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Everything posted by Bald47

  1. One month post operation update. I am, as you can see, experiencing shock loss. The redness has subsided to a light pink in both the donor and recipient areas. I am starting to get feeling back in the top of my head and the numbness is going away. I have been a little itchy, but not as bad as some that I’ve read about on this forum. I was hoping I’d be in the small percentile that did not experience shedding, but it was not to be. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  2. I had a transplant with Dr. Yaman last month and could not be happier.
  3. Follicles in my hairline upfront, are doing exactly the same thing. Hopefully it’s fine.
  4. Starting to experience shock loss as of yesterday and today. Tomorrow will be three weeks post operation. I knew this was going to happen, but was hopeful I would be in the small percentile that did not experience shock loss. I have read several posts here and swore I would not obsess about this when it occurred but just can’t help it. This journey truly is 85% mental.
  5. It looks good. I went to Dr. Yaman the last two days of January and had almost the same number of beard and regular donor follicles transplanted. Your post is very similar to mine. Good luck and keep the faith my friend.
  6. The following pictures are from Tuesday night, which is two weeks post operation. The scabs came off on the 10th day with minimum effort. The most difficult thing I have dealt with is getting comfortable sleeping. I’ve read several posts where the patient had real issues with itching. I thankfully did not experience that problem.
  7. To start with, I am a 47-year-old male and I live in the State of Missouri, the United States. I have been losing my hair since age 30. I was a Norwood six, moving into a seven. None of the males on either side of my family have experienced hair loss. I have tried using hair fibers, which before a lot of hair loss worked fairly well, and was considering a hair system when I began researching the idea of a hair transplant. I began using finasteride and minoxidil topical solutions and also began taking xpecia brand supplements two months before this process and gained a little ground with hair regrowth. My first step was to research hair transplant surgeons in the US and quickly determined it was not economically feasible for me to accomplish the amount of coverage I wanted. The alternative was to locate a surgeon in Turkey. As many of you know this is a daunting task and at first, seemed to be rather overwhelming. Six months into my research I had narrowed my choices down to two doctors, one of which was Dr. Resul Yaman of the Yaman Clinic in Istanbul. Dr. Yaman was recommended by several of the forums I had been reading. Most of the reviews I found were positive and I had read numerous reviews. My next step was to contact Ihsan, the director of Dr. Yaman’s clinic, by using the WHATSAPP texting app and inquired about the surgery. I submitted the requested photographs and pertinent prior medical information. In very short order I was contacted by Ihsan with Dr. Yaman’s treatment plan. The plan included two sessions. The first session would be for 4500 grafts and the second session, nine months later, would be for another 2500 grafts. Ihsan provided several before and after photographs of previous patients who had hair loss similar to mine. They all were very impressive. I inquired if it would be possible to have two sessions on consecutive days. Dr. Yaman said this was possible and I began to make arrangements for this to occur. The rate charged at the Yaman Clinic is $1.00 US dollar per graph. While I was reviewing this information, I learned The Bald Truth podcast (forum) listed Dr. Yaman as one of the top twenty hair surgeons in the world for 2023. He is a member of the IAHRS and annually attends seminars to advance his skills and obtain information on the most recent advances in the field of hair restoration. This information just bolstered the fact that I had chosen the right doctor. At this point, I inquired about available dates in early 2023. I settled on January 30-31. Upon booking my flight, I sent Ihsan a photo of the flight reservations and he in turn reserved a room for five nights at the Gorrion Hotel in Istanbul. He further advised a driver from the clinic would pick both me and my wife up at the airport and transport us to the hotel as well as provide transportation for the next few days to the clinic. The hotel and transportation as well as breakfast and lunch while at the clinic were included in the price quoted to me. The hotel was very nice and 24 hour room service was available. We left St. Louis, Missouri on the 28th of January and flew to Atlanta, Georgia, Paris, France, and finally arrived in Istanbul on the 29th. It was a total of 30 hours, layovers and all, from beginning to end. As promised, the driver was awaiting our arrival and made contact with me on WHATSAPP, providing his picture and a location to meet him at the airport. The van we were transported in was a late model Mercedes and was very nice. The driver delivered us to the hotel and we were checked in without any issues. The following morning, we had an outstanding breakfast at the hotel and then we were promptly picked up by the same driver at 0800 hours and driven to the clinic. Upon arriving at the clinic, we were met by Ihsan who took me to have my blood drawn and then to have a consultation with Dr. Yaman. Dr. Yaman examined my hair, determined the density with a micrometer, and then took measurements of both the donor and recipient areas using a set of calipers. After reviewing this information along with using a magnification device to look at the quality of my donor area, Dr. Yaman was able to mathematically determine how many grafts would be needed. Dr. Yaman then drew the hairline and outlined the areas of my scalp that would receive graphs. I was then taken to a second room where I changed into a hospital-style gown and my hair was cut to the scalp. I then was taken to the operating room. An I.V. was started, and I was given, at my request, a Xanax pill to calm my nerves. At this point, I was instructed to lay facedown on a table which is similar to a massage table and local anesthetic was given to me in the form of several shots in the back and top of my head. I’m not going to lie; the shots were a bit painful but nothing that cannot be dealt with. The nurse was very kind and gave me ample time to recover between each shot. After the medication took effect, the extractions with a manual punch began. The extractions were done by a member of Dr. Yaman’s staff. Dr. Yaman came into the room several times and checked on the status of the procedure. The clinic had WI-FI available and after reading previous posts I brought wireless earbuds, enabling me to listen to podcasts during the procedure. After the extractions were done, I was provided a nice lunch and then Dr. Yaman made the incisions. I fell asleep during this process and when I woke, all of the graphs had been implanted. My head was bandaged, and I was given some pain medication, a pillow, and vitamins to take back to the hotel with me. The first day’s procedures were finished at approximately 2000 hours. We were driven back to the hotel where we ordered a nice supper from room service, which is an expense not covered by the package offered by the clinic. The food from room service was top quality. The following morning, we were again picked up at 0800 hours and driven to the clinic. It should be noted that Dr. Yaman books two patients at the most on a single day. Upon arriving at the clinic, we were again met by Ihsan who took me to the preparation room to dress and then to the operating room. This day the extractions would come from the left rear and left side of my head as well as from my beard area. The day was the same as the first minus the part about having graphs taken from my beard. A motorized device was used in this process. Once the extractions were made, I again was provided a nice lunch. After lunch, Dr. Yaman made the incisions on the mid and crown portions of my head. The graphs were implanted, my head and neck were bandaged, and we again were taken to the hotel for another nice room service meal by 1830 hours. Platelet-rich plasma, PRP, injections were given to me on both days. The following morning, we again had a nice breakfast and were then taken to the clinic for the first washing. After the washing was complete, we toured some portions of the city we had been looking forward to seeing. Istanbul is very interesting and has a great deal of history and awesome sites to see. We returned to the hotel and were picked up on the final day for a second washing. Once the washing was complete and final instructions were given, an OZONE treatment was administered to me. I was given several boxes of vitamins, several bottles of shampoo, scalp spray, finasteride pills, a special set of oil treatment and shampoo to use for the first ten washes. I have researched the prices of the special products, vitamins, medications and shampoos I was given and have determined the value is well over four hundred US dollars. We again toured the city and then returned to the hotel. Early the following morning we were picked up and transported to the airport for our return to the United States. The whole process went off without a hitch. The clinic was very modern and extremely clean, and the staff was nothing but professional and polite during the entire time I was treated. I had 1410 single units, 2960 double units, and 1750 multiple units for a total of 6120 units transplanted during my surgery. The total surgery time was approximately 19 hours, which does not include the washings and the OZONE treatment. I recommend anyone who is contemplating a hair transplant to seek the services of this great doctor. He is a caring physician and has an outstanding staff that complements his talent. I will be submitting photographs, before the surgery, post-operation, and then every two weeks until I reach the one-year mark. Anyone who has tried to navigate the process of finding a reputable clinic understands the amount of research that goes into this type of decision. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. Forums like this one made it possible for me to obtain the results I have so far, and I would like to provide good solid information for each person to come to a sound decision.
  8. I had a two day surgery with Dr. Yaman on the 30th and 31st of last month, over 6000 follicles. I’m only 10 days in but feel pretty confident in recommending Dr. Yaman. He along with his staff were very professional and caring. When time permits, I will write a very thorough review of the whole experience.
  9. I plan on writing a detailed account of my experience as soon as time permits. This forum was very beneficial for me while making the decisions I made. I hope to give back to the community so others may be able to make a good decision as well.
  10. I just returned from my transplant with Dr. Yaman. Everything you described was 100% accurate. Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experience.
  11. Can you give me an idea of what items you took with you and if there was something you had wished you would have took?
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