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Everything posted by stevenbol

  1. Here’s a month 13 update. Absolute insane result! I’m over the moon. Crown isn’t fully filled in but that was expected as Yaman told me we would’ve needed an extra day to get more coverage there. I’m 6’3 so it’s super hard to notice my crown anyways.
  2. 2 other people received transplants that day.
  3. @wembley sure thing. I’ve been wanting to post but haven’t had the motivation. My result is coming along really well. Crown isn’t fully filled in, and this was in line with what Yaman said to me before the transplant. Still have more time to go for me. Here’s some candid pics of my hair today, haven’t done anything to style it. Overall incredibly pleased with my result.
  4. That 2000 is an estimate, to be clear it’s at least 2000 in the front. Here’s the official count from Yaman.
  5. I’m not totally sure, the graft count summary they gave didn’t specifically say. However Yaman told me we were doing 30grafts per square centimeter on the crown, which he said from a glance one will still barely be able to see my scalp.
  6. They will give you shampoos and after care products that would probably get flagged by airport security as they contain liquid. I’m not sure how to carry those in a carry on bag, but if it’s possible it would’ve been much easier. Best of luck!
  7. There isn’t much pain after the surgery, they give painkillers just in case though. Xanax would’ve been nice during the surgery… as for vacationing, you’re told to be extremely careful to not let anything touch the recipient area afterwards. Vacationing around Turkey could increase that risk. I would advise just rest as much as possible afterwards. I’m not sure if there’s much to do around the hotel. For me it was a very much get in get out kind of thing.
  8. I would recommend following their recommendation of staying one day after the operation for the first wash and instructions on how to care for the transplant. Then fly out the day after that. Flying on a plane is ideal condition to let your hair transplant settle in. The consultation was the morning of the operation for me. My surgery was on a Monday and I flew back Wednesday morning.
  9. This is the start of month 6. Super impressed. At this rate I think I’ll be able to grow my hair long again. Here’s a drastic before and after comparison.
  10. It is now the start of month 5! I had a haircut for the first time, and totally fooled the barbers when I said I had a hair transplant. They couldn’t believe it. Honestly I’m extremely impressed it’s grown in this well by month 5. Here are some pics. Yaman is a LEGEND.
  11. The last three pictures in your recent post showcase the result the best imo. This goes to show that styling the transplanted hair can make the hair look natural, and like a transplant never happened. nice result!
  12. Almost 3 months in, I had to share as I’m seeing great signs of growth. As per my plan, the hairline Yaman drew is more noticeable, and looks natural!
  13. 2.1 Months in! I'm very pleased so far about the growth in the front. The crown is taking its time. Nothing to worry about yet.
  14. 1.35 month update or something. My head feels 100% normal, with no more pain or itching which is awesome. I use minoxidil twice a day on the recipient area, and finasteride 1mg once a day. What's been interesting is that I have some intense hair growth in the recipient area already in a singular spot. It's almost as thick as my normal hair. I've outlined this spontaneous area of growth in red in the picture below. My non-receding original hair is outlined in green. I haven't seen anything like this on the forums yet but I'm kind of a newcomer. Curious to know if anyone's seen something similar so early.
  15. I’m about one and a half month post transplant from Yaman. The itching was a problem and I found great relief by using the foam moisturizer they gave me on the donor area itself, if that’s the part itching for you. At this point in my post-op my head feels 100% back to what it was. No itching or pain anywhere. Your result is looking on track so far!
  16. From the side angle, the transplanted hair still seems quite a bit different than your existing hair in the back. Seems like you just need time to me… good luck!
  17. Can't speak for Minoxidil since I've only been using it since my hair transplant. But for Finasteride, I was started on 5mg/daily by my Doctor when I was around 21. No sexual side effects were observed in this 4-year span of taking it. Eventually, I decided to stop caring about hair loss and started getting off the drug. My hair loss started again about 6 months later, but also I started being able to grow a thick beard, and my face gained a more mature appearance overall. I'm not sure if that was because I was no longer on finasteride or it was just me aging... I started on Finasteride last September again, this time on 1mg. I haven't noticed any side effects yet, and I've even been trying to split the pills in half as I've been told by multiple doctors that .5mg has the same effect as a 1mg dose. Just .5mg will have less risk of side effects. So that's an option if you're wanting less risk. I can't help but think that some of the side-effects that people claim on finasteride are self-manifested or just consequences of being an aging male. As a counter to that, I remember before taking the drug seeing a whole website/organization dedicated to being against finasteride, as there are claims that men's lives were ruined because of the drug. IMO, there are so many factors that go into depression/anxiety/sexual performance/arousal ... so it's hard to pin those on finasteride alone.
  18. woooooahhh! Props to whomever did his transplant, looks fantastic.
  19. Donald draper from Madmen was mine. Now picture him as a NW6. It doesn't work! Unfortunately, he probably wouldn't have been cast for this role if he were.
  20. I had a similar surgery done to my front area recently with Dr. Yaman, I believe it was around 2500 grafts in the front for me. Your results are looking great so far! Gives me hope.
  21. I am jealous you were able to fall asleep in the procedure! Lol happy growing sir, I‘lll be following your journey.
  22. Just over two weeks post-operation. For the most part, it just looks like I have a buzz cut with a more full hairline. I am now awaiting the shedding phase but am hoping I am part of the small percentage that never gets a shedding phase. Donor area seems to have a little shock loss but nothing to worry about at this point.
  23. Best of luck with healing! I just reached the 10 days point after my 4540 grafts with Resul Yaman. I also have nothing but praise for their customer service during my stay in Istanbul. I'll be curious to see your results!
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