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Posts posted by abrorkhasanov

  1. 4 hours ago, Zoomster said:

    Hey looking well mate …you won’t go wrong with either avocado oil or organic aloe Vera gel to help sooth and assist donor recovery ..no point judging a donor site recovery until at least 3 months in my opinion. ..you’ll cause yourself needless angst evaluating donor before this time ..something I’ve been guilty of also .

    good luck with everything..

    Mate!! You're one of the reasons why I event went with Eugenix haha, I am hoping getting at least partially to your level.

    Noted on the oils, since you and Gatsby mentioned it, I might indeed add it to the protocol.

    And yes, I stopped overall evaluating anything for now, after few bad days of being worried about god damn bulbs on a hair, I had to take a step back and take a minute, so now I'm just taking vitamins, doing my topicals and letting life take it's course!

    Your results are amazing though! Congratulations!!

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Zinedine said:

    Love to see Eugenix taking on these amazing adventures as your case is really challenging ... So far all looks really good... now it's time to be patient... keep bringing those updates... thanks for sharing : )

    Thanks mate! Yes, my case not the easiest one for sure, that is why I went with Eugenix, but time will tell if I made the right choice haha, so far staying positive and optimistic.

  3. On 2/9/2023 at 2:19 AM, Gatsby said:

    For the donor after my first procedure (and maybe even for my current one) I sued avocado oil. I found it to be very soothing for the donor area. It's a game of patience now (I'm at two weeks post op). The best really is to keep yourself busy. I work crazy hours (60-70 hours a week) and it helps to keep the focus of the hair (and helps pay for it too 😉). Wishing you all the best @abrorkhasanov! 👍

    Thanks for the tip, I might add it to the protocol, also added some warm compresses and my friend suggest Bepanthen cream for children, he used on his donor, so currently using that! Otherwise, I have indeed started to just keep myself busy and letting things take their own course, as I had to stop myself overthinking it all, which was so unhealthy.

    Your results look absolutely stunning though, so happy for you man!

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 2/8/2023 at 11:23 PM, Reecee said:

    You had yours done same place and almost same day as me - and our progress has been almost identical. I've also had a bit of shedding the last few days having held on to it until then. I'm not sure about the bulbs, I haven't lost any as far as I've noticed. Hopefully someone else will chip in regarding that

    Oh really? How's your recovery going? Wishing you well on it mate!

  5. Hi everyone! 

    It's been exactly 4 weeks since my surgery, so wanted to add another update!

    Firstly, thank you for commentary and positive feedback + outlook, as always they are much appreciated!

    Secondly, I probably should have shut up about barely shedding haha, because since my post, the shedding has increase and oh boy am I shedding. For obvious reason, I was almost immediately concerned since it came incredibly fast, so I took pictures and sent to @Eugenix Hair Sciences, but they have said that everything is looking normal and as it should be, which put it me at easy, so as always shoutout to the them for prompt response and support!

    So as it stands now, I have lost/shed a good chunk of hair, I have slight concerns on the hairline as some of the hair that fell out, I can only see red bump and no hair in it as it was before (plus overall now the redness is more visual) and some of the hair the fell was with bulbs, but I am not sure if that's ok (attaching pictures for an opinion lol) the clinic said that is completely fine.

    I am unfortunately getting some folliculitis in the crown area, but I presume that is due to beard grafts mixed in. 

    Also funny enough, whilst I was taking a picture, literally I saw 1 hair break from my temple and just leave a red spot, which was new for me, so I presume that it was not a shed and that unfortunately it did not stay there.

    Either way, this is how everything stands atm, all pictures below, I will buzz hair my donor hair again today as don't like as right side look fairly sparse.

    P.S. Apart from 1 picture, all other ones are now with an additional light (which I installed specifically to be able to get more accurate pictures)

    P.S.s. I believe that my onset of increased shedding due to topical finasteride properly kicking in, I am doing it eod, so hopefully it will stabilise.

    Let me know what you guys think!

    Top view.jpg


    Hair Line Close-Up.jpg

    Left side.jpg

    Right side.jpg

    Right Temple.jpg


    no light.jpgimage.thumb.jpeg.c0723a6a30234e0ce8063cf6b0b6e245.jpeg

  6. Day 21 update: uploading same time as per @Eugenix Hair Sciences request to keep equal records on all fronts haha

    Shedding just slightly started, growth is certainly going, in the front the most as that’s where more grafts are, I presume.

    Temples are fascinating, as the left temple shed a lot, whilst the right one staying strong.

    Crown still looks okay to me.

    Donor zone: still recovering actually, but looking better and I made a decision to trim it with a machine and fortunately so far looks good to me!

    That’s it for now! Let me know what you guys think!











    • Like 2
  7. Day 10 Update:

    After early panic of scabs not going away, they are fortunately now are all gone. (Greatly appreciate @Berba11for the gauge tip, that worked beautifully)

    Transplanted hair looks great, fingers crossed they will grow in equally nice.

    Donor zone has recovered from perspective of pain and redness at least, however, it's looking fairly sparse, I was obviously aware that should have been expected with how poor my zone was, but can I it will fill in a bit later on (hope oral minox and fin help with that a bit also)

    Apart from that very happy with the progress, will most definitely shave the back with a guard as soon as I can lol.









    • Like 4
  8. 28 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    Bit of a mix. Wet the gauze & froth it up with some baby shampoo and apply to the recipient area. Then keep spraying it to keep it wet and just let it all soak in. 

    After a good 30 mins or so of doing that, things will soften up and you’ll be able to use the gauze to massage the scabs. They might not all come off, but you’ll find you dont have to be quite a gentle as you think. Some hairs will break off - that’s fine, they’re going to shed - the graft is fully anchored and secure. If you’re still not having any luck then you’re probably being too gentle, which is also pretty common!

    Understood, will do it today, might be not enough moisture when doing the soaking! Much appreciate the advise.

    Honestly just feeling nervous, because everything was looking super good up until this moment lol

  9. 9 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    All looks completely fine and normal mate. 

    Most people are always very cautious with the scab removal on the first attempt, and therefore usually don’t get very far!

    What I did is soak a load of gauze, place it over the recipient area and continue to wet it. Leave it like that for a good 20-30 minutes plus and keep topping up with moisture. It will allow the moisture to soften up the scabbing and they will come off much easier. But there’s no major rush. Ultimately the scabs will go when they’re ready, which can often be longer than 7 days. 

    But there’s no reason to be concerned - I have photos from the same stage that look exactly like what you have. 

    So did you use the gauze before the shampoo or with the shampoo? I will not rush then, just more worried that I did something wrong to the grafts more than anything.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    What day are you at now @abrorkhasanov? Are you soaking the scabbed area in mild baby shampoo and letting it sit in?

    Today is day 8 and yes baby shampoo, 20 min to soak in and then tried to massage the scabs away carefully. I don’t think any grafts came out when I did, but just looking at how it looks now, it’s somehow looking sparse vs how it was when implanted.

  11. Hey guys!

    Minor update and question/opinion needed.

    Had 2 washes (one with eugenix technique from the video) that did not do much and second from some other video I saw on the forum. 

    And personally feeling nervous with how it’s currently looking as scabs not falling out and head feels dry even though I was spraying it every hour.  I feel that I did something wrong, as the implanted grafts looked perfect and now I feel with rivers and dryness I made it somehow worse or I’m just imagining things in my head and panicking.


    can someone chip in? Would much appreciate it 









  12. On 1/8/2023 at 4:13 AM, Gatsby said:

    @abrorkhasanov you appear to have achieved excellent coverage with a great economy of grafts. Thanks for sharing and I hope you keep us all updated. Thanks for sharing. 🙏

    Awesome hearing from you Gatsby! You're case is truly an example, aspiration and hope!! 

    I have a questions for everyone if I may, I woke up today (I sleep in a chair with a head pillow just an fyi) with a crack in the grafts section and at first did not give it much thought, but now it's keep bothering and concerns me. Is this normal? Or am I just worrying for no reason?





  13. 13 hours ago, Z-- said:

    Good luck mate! Hopefully those grafts go a long way. I think with that level of loss a second pass is going to be needed, but hopefully this provides you with a wonderful base. Keep us updated.

    Thank you mate! Yeah, again, I'm even telling my family that I'm not gonna be rocking some dense hair as I used to lol, but if I can get some coverage for let's say a buzz look I will be happy about it (especially since I got used to the saved head look, thus framing was very important for me personally)

    For now it's on me to help the recovery, take meds, sleep and eat well etc. I will start oral minox in a month at low dose and then planning to re-introduce micro needling around month 6-7 (I used to have great results from it)

    I will make sure to post regular monthly updates though!

  14. 14 hours ago, Plantin_graft said:

    WOW! That's extremely impressive. Please do keep us posted. I'm on week 93 and, I'm already happy with my hair. The shedding period ionly nded around week 90. I also had Arika for 4,205 grafts. 

    Thank you! My surgery was done by Dr. Das and she was very honest about all the process and outcomes etc, but at the end was very happy with the outcome. 

    I'm not so phased about the shedding and overall period, since I will most like be rocking buzz look for a while to avoid the ugly duckling phase haha.

    Happy to hear your happy with your hair!

  15. 16 hours ago, Berba11 said:

    Hey mate! We actually met in London when Dr Pradeep was doing consultations at the end of May last year. I was about 5 months post op. I always wondered if you ever went ahead with a transplant and here you are! Work looks brilliant and can't wait to see the results.

    Hey man!!! Great hearing from you, just checked out your post and see that you're doing very well result wise haha (even though it already looked great back then imo!)

    Yes, got tired of thinking of what if and just decided to hopefully improve my current situation! I'm starting on Fin now 0.25 EOD and just to see how body reacts.

    Overall though very happy with the surgery, at least as it looks currently the transplanted area + donor look fantastic and very clean.

    • Like 1
  16. 14 minutes ago, Fox243 said:

    Wow, if they're able to make this look good with 5300 grafts, that'll be probably the most insane transformation I've seen in my life. Fingers crossed. Which package did you use btw?

    I am incredibly happy with how at least the transplanted area looks, obviously my hair itself is not that great so god knows how it will grow, but donor are has been healing fairly quick already and doctor was happy about it and so am I.

    As for the package I went for the 150 one I think, the one where senior doctor does the incision and team of technicians sort of with the rest, but it was definitely a team work.

    • Like 1
  17. Hi everyone!

    Firstly thank you to everyone at this forum who share their knowledge and experience!

    Yesterday I had a 3 day surgery with Eugenix, personally the whole experience and surgery itself went great! Shoutout the whole Eugenix team, especially considering I had issues with providing medical records on time, but they still assisted as much possible.

    I went with the senior doctor and team option in case people want to know:) 

    About myself: 

    Age: 32

    Bald pattern : NW7 aka Hair Gone Gone

    Donor Zone: Poor

    Beard Donor: Okay

    Total grafts: 5300 (I think so, just messaged to team for confirmation haha, forgot to make a note and overall tired and can't remember exactly)

    Back hair: 4200 (approx)

    Beard: 1100 (approx)

    No meds: But will try going for Fin EOD 0.25 at first and see if I can tolerate, had brain fog before unfortunately. Also planning to jump on oral minoxidil in a month at 2.5mg

    Overall personally, since I have been losing hair for a longest while and know and understand the drill, I was very honest and realistic about my expectations, which was a coverage if possible and if not, just framing of the face at first and if possible a second surgery to fill out whatever. I had my initial consultation with Dr Sethi in London, at which point he provided encouraging words and said that they can easily do the surgery and that I have enough hair for a procedure actually (I was fairly surprised about tbh). So I booked through everything and finally done it.

    As you can see from the pictures the donor is not great (again was fully aware of it and the risk it entails), so hair was taken all over the available safe space but in very careful manner so it's not just one giant empty patch afterwards. Also actually when extracted the doc actually said, that I have more donor than initially expected and can do another 1.5 to 3k surgery afterwards if I wish, which was very encouraging to hear (and again, surprising)! Beard certainly not gonna be dense as it used to be, but it never was super dense either so that's that.

    Surgery itself was super smooth, long as hell, but rather slow and careful, than fast and dangerous lol

    Looking at myself before and after, simply WOW, hairline, transplanted hair and coverage at least currently, looks fantastic! Obviously I do not anticipate some crazy density, again had realistic expectations from the beginning, and knew what I can achieve with what I have, so framing overall was more important (plus I'm planning to combine SMP later once hair growths properly, for a bit of a denser look anyhow, which the doctor was very supportive off!)

    I think that's pretty much covers everything! Let me know your opinion and questions if you have :)

    Shoutout to the whole team at Eugenix!




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