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Rafael Manelli

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Posts posted by Rafael Manelli

  1. 25 minutes ago, Pubichair said:

    You can't be serious right? Check the first page for the before pictures, it was really horrible, so unnatural! 

    It's definitely not a result I'd be satisfied with, but I think some photos are more flattering than others. It wasn't so bad that it couldn't be fixed and it seemed to grow with decent yield.

    Certainly much better now.

    Great username by the way. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, HairEnthusiast101 said:

    Is Proscar any less effective since you cut it up I assume it loses its value? Also if you cut it 4 ways and take one a day then parts of that cut up pill are just sitting waiting to be used. So I wonder if that impacts effectiveness since it isn’t a whole pill waiting to be taken

    You cut it up because it's bigger 

    It's okay and people have been doing it for decades  

    • Like 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, UnfortunatePatient said:

    I think it is not even about the FUT it self. Even though they did absolutely horrendous work with the scar. The minigraft is just soo outdated and wrong approach. I feel like this field should be strictly regulated.

    I don't think their problem is just minigrafts. Some doctors eg Dr Beehner I believe still use them in some cases. 

    The problem is broader than that with these guys. Multi blade scalpels, lack of microscope usage, poor yield... 

  4. 43 minutes ago, mavigo said:

    @Rafael Manelli Yeah it's a huge draw back and I never should've gone the FUT route. But I never really cut my hair short but basically now I can't cut my hair short even if I started wanting to. However, to me it's counter intuitive to get a transplant and wear your hair shot. Long hair doesn't look good on balding, so if I get a second chance at hair, I'm going to grow it long. 

    It always gets me when guys with no hair loss buzz their hair. If you're lucky enough to wear it long, then I'd take advantage but that's just me. 

    @UnfortunatePatient There's no regulation in this field and no bans on outdated procedures. It's buyer beware. It's scary places like this are out there because once you get chopped, you're chopped. You have a huge scar on the back of your head that prevents you from wearing short hair. FUT really should be the extreme last resort. 

    I think your problems are more to do with Dr Holt being shoddy than FUT as a method 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Mike10 said:


    Generally hair loss will progress even with medication in the long run. will one reach his destined NW status despite medication? we do not know. The HT  has not been around for that long. there is not that much long term experience. 

    There is also no such thing as a safe donor. For person destined to higher NWs, it is best to get on medication to preserve the donor

    HT has been around for decades now.

  6. 2 hours ago, mavigo said:

    @Rafael Manelli What it does do is limit your hairstyle options significantly. Strip surgery is very short sighted, it assumes you'll wear your hair long for the rest of your life.

    That dude probably realizes it now as I watched a more recent video of that couple had he had his hair short and you can see the scar right through it. 

    You do need some length if you get a strip 

    You should expect to wear it at least a centimeter at the back

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/21/2020 at 7:55 PM, 1978matt said:

    I think it's just a meme and they can both work on parts of the scalp equally as well as one another.  I'd be a bit worried if one of them couldn't do a good crown/hairline having practiced for 30 years!!

    “It’s just a meme” could apply to a lot of gimmicky hair transplant doc reputations

  8. 6 minutes ago, mavigo said:

    @Rafael Manelli I had to intensely google minigrafting to understand:

    https://www.seagerhairtransplant.com/hair-transplantation/historical-developments/older-methods/#:~:text=Mini grafts are generally prepared,needle%2C or a similar device.

    Why is this ancient method still being used? Someone on this forum went to Natural Transplants and then had to get a repair from H&W

    It saves time and supposedly gives better density. You can be the judge of that. 

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