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Everything posted by Uzume

  1. Hi I also suffer from Lichen Planopilaris, I have no idea why mine started. It's all very strange. My hair is getting very noticeably thin and I have yet to hear of anything which will enable the regrowth or transplantation of hair. As the follicles are scarred, I am not sure how possible it will be. I am always researching this so if i do find any information, I will certainly let you know. Best Wishes
  2. Nanogen, in my opinion, is far superior to Toppik. Toppik looks like it is covering the scalp, I have to use a lot to get any benefit and it causes me irritation, Nanogen seems to dissipate and looks really natural. Also, the nanogen product I have actually states it is "electrostatic charged particles" which assist in the illusion of thickness. Toppik appears to be a color mask, pure and simple.
  3. Hi I am interested in the "no shampoo will help regrow hair" comments. I have been advised to use Nizoral by my dermatologist and researched the key ingredient "Ketoconazole". Several sites advise that Nizoral has shown equal efficacy to 2% rogaine, here's what I found on Wikipedia, I know it's not always accurate but it states in a more comprehensive way what i have read on at least 3 other sites: Hair loss benefits A study in mice indicated that ketoconazole may have a stimulatory effect on hair growth.[14] Nizoral shampoo has shown to be beneficial in men suffering from androgenic alopecia. One 1998 study showed that Nizoral 2% worked just as well as minoxidil 2% (brand name Rogaine) in men with androgenic alopecia. Both medicines increased hair thickness and increased the number of anagen-phase hair follicles on the scalp. Researchers were guarded about the meaning of these results, saying that more rigorous studies on larger groups of men should be done to confirm the findings, both to evaluate the ideal dosage and formulation, and to assess the desirability of routine treatment in this condition. Nizoral Shampoo only has U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the treatment of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, so although Nizoral may be useful as a hair loss remedy, it cannot be endorsed or marketed as one to the general public.[15] Nevertheless, pharmacies and drug stores often stock Nizoral with other hairloss remedies, rather than other shampoos.[citation needed] Results so far indicate that both the 1% and 2% dosages have positive hair loss benefits; however the more potent 2% formulation could have better results. Optimal usage is speculated at every third day, leaving the shampoo on the scalp for 3??“5 minutes before rinsing. It has been stated that medications capable of maintaining the existing hair population should be regarded as effective treatments for androgenic alopecia. The present data suggest that ketoconazole should enter this group of drugs.
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