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Everything posted by Anon94

  1. Sorry, but some people on this forum are getting ridiculous now. There are tons of results of this doctor all over the internet, way more than many doctors that are recommended on here. You can criticize his patient advisor for being a dick, but the work speaks for itself. Since when is it more reliable to have the doctor pick and choose some cases that they present, instead of patient reports, who would also share if they had negative experiences or results? You can look on this forum, on Reddit and on other popular forums. Vast majority are great results. Sure it's not Konior, but you are also not paying like $20 a graft. Not everyone has that type of money. Paying cash is standard procedure for all the docs in turkey. Even the ones recommended by this forum. And why wouldn't the docs want it? I wouldn't want my money in Lira and I wouldn't want to pay 10% just for a different payment method.
  2. Seems to be the standard in turkey. From what I've read the government demands a 10% or so fee on card payments from accounts outside of turkey. There might also be some tax-dodging happening of course. At least until 10k€ it shouldn't be an issue in terms of travel. Beyond that you are probably still fine, but some places do have restrictions on how much cash you can enter the country with.
  3. Is that really a thing? I inquired about an appointment late last year, and the info regarding booking is what ultimately made me not do it. For the "only Kostis"-package I was quoted 2,9€ per graft if I booked before the end of 2022. 50% of the total procedure cost would have to be put down as a down payment - which apparently was non-refundable, even of the surgery was cancelled from their side. (that's what I was told). I would have had to stretch financially for the total cost, but the way the down payment was presented seemed too risky for me. If the 2,5€ package is a thing I'd 100% try to change from what I have booked now. I have a good idea of the design is want and the work by Kostis that I've seen looks basically the same as Bisangas.
  4. He's got an Instagram (neoheadclinic) that has a link to his advisors WhatsApp. Seems he gets plenty of business even with this suboptimal strategy
  5. As far as I know if you go to HLC you won't get to choose which doctor performs the surgery. It will be somewhat of a lottery. If you really want to go there that's just something you'll have to accept I think.
  6. Looks like the middle could be a bit wider. But that will probably all blend together once you get the grafts off and grow it out a little more.
  7. Skin is elastic and a living organ. Also, the grafts are - individually - quite small.
  8. Hey Guys! Ive already got a procedure booked for myself - and I’m quite confident in the choice. However, I just happened across a case from a doctor in South Africa, and looked at all their cases I could find online. The work - to me - looks great, and they seem to manage great results with very little grafts. Apart from one case and their own page there isn’t anything online about them though it seems. (If I can say, it’s "The Hairfront" in Capetown) How does one differentiate between a clinic that’s just not great at marketing themselves online/ doesn’t have patients posting on forms, and one that actually not great?
  9. I know, that is why I’d want to do it the legal route. Getting a script from a doc in the EU would be the best.
  10. Hey Guys! I‘m looking for a way to get Minoxidil pills in the EU. I’ve been on finasteride for a while already. Prior to that I had used topical minoxidil. Topical minoxidil doesn’t agree with my hair though. Even the non-greasy versions would make my hair look terrible and cause noticeable damage. I also just found application too annoying for long term usage (I tend to wear my hair with a bit more length up top). It’d just be messy. On a trip to Asia a few years back I got myself a small supply of oral minoxidil to try that out. I didn’t have any negative side effects. The effect on my top hair wasn’t too large, but it was overall a positive experience. I ordered a years supply twice after that. Once it was successful, but the next time customs caught it. With my current job incant take that risk (government work). So I’d need a legal way of getting the meds. Here in Germany it seems like doctors won’t prescribe it at all though. I mainly want it, because Finasteride has a very noticeable impact on my beard. I personally like to wear some facial hair (receding up top + no beard is a bad look for me😅). Finasteride makes the hair lighter and more sparse. The minoxidil fixed that along with helping the baldness. Does anyone know how I could get a script here?
  11. Who you need to contact depends on where you live afaik. Best course if probably to contact the clinic on Instagram ( neoheadclinic ). They’ve got different advisors for different countries. might take a minute, but they will get back to you one there. Worked for me at least.
  12. I don’t think that’s the case. More likely that it’s a result of the operation taking place over multiple days. Some areas will already have formed scabs while others are freshly operated on. The ones with scabs will look denser. just looking for actual graphs it looks similar enough on both sides.
  13. Aren’t other doctors doing that as well? You’ve mentioned Dr. Pittella telling his patients to post their results here in another thread. I don’t see what’s bad about results being shared on here.
  14. Also, why did you change the title to something completely different to my question?
  15. Those docs are all way more expensive. I’ve got somewhat of a budget saved up, but I can’t afford an extra 5000€ for someone like Bisanga or Feriduni. And the other two are below Pekiner from the results I’ve seen.
  16. Hey Guys! I‘m still looking for where to get my hairline fixed. It’s unnecessarily complicated, since I’m not near as flexible with my calendar as I’d like to be. I‘ve contacted some clinics like Pinto, Medecap and others in Spain or Portugal, but making the time work hasn’t proven easy. I’ve been wanting to contact Pekiner, but I don’t know how. He has an email listed on his homepage (neohead), but that doesn’t work. Then there is a WhatsApp of an Italians patient coordinator that I found on here, but he just redirected me to a German coordinator. That one just doesn’t answer any texts or emails though. I really like Pekiners work, as I’ve seen a good amount of really good examples with similar hair characteristics to mine (and the price under 3€ a graft is something I could actually afford). Does anyone have any ideas?
  17. Hey guys! I’m currently trying to figure out where I could get my transplant. Sadly I’m very inflexible in terms of when I can take time off, which definitely doesn’t help when trying to find dates. Now, I’m fully aware that the best doctors will command a premium. But I definitely won’t be able to afford the likes of Bisanga - even though I really like the results - since their prices seem to rise faster than I can save up money. For example I contacted Pinto (no dates available) and some clinics in Spain, who showed good results on the spanish forum. I was also interested in Dr. Gur from Fuecapilar, since I read good things about them here, and that clinic actually was very easy to coordinate with. However, I can only find 2 well documented examples of his work online. There are lots of posts, but they all seem to stop updating before results become apparent. I like the shape of their hairlines, but I really don’t want to end up with lots of doubles in my hairline for example. Do you guys think it might be too big of a gamble to go with that clinic?
  18. That is less than I had feared. If 2k can actually get me a good result getting the money for a Someone like Bisanga together actually seems doable. I was thinking it’d be closer to 3k. Which would just get to be too expensive.
  19. Hey guys! I’m currently in my late 20’s and have been dealing with hairloss for a while. First signs were there in my late teens even, but the Progression was really slow and my hair still looked great for a long time. Around my early 20’a is when it actually started to bug me. My hairloss is only really an issue in the front. But that is of course the area that frames the face. With unfortunate wind or lightning my hair goes from looking ok to looking terrible. I’ve been looking into a transplant as a result. My “dream” would be to have the temples filled in a bit (to like NW2) and have the center filled in a bit, so that I can stop being surprised at how I look in pictures taken in the sun😅. I don’t really want or need a “perfect” hairline. Just something that’s easier to manage. As far as my treatment history: I started of with just topical minoxidil at first. I hated it and stopped after a few months though. Since I wear my hair a bit longer on top it was a PITA to actually get it to the scalp instead of the hair. And either way it would make my hair look absolutely terrible (both foam and liquid). At about 24 or so I started taking Finasteride. I kept thinning for a bit, but I haven’t noticed any further thinning in 3-4 years now. I don’t see any reason to ever get off fin. It works and I have no side effects. The last thing I wanted to try before a hair transplant was oral minox. I’ve been on it for half a year at this point. (1.25mg for 3 months, then upped it to 2.5mg) I haven’t had any side effects from it. But I haven’t had any side effects, but I haven’t had a positive impact on my hair either. With how hard it is to get in my country (prescription basically impossible, import unreliable and scetchy) I’ll probably stop once I run out. I’ve attached some pictures of my hair below. Different angles with the hair pulled back, and how it looks with unfortunate lighting and after some abuse. How many grafts would you guess do I’ll need for what I want? I’ll use that to judge how much I’d need to save up to get a surgeon I feel confident about.
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