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Posts posted by Jonathan

  1. 1 hour ago, DrTBarghouthi said:

    We will potentially have 2-3 FUT trials in May hopefully. One is a new FUT procedure and one is a revision. These will be done in other clinics with some colleagues (will mention who once they’re happy for me to do so). I will probably travel there to share what I know so far during their trial. Will keep you updated ofcourse. 

    This is what I’m talking about, this guy is spearheading this, with a lot of his own money, time, and contacts. Thank you Dr Barghouthi, know you mean the world of a difference for hair loss suffers all across the world. 

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  2. On 4/20/2023 at 5:27 AM, disvoltage said:

    Thank you for all your efforts so far Dr. Barghouthi, your contribution in this research is priceless. Also, thank you Melvin for all the necessary arrangements for the publicity of this topic.

    Just a thought from my side, given that you will continue the trials with other dosages, it would be interesting to see if this medicine works for scars too. I know this thread is focused on hair restoration but I believe that if scar-free healing results are published then lots of doctors will jump in to contribute to this research. The world has not yet seen any official results of scar free healing in humans.

    Specifically, you could make some small incisions (i.e. 4-5 mm) in an part of the patient's body that is not easy to see (i.e. the inner side of the thighs) and create a test site as well as a control site, similarly to what has been done so far. Even if it doesn't work, these small scars will not be visible. 

    If I were the patient I would happily agree to this test, even if anyone happened to see these small scars I would honorably say that I contributed to one of the most groundbreaking researches of our time - and who knows it might as well work.

    I have trouble believing that even if this happened people would truly care enough to start their own trails unless it’s a big company that can form it’s own product and sell it. Dr Barghouthi proved to at least lower scarring and even regrowth of some hair and nobody in those fields (that I know of) bat an eye. I wish they would look at what he’s currently doing and trail it for themselves in whichever way they want rather than depending on a hair transplant surgeon to go out of his way and do their jobs for them. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, alopeciaphobia said:

    We can calculate how many follicles we'd expect. The surface area of a 4mm diameter circle is: 4 * pi = 12.5mm². Thats 0.125 cm². A cm² of healthy scalp has about 85 follicular units with 2.3 hairs per unit on average. So if taken from a healthy scalp, a 4mm biopsy would be expected to have 85*0.125 = 11 follicular units or 85*2.3*0.125 = 25 hairs.

    But that doesn't add up. In the sample with 5 hairs, it's very unlikely that the Dr removed 20 out of the expected 25 hairs.

    Of course, the donor area can also thin (slightly), the biopsy may have transected a bunch of hairs, or the pathologist may have counted follicular units rather than hairs... Or maybe my math is off?

    I don’t think your math is wrong, the part that might be wrong is a “healthy scalp has X amount of hairs” I don’t think that matters, we should be comparing this exact patients results. I think it’s most likely the pathologist counted units rather than hairs. 

  4. 6 hours ago, alopeciaphobia said:

    Folks, Dr. Barghouthi said the biopsies were 4mm punches. To put that into perspective, for FUE, the most common punch size is 0.8-0.9mm. So it's very much expected to have mutiple hairs left over after FUE in that biopsy.

    So now the question would be how many hairs does this patient have on average in a 4mm site. If 10 then the regrowth rate would be 100% if 15 then 50% regrowth right? Or am I missing something?

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