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Everything posted by sepand97

  1. well i may wait and save some more money ang go to dr feriduni but it might take some years however its worth it
  2. well i will wait for sure if it doesn't look awkward with long hair like 10 inches or 20 inches i will not go for a repair and i had long hair almost all my life so long hair is not an issue for me and hey you're dr is also an iranian idk why i cant find a dr like him in here dr feriduni is iranian too if you know him
  3. well they keep saying i must wait atlast 6 month but i think my shedding phase is over i didn't experience any shedding after week 5 and some hair like those in my tempels didn't shed at all but generally I'm worried about it idk they grow this way cuz i have wavey hair or its becus of dr or technician fault !
  4. i may plan for a repair surgery after the 6th month , but first i must find a doctor who can do this kind of surgery and i wasn't able to find any in my country yet
  5. clinic name is tehran kasht located in iran tehran (very famous here) and yes tech will do the job
  6. no just nose and hair!😅 iam very satisfied with my nose but with hair idk
  7. no not in the same place in fact not in the same city too😅
  8. those longe hairs in my tempels they didn't shed!and two photo from day 12
  9. well I don't know how should i feel right now but i think there's a problem with direction and angles of my tempels hairs or atlast with one of my tempels idk it is oky or not (probably not) but ihope it will get better with super long hair or else idk what can i do
  10. pre ht to 1 month both donor area and recpint area how dos it looks ?i am worry about my donor area but i am seeing some hairs growing there altho they aren't too meny
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