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Brook J

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Everything posted by Brook J

  1. I’ve just got a new phone and haven’t yet transferred all my images over but I’ll be sure to update once done
  2. I haven’t got any real close up shots to hand but I’ll try and take some. But I can say that the technique of singles at the front followed by doubles and multiples behind was followed to ensure the result looks natural. I’m super happy with it. This is something I was worried about prior too. in terms of price, I would say shouldn’t be a main factor for choosing somewhere but I completely understand as I didn’t have an endless budget to spend. I had roughly 2200 grafts and paid just over 5000GBP.
  3. It’s now been just over 7 months since I had my hair transplant procedure with Dr Manish Mittal at his clinic in London. The best decision I have ever made. Having previously spoken to different hair transplant clinics I never felt confident enough to go ahead with a procedure but after speaking to Mani something just felt right. I was given his details by brother who had a procedure with him a few months prior. His honesty and expert knowledge made me feel reassured and positive. He was clear in what I should expect on the day of the procedure and also about what type of outcome I can expect. He is also super chill and seems like a normal guy which I liked. I had been struggling with hair confidence for quite some time and often spent up to an hour styling my hair before leaving the house. Safe to say it was controlling my life. But not any more! March 20th 2022 - The day of my procedure. I arrived around 9am feeling nervous yet excited. Upon arrival I was greeted by Mani who straight away made me feel comfortable. We chatted before going through paperwork and then went on to discuss the desired outcome for my hairline. He listened to what I wanted but also provided his expert and honest opinion throughout. After the hairline had been drawn we shaved my head. Probably the thing I was most nervous about as I didn’t want anyone to see me like that but it was so worth it. The only painful(ish) part of the procedure is the anaesthetic injections but he constantly checked that I was OK and comfortable. The procedure itself, although a long day, is super relaxed. Chatting throughout the day with Mani and his great team allowed time to pass. With the added help of Netflix and lunch time Nando’s! In the afternoon I even found myself dropping to sleep. After the procedure we spoke about about the aftercare process, what to expect and how to look after the hair transplant. Sleeping is uncomfortable for a few nights but again, so worth it. As the months have gone by any issues or questions I have had Mani has always been super responsive and helpful. Seeing my hair grow has been such a confidence booster. The hats now stay in the wardrobe and styling my hair is so easy. And I’m only 7 months in so that’s plenty more growth to come! If you’re considering having a hair transplant I would urge you to get in contact with Dr Mani. He always takes a personal interest in each of his patients. Have a consultation and see how you feel. It’s the best decision I have made.
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