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  1. @gillenator, thank you! looking into Luminess. I think this is what I need
  2. thanks @New_Barnet_Please, really appreciate the thoughts. I suppose I don't mind the redness as much as I do scabbing. I'm just hoping that it won't be super obvious and hopefully some of my hairs will grow out to cover the area to make the redness less noticeable. you mentioned a thread to see results post 1 month. do you mind linking that for me? thank you!
  3. also, any tips for concealing the donor area after the procedure would be appreciated as well
  4. Hello, I'll be going for a hair transplant procedure in the month of May. I've booked about 2.5 weeks vacation from my job, but what i'm worried about is the procedure results being obvious when I get back to work. I work in a customer facing environment so wearing a cap unfortunately is out of the question. Will 2 weeks be enough for some hair to cover the donor area? are there any products I can use to conceal the redness on my scalp after the procedure? For those that have gone through the procedure and had to cover up for work, how did you go about doing so? Any advice would be appreciated!
  5. did some brief research on this. do you mean Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong? his work looks pretty amazing and I might consider using this clinic after some more research. thanks for the info!
  6. yeah, it looks like the risk of transection is greater among Asians since the hair follicles are longer
  7. wow, this is really great analysis. after doing some research it looks like this checks out.
  8. I'm new to the forum so not sure how to do direct replies yet, but @NARMAK, thanks for the advice. I've read that Asian hair is typically thinner than Caucasian hair making it more difficult to get dense hair transplants, or the same hair density results. Hoping that you're right and the differences are minor though.
  9. I've done a bit of research which may have not been too comprehensive, but my criteria for selecting HLC (or favoring them for now) would be the overall rating, before and after results that I've seen, price, and distance to travel. I'm based in NYC and the prices I'm seeing contrast to the results don't really seem worth it here. From reading the overall feedback at different clinics, it seems pretty hit or miss which I don't really want to take a chance on. Of course the only criteria that HLC wouldn't satisfy would be the distance to travel which I'd be willing to forgo for quality. Would there be other clinics that are better overall? Again, I haven't been too comprehensive in my research so I'm really all ears on this. Thanks.
  10. Hi all, after doing some research, I'm leaning towards getting a hair transplant with HLC in the near future. I've heard that hair transplants are different and harder to do for those of Asian descent though. Have any Asians here had a hair transplant at HLC and how did it go? Would you recommend it?
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