across the whole test site as well. Dr Barghouthi is currently injecting the donor site after extracting the follicles with verteporfin, i wonder if just applying verteporfin topically over the site is enough to regenerate the hairs, and could possibly lead to greater growth/ regeneration of the donor area if not full regrowth.
  10. That's interesting, the possibility of not needing to do a hair transplant just injecting verteporfin after wounding bald areas of the scalp or thinning areas. That could come in handy for thin sides and thin back of head also.. Wounding the area and applying verteporfin if that were to grow back new hair that would be the endgame for baldness as we know it.
  11. I think it will work for that... because the primary focus of the pig study was to promote healing without scarring and those wounds were deep, so if they just excise it and then apply verteporfin i think it should work...but God i hope it works for hair too because im completely thinned out on top and even though i haven't had a hair transplant my donor hair is already weak. My dad went bald fast and now he barely has any hair at all in the back and the sides too and obviously on top...i think we got the most aggressive balding genetics ever.... Verteporfin regrowing hair after extraction would be a lifesaver.
  12. Hello Dr Barghouthi, i have a question, do you plan to use a temporary tattoo marking on the extraction sites so that you can keep track where the hairs are regrowing after applying verteporfin?
  13. Hi guys, I'm new here, i have a question do you guys think if verteporfin grows hair back, that we will be able to have 8k+ grafts per session for HT to get a Norwood 7 to a Norwood 0? Because the donor hair should all grow back and then you have another transplant and in 2-4 sessions you should be able to have full coverage even on a slick bald head. Especially if you have low donor hair count/ weak donor.
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