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Posts posted by Testaccount9900

  1. So prior to my HT I was using RU58841 and Minoxidil, both of which were helping/working. I was told to restart topicals after 3 weeks from my HT? Just a lil concerned that since I had a HT perhaps the holes aren’t completely closed up? I would 10000% not want RU going systemic, it’s a godsend topically but a systemic intake is defo not ideal. 

    I know people usually wait 2 days after derma rolling prior to applying RU or other anti androgens, so just curious if anyone has experience restarting topicals after a HT

  2. 2 hours ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    All follicular units are carefully placed deeply into recipient sites and during the course of the first couple of days, the surrounding tissue of the graft creates a strong bond with the surrounding tissue of the scalp. In other words, even if for some reason if the hair follicle dies and wasn’t going to grow, it wouldn’t simply fall out.  At 10 days post op, you would need surgery to remove a transplanted hair follicle.  And you certainly know if you had lost a graft because they would be bleeding and you would feel pain.

    What you are most likely seeing here is a scab with a piece of the hair that has broken off from the follicle. Rest assured however, the follicle is still deeply rooted underneath the surface of the scalp and there’s no reason to believe that is not going to row just like the others.

    Long story short, try not to worry. What you were seeing is perfectly normal. This happens all the time.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    So what exactly is that little black bulb? And what part of the actual graft is responsible for the growth of the folice because I always assumed it was the big black bulb at the end of the graft?

  3. Was just browsing online pictures and saw this posted on a website, its pretty up close, idk if anyone else can tell but there tends to be a slight purple, or maybe just grey skin texture near the grafted hair, is this just normal bruising? I don't mean the red/pink grafted zone, but if you look slightly above it you can see theres some discoloruation under the guys skin

    fyi - picture isn't me


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