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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Saw it listed on his website. He did a terrific job on my FUT about a year ago. Excellent coverage of my frontal two-thirds, pencil thin scar. No complaints. Starting to think about getting the crown done now. I have a very thick donor thats untouched outside my fut strip. I had initially planned on just getting another FUT, but now debating. If I decide that I’d prefer FUE, I’d prefer him to do it over going to a new doc….but trying to find some assurance that he’s got the FUE experience to match match his FUT skills.
  2. Anyone ever had FUE done by him or seen case results? I know he’s excellent for FUT, but never heard much about his FUE cases. Thanks
  3. I have read several threads on this, including discussion of this study and find it so interesting how the advice varies so greatly between surgeons. Dr. Bloxham is adamant about starting to shower and gently wash the area by hand with shampoo on day 4. Others say don’t touch it for two weeks.
  4. Mine gradually faded, but redness was noticeable for about 2.5 months
  5. Thank you. During an FUE, is a doctor able to specifically harvest only triples and quads?
  6. Do surgeons preferentially take multi hair, coarser, grafts when doing FUE on crown as opposed to hairline work? Is there much use for the fine singles like a hair line work on the crown? I ask this as someone who has had a very successful FUT with solid coverage of hairline and mid scalp, as well as excellent healing of the scar with no scar visibility with a 3 guard over the scar and low fade below it. I would really have zero problem getting another FUT for my crown, but was wondering if the finer singles and doubles obtained from the mix of hairs via strip are unnecessary and preferentially taking perhaps even a smaller number of coarse multi hair grafts via FUE would be a good plan? Overall, possibly less grafts needed to be harvested in the scenario with fue to get good coverage of the crown.
  7. Related question that has been on my mind: Let’s say one had a big FUT for the first transplant with ideal coverage of hairline and mid scalp and excellent healing of the scar. On the second procedure for crown, would it make sense to go FUE specifically because multi hair, larger, thicker grafts can be preferentially taken? I would guess not much use for the fine singles in the crown? Whereas, if second one was a strip, would most certainly have mix of singles doubles, etc.
  8. Do you think it would be fair to say that the shift towards majority FUE is a balance/mixture of advancement in technique/equipment, and also partially due to what majority of the patients want? Ie Balancing the science with the business.
  9. I thought the practice, with Dr. Bloxham operating, is highly regarded with excellent results (largely FUT)?
  10. Hair transplant was 2.5 months ago. Starting to see a few new hairs sprouting through my scalp in the hairline, which is very exciting. I was just about to start a low carb diet to lose weight, which I had done it very successfully years ago. Out of curiosity, I did a quick Google search on this diet and hair growth, and I’m reading about some potential negative affects. Some saying it is specific to low carb diet itself, some just due to calorie restriction. Thinking about scrapping any idea of losing weight right now and just eating overall healthy/balanced. Any thoughts from those more knowledgeable? Thanks.
  11. Thank you. That is my understanding of the transplanted grafts, I’m referring to the new “baby” hairs that start growing about month 3.
  12. Im at week ten. Most grafts shed weeks 2-4. Seeing new small hairs growing out of my scalp in the hairline since week 8, which is very cool, and I know a bit sooner than average. More appear every few days. How fragile are they? Susceptible to being broken off with wearing a hat, massaging in shampoo etc? I ask because Ive been using gentle skin wipes, neutrogena, 2 times a day last month to keep it clean and combat the pimples that have been cropping up. 1 every 3-4 days. I have been noticing some short fine hairs on the wipes that look like the new growth. Im not rubbing the area aggressively. Thoughts? Thanks!
  13. Dr. Rahal: Thank you very much for the detailed reply! If concealer makes it look better, are there any concerns regarding negative consequences for hair growth? I have found it to make a tremendous difference on my hairline, which is still red about two months out and most grafts shed several weeks ago. I remove it ASAP after work and don’t wear it when I can otherwise just wear a hat. I searched extensively for people discussing this previously on the forum and on Google, but didn’t find much.
  14. Is there anything wrong with using some concealer/makeup on the scalp?
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