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Posts posted by sepand97

  1. 1 hour ago, Berba11 said:

    I think you need to spend the next few months really nailing down the research on what you might potentially need; graft removal in the frontal third, possibly more than one surgery etc. There aren't that many clinics that are really good at this and can plan and execute a strategy to get potentially botched angles looking better again, as well as reducing trauma along the hairline & keeping scarring to a minimum. I don't know of any clinics in Turkey that are good at this - I've not seen any cases.

    Your results might turn out ok, but if they don't, you can't afford to get it wrong on the 2nd attempt. You need a doctor that has experience with these types of repairs. There's certainly no options for you in Iran, and I don't think there's any in Turkey either. The fact you had your HT in Iran and are now asking about Turkey suggests that maybe your budget is limited, but if not, there's also some excellent options in Europe for high quality repair work.

    well i may wait and save some more money ang go to dr feriduni but it might take some years however its worth it

  2. 13 hours ago, Berba11 said:

    Ok well, if you do need a repair, you're going to have to travel abroad otherwise you risk making things worse. So for now you need to do two things; let things grow and develop and see how they are, and forget about having another transplant of any kind in Iran. @DrTBarghouthiis not so far away in Jordan. If travel is difficult for you, that might be your best bet.

    idk about Jordan what about turkey? 

  3. 14 hours ago, pkipling said:

    I think the best thing to do before you let this stress you out too much is to wait at least a few more months and see how this all looks visually once you have more significant growth. It doesn't look ideal, but there's no way to know at the moment if it's gonna be 10/10 bad or like 3/10 bad.. Which would be the difference between definitely seeking a repair or it being something that's quite manageable and doesn't look visually jarring. 

    I know waiting is difficult, but it's key for any of us to at give it at least 6 months before we jump to any conclusions - even in situations where nothing is particularly wrong. The time will pass before you know it, and you can reevaluate then.  

    well i will wait for sure if it doesn't look awkward with long hair like 10 inches or 20 inches i will not go for a repair and i had long hair almost all my life so long hair is not an issue for me and hey you're dr is also an iranian idk why i cant find a dr like him in here dr feriduni is iranian too if you know him

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  4. 1 hour ago, Madhur Vansil said:

    Don’t you think that you should wait some more time before judging that the grafts are placed at wrong  angles .After the third month the grafts still gets adjusted within the scalp due to scar beneath and then grows at the angle at which the slits were made .So may be after the shedding phase is over you might see your grafts syncing up well with existing hairs you might not need another surgery .

    Have a word with your clinic and see what they says 

    @Melvin- Moderator What your thoughts on this ? 


    well they keep saying i must wait atlast 6 month but i think my shedding phase is over i didn't experience any shedding after week 5 and some hair like those in my tempels didn't shed at all but generally I'm worried about it idk they grow this way cuz i have wavey hair or its becus of dr or technician fault !

  5. 6 hours ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    Who was the doctor? There really is no justifiable excuse for bad angles or misdirected grafts. 

    I myself had to deal with misangled grafts for years. I had hundreds of them. 

    Longer hair is indeed much better than shorter hair for bad angles, the longer you grow it the better. That being said, it will likely still look a bit unnatural. In this case you can use pomade or another holding product. 

    Unfortunately, the only options to fix bad angles is a repair hair transplant to get them extracted and re-implanted, and/or you can do electrolysis and just kill them off. 

    Some people may say you can camouflage the bad grafts by surrounding the bad angles with correctly angled grafts. But from personal experience, bad angles will always still reveal themselves, even if the surrounding hair is good. 

    My advice to you is to get a repair surgery. As much as it stinks to need a repair, its best to tackle the problem straight on. You can get electrolysis in the interim depending on your remaining donor availability and how awkward the bad grafts make you feel. 

    i may plan for a repair surgery after the 6th  month , but first i must find a doctor who can do this kind of surgery and i wasn't able to find any in my country yet

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