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Michael D

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Posts posted by Michael D

  1. 1 minute ago, ray35 said:

    Yep sounds like you're doing well... careful sleeping. It'll be uncomfortable the first seven days but best to just endure that. And keep spraying for at least 3 days is general rule of thumb. It keeps the crusts from drying out and potentially affecting grafts by sticking to them I beleive, that's the thought there.  

    Sleep? What is that? lol! I get about 2 hours at a time. I got the neck pillow thing.

    I'm going to spray the saline for a couple more days. The back of the head too. The salt is supposed to help heal too. Can't hurt spraying too much I guess. I'm going to do everything I can., my part of the surgery at home.

    • Haha 1
  2. 35 minutes ago, ray35 said:

    Hey Michael, yeah buddy Merry Christmas to you also! So you went ahead with it! Ok well congratulations, hope you tend to the grafts well in these early days and very much hope it was a good procedure! 

    If you care to share the experience here I'd be interested in reading it, you sound pretty optimistic so that's good! Cheers!

    Linda gave me a small can of Saline spray with some minerals or something in it. Told me 5 times a day. I had seen some other videos or something saying every 20 mins. I bought another can of saline spray and have been doing it every hour or so. Maybe more often? average about an hour? More often couldn't hurt?

    I washed my hair first time yesterday. Baby shampoo with some water. Just poured it on. Waited a lil bit then rinsed with a cup of water a few times. Tap dry with a paper towel and let it air dry the rest of the way. Honestly, I think I got a pretty good job done. I hope.

    A neat thing about the swelling. There isn't much, but it's there and has fallen down to my eyes now. I took my fingers and massaged the swelling away from my eyes and to the side. It worked!


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  3. Welp, its a few days after the surgery. Everything looking pretty good, so far. Would have been nice if anyone here would have wished me luck. Instead of telling me they hope I get what I deserve, or something like that?

    This place Wishing a bad surgery on me???  not even atleast wishing me luck?....and I'm the bad guy??? or Virginia Surgical is the bad guy?? (You pushed me to go with Virginia Surgical, and made me question THIS place)

    They ain't perfect at Virginia Surgical. There were some things, I think weren't true that they told me, and their pre and post-op care could be better. They have some things they need to work on. Once they got the money, I felt like I was a bother to them, and after the surgery, even more. Their bedside manner and follow-up after surgery could be better.

    The bottom line is if the hair they transplanted stays and grows back. For me, that is a good surgery. Good enough surgery. And that I was able to afford it. Their bedside manner and the warm and fuzzy feel, that you don't get. I was fine with that. Kinda sucks though. They do not make you feel special or wanted, or appreciative of your business at all. If that is what you get for a cheaper price, I'm good.

    I am not 100% sure that I got 2000 graphs. I took a pic of what I think were 1k graphs they took out. Later I saw another petri dish or whatever, that was about 3/4 the same as the other one. Then we started the insertion of the graphs. If I got close to 2k. I'm ok, as long as they stay, and grow back. This was much better than paying 20k dollars, which I could never afford, or justify. They should have shown me the 2k graphs, and told me it was 2k, at least. I dunno. I am not accusing them of doing less, but? I dunno?? It was pretty close.

    It was a 12-hour surgery and I really appreciate their effort. It was tough for me to sit in the chair that long, with only one break. I can only imagine how hard it was for them. I could never do what they do for a living. Sit in a chair that long doing this type of work.

    If they made one change, make you feel appreciated, and better "bedside" manner. Return a text message? With better customer service, I am sure they would have more good reviews and fewer unhappy ones.

    In ending: There are 2 parts to a good hair transplant, I think? One is a good surgery, that is on them. The other is the patient doing good post-op. Take your pills, not touching your hair, stay out of the sun, spray the saline solution, and all that stuff. I have everything ready to stay in the house for the next week or so. That is a week and a half staying in the house total, and doing everything that I can to make this surgery a success. Maybe those bad reviews were from patients that did not do their part after the surgery???  If I would have paid 20k dollars I would have expected more. I paid much less. I'm good with what I got. I did sign a bunch of stuff. I don't know what I signed. Was like joining the Navy all over again, LOL!! I did take a lot of pictures. Pics there at the office (some I snuck), when I got home, the day after,... today...Gonna be what it's going to be.  I hope and think It's going to be a good outcome. I am going to do my part and do everything I can for a good outcome. If a good outcome. One that I am happy with. I am going to go back and have the back done next winter. 

    Hoping that I can get some good wishes this time.


  4. 18 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Despite all of the red flags you still want to go through with it, something doesn’t compute. You say “they won’t be able to take down my review.” But what does that matter the damage will be done. 

    Have you seen any good independent reviews? Not listed on yelp or google, which anyone can write.


  5. 19 hours ago, Pbaird98 said:

    I don’t want anyone to get a sh*t transplant, but dude this is going to end up poorly, we have all laid out our concerns and you are choosing to still go ahead? I think that’s crazy, but it’s you’re choice at the end of the day.

    The forum can’t prevent any poor work, but we sure can pre warn when people arrive here for advice.

    If they do something wrong then you wouldn’t even want to go back to the same place, they definitely won’t be the people to fix anything. 
    You think you can keep track of how many grafts? That won’t happen, you simply won’t be able too. Besides even If it was 2000 grafts this isn’t enough to totally address the frontal third. Imagine the most likely scenario again, they will try taking more grafts than needed (think transection) what’s worse is poorly designed hairlines/ poor angles/poor technique. You’re donor area will be compromised and being a finite supply will give you less for the subsequent repair procedure. 
    We have not seen even a half decent result from these, just sub par work across the board. 
    Im not even going overboard here, just speaking facts from what we have seen and learned from previous posters. 
    With hair transplants being quite the art to get right then yeh of course even the worlds elite have misses for various reasons, but it’s a rarity, in this clinics case it’s the total norm. Nobody can stop you, but we have at least tried to give you a wake up call. If you choose not to listen then yeh it’s on you. By all means though if/when you post the result please start a new thread, and be prepared for some honest feedback. 


    • Face Palm 1
  6. On 10/28/2022 at 7:42 AM, Oxiborick said:

    Hello everyone,

    About three weeks ago I got a hair transplant (FUE) for 3800 grafts. A day or so after the procedure, I made a post showing it off to Reddit and got some extremely negative feedback. "Worst work I've ever seen" etc. The consensus was that I only actually received 2000 grafts, or at most 2500. I figured everyone was just being dramatic and I kind of dismissed it, as I was really impressed with the clinic's professionalism and general approach. I've also dealt with some real bozos on there so it was easy enough to dismiss these guys. I returned to my home city after staying in the clinic's city for a couple weeks. When I got home, I showed my "after" pictures to a friend who has undergone three procedures and he also said it only looks like about 2000 grafts, or 2500 at most. So I had a consultation with another hair transplant surgeon (a very highly respected one with a great reputation) and he said the same thing, though instead of giving an estimate he just said that 3800 were clearly not transplanted successfully. Now I'm really starting to worry.

    I hope to god this isn't true as I liked this clinic a lot. (It's in the USA.) They were extremely helpful in getting me set up and were very friendly and professional to deal with. They also paid for two days at a very nice hotel and for my transportation from the airport. Didn't seem sleazy or incompetent at all. Very clean and tidy clinic with a nice setup, not some crappy "back alley" type deal. Total procedure took like 16 hours, so it's not like they rushed through it. Surgeon was extremely attentive to my well-being and needs, and was very kind and considerate. Great "bedside manner". What's going on here? Are all these people wrong?

    Just eyeballing everything it does look to me like there are more donor extractions than grafts onto the bald areas.

    The grafts that I do have (regardless of whether they number 2500 or 3800) do seem to be growing (shock loss hasn't happened yet) so I guess they survived the procedure. Also everything is healing just fine, just tiny bits of residual soreness here and there occasionally but nothing that would even require Tylenol.

    Here are my before, after (grafts) and after (donor) pics. What do you think? Please refrain from making angry, hysterical comments; I want to be as rational about this as possible and hate drama. I really, really, really don't want this to be true as like I said I had a great working relationship with the clinic leading up to the procedure... and I especially hope it's not true because I won't be able to get another procedure until the beginning of 2024 (too much else going on until then).

    Would be especially interested in hearing from any actual surgeons who might be reading this.





















    That doesnt look like more than 2k grafts??

  7. On 12/17/2022 at 8:25 PM, Chetman2112 said:

    This is a perfect example of how people get taken advantaged of and ruin their lives, they want hair so bad that they are willing to have surgery with an unknown or in this case a known hack,cancel do some more research and have surgery with an elite doctor, you will need to wait 6 months to a year for a good doctor, well worth it when you have to live with the result you’re whole life! 


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