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Posts posted by Harry2

  1. 15 hours ago, asterix0 said:

    Your case will be very tricky I think. I am not sure on a budget if I would recommend any surgeon, do some research for Norwood 6/7 cases on this forum and see whose results you like best.

    @asterix0Why tricky ?


    15 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Never let cost dictate your choice. Go by results first and foremost. Use our list as a starting point for research.


    @Melvin- Moderator
    I talked yesterday to Eugenix and I didn't like their exemination.
    They said I am NW4 (how...?) and recommend for only 1 session with 4500-4700 grafts.
    3000 for hairline + front/middle and the remaining grafts for the crown.
    3200 grafts will take from scalp and 1500 from beard.

    HDC + Dr Bicer on the other hand, recommended for two sessions, 3500-4000 grafts for hairline + front/middle.
    and one year later, a 2nd session, for crown (say 2500-3500 grafts).
    and both said *maybe* grafts from beard will be necessary for 2nd session. 
    so what should I understand from it?

  2. 8 minutes ago, mister_25 said:

    Limiting yourself to Geography and Budget is a sure way to really narrow down the potential clinics that could be most suitable for your case.

    For example I am from Australia. If I limited myself and said "I don't care how much I spend, but I want to do it in my home country" I would be setting myself for disaster due to Australia having zero good doctors/clinics

    The opposite is "I'm willing to go anywhere, but I don't want to spend more than a certain amount" then you are really cutting out a lot of good and reputable clinics. The best clinics/surgeons have a lot of demand, and for them to meet this demand they have to up their prices to filter out the ones that can and the ones that can't. When a Clinic/Surgeon extends their reach and says "I can do 10+ patients a day" the demand goes down, but the quality also drops. No reasonable doctor can manage over 10 patients a day and that fits hairmill territory. Hence the chances of things like donor damage, permanent shock loss, overharvesting, bad angles, multis in hairline is higher due to the doctor having less and less involvement in a surgery.

    Turkey in particular is a minefield. There are many clinics that will use false advertising, steal other clinics results and will do anything to close in a sale. Not close in a successful hair transplant. Bicer is one of the only good options in Turkey, but I don't think her skill range is Norwood 5. From my observations she works well in Norwood 2-4 range.

    HDC is a good clinic, but there are others that might suit your particular characteristics. Bisanga for example Is skilled in Norwood 5s and is known for working with blonde hair recently. Therefore he would be the most suitable for a Norwood 5 with Fine Blonde hair.

    In my opinion this "game" is all about finding the right clinic for your situation.

    You should do your own research on HDC. I was impressed by Dorons result on this forum as he was a high difficulty repair patient that has a suitable head of hair now. But I haven't seen too much on HDC otherwise so I didn't include them on my Norwood 5 recommendations. That's my personal observations, I can't recommend something when I am uncertain on what I am recommending (in this case, HDC).

    Keep in mind that no one is imposing a budget on you, its a more "how much do I want my hair back". You add more money to your budget and do your research you are increasing the chances of the surgery being a success (regarding you picking a good clinic/surgeon). 

    Norwood 5 - Norwood 5As have a chance to get a strong set of hair on their head again, but they have to do it right from the beginning. Norwood 6s might need to accept a reality that they wont be able to get a full head of hair again if they have poor donor. But they can get something but only if they go to a specialist. This is why I would reccomend more elite clinics/surgeons. If you were a Norwood 2-3 you could go for "cheaper but still good" options because you would need less grafts, you don't want to compromise your donor for future baldness still.

    I personally believe that the higher Norwood you are, the higher difficulty the surgery becomes. More planning to get more out of your donor while still keeping it visually unchanged whilst getting the most out of less. If that makes any sense.

    @mister_25 the question is, what is really the different between clinics that makes one clinic to handle better a high NW session than other clinc? They both recieve the same donor area and amount of available grafts. No one do a magic and create grafts out of nowhere.

    About Dr Bicer, I saw Eran Efrat result which is incredible! He looks liks 5A-6 NW (all other impressive results were on lower NW indeed). 

    HDC have good results as well but few for high NW (similarly to Bicer)

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, mister_25 said:

    I am not including budget/location in my assessments I'm just including what I've been impressed by in the NW5-6 range

    I will also mention that these high norwoods I would not skimp out and go on a budget. Maybe Norwood 5 if they are top budget options but even then if your a Norwood 5 that means that you have a large amount of thin/bald area to cover.

    Norwood 5 / Norwood 5A - H&W, Mwamba, Bisanga, Ferreira, Freitas, Nader, Eugenix

    I honestly believe that if you are Norwood 6 you have to eliminate concerns on budget/geography and go with a doctor that has a strong portfolio of that range. 

    Norwood 6 - Zarev (need more cases, but still very impressed by those results) Sethi, Pitella

    HDC has done some impressive work on here as well.


    @mister_25 You said to ignore geographic location (ok) and budget (hard to do that when your money is limited), but you also say HDC is fine for this level of baldness (regardless their price which is less than all the clinics you mentioned). So I understand from you that no need to multiple my budget and search another options and stay with my current option?

    If I understand you incorrectly, please explain.

    Btw, for 2.5€/graft with this NW class, HDC is prefer over Dr. Bicer? Because I saw nice work of her as well.

  4. Hi.

    32.8 y/o with NW-5A to NW6 baldness

    My options on table are Dr Bicer Turkey and HDC Cyprus.

    Both takes 2.5€/graft which leads me to 10K€ for 4000 grafts session (and I need two sessions according HDC's and Dr Bicer's examination).

    I see recommendations on these clinics but all of them when their prices were lower (1.5€-2€).

    So my question is, do you guys think for 2.5€ these clinics are still a good options? They worth the 2.5€? And if not, and if I'm standing on 10K€/session, any other good clinics with 3€-3.5€/graft cost? But this clinics should me *much better* since it adds almost 4000€ per session


    TIA :)

  5. On 8/10/2022 at 2:39 PM, Z-- said:

    I also doubt that Bicer and HDC are exactly equal. Look for their bad results and see how they handle those (free repair, refund or something else); look at the donor after the transplant, look at how many grafts they need to achieve fullness. I’m 100% certain they are different. If somehow after all that, you can’t distinguish the two in terms of preference, then just flip a coin as it’ll make no difference at that point - both would be equally reliable.


    1. Handling bad results it's not something I think about. Good idea. Actually I saw HDC offer a free repair for someone here or at another forum. Not sure how Bicer will act in the same scenario.

    2. Looking on the donor area - do you mean right after a procedure or some timr after that?

    3. HDC told I need 3500 grafts for first session (hairline +front) then second session. Dr. Bicer told me up to 4000 grafts (hairline + front) then second session. However, both said this number of grafts can be change during personal consult. That's I think to make single day trip for a personal consultation but this will happen after I will choose a clinic (don't want to travel twice for two different countries only for a meetings).

    I know my donor area is not ultimate so another grafts source can be use if needed for second session. HDC takes only from beard and Dr Bicer takes beard + chest. (I have too much :D )


    By the way, I know HDC washing your head for 5 days until you leave Cyprus, and also remove all the scabs before you leave. e.g you come back to your home without any scabs so no need to take care it by yourself. Bicer's clinc's offer you a head wash for a 3-4 days then you are on your own. The question is if removing scabs is deal-breaker.

  6. 9 hours ago, Z-- said:

    Then just go with the one who you think is more likely to help you in the event of any issues (e.g. unlikely event of poor growth). This comes down to which one you trust more and personality based on the calls if all else are equal.

    There are more Bicer results here, but personally, I think both are decent options. I’d still say an elite doctor in Spain or Portugal is the way to go at a slightly higher price point around €3 per graft, but if you are fine with both doctors, there’s no wrong choice. 

    Who in Portugal or Spain take 3€ per graft and is better than these two? From what I saw, price are higher than this.

    And what make Dr. X/Y, better? Because all of them will recieve the same donor area (mine) and no one can do a magic and extract more grafts than it possible..  so?

  7. 26 minutes ago, Z-- said:

    Why don't you consult with each one to see which one aligns with your goals more, especially if you think they do equally decent work? At that point, given that price, location, and quality are nearly the same, just speak to both to get a sense of who will give you what you want.

    @Z-- ofc. I already consult them both.

    Both of them gave same diagonsis +-.

    Two session.

    First around 3500-4000 grafts for hairline and front. Second session for crown. 

    So again - they are the same and I not sure how to decide.

  8. On 7/17/2022 at 12:49 PM, Legal action and refund said:

    Get on Finasteride/Dutasteride immediately. 

    Your have agressive hairloss. 

    I Understand from clinics not to take any preserving medicine in the time before HT, No?

    Does Finasteride is the only way to slow the hairloss? I've used Minoxidile in 2013-2016. But no Finasteride, mostly because its side effects.


    Why do you say it's "aggresive" one? 

    I don't see a lot of hair on my pillow at the morning or on the towel after taking a shower (for example).

  9. 22 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    This should be your starting point when you have exhausted all other medical options and surgery is now a last resort. Searching for a hair transplant by cost and geography nearly always ends up in regret. I will say though that both choices do produce very good results and I am biased as I am a fan of Dr Bicer's results. But remember this. Your results are with you for life. Every time you look into a mirror you will see the results of how much research and patience you have put into a rather quick decision that can never be undone. If you could post some pics of your current hair loss situation it will also help us to get a better idea of your situation so we might be able to give you better advice. At 33 I would not be in the slightest concern about waiting for the best results. I ultimately waited 37 years and so far I could not be happier. In fact if anything my one big regret was pulling the trigger way too soon. All the best!

    Attached some pics.

    About compromise and rush, I don't think I am. I did a reaserch and those are the clinics I think will be good for me.




  10. 16 hours ago, Yan bio said:

    Hdc has two doctors while bicer is only one, hence better waiting time.

    Yes, you can see it that way.

    However, actually, when you book a surgery you book for specific Dr with specific price and his own calender. So, you can ses it as you have three MDs. - Dr. Bicer available on June2023, Dr. Christina available on this November, Dr. Maras available on this November as well.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Legal action and refund said:

    Not sure about HDC being IAHRS member ?

    But HDC is a good clinic for sure regardless of whether they are in the IAHRS. 

    Be careful with IAHRS membership. 

    It doesn't mean much...

    There are good and bad doctors in the IAHRS. 

    For example Hakan Doganay is IAHRS member but he is a notorious for being a bad doctor. 

    Same goes for guys like Tayfun Oguzoglu, James Harris etc...Not all IAHRS members are good options. 

    I thought being IAHRS member is a "seal" that the specific Dr is some level above others.

  12. Hi

    My research points me to these two clincs.

    HDC Cyprus (which is actually Dr. Maras or Dr. Christina - I didn't decide yet) or Dr Bicer in Turkey.
    I consulted them both and they both offerd two sessions and same amount of grafts +-.
    Dr Bicer takes 2.5€ per graft while HDC it 2.2€ / 2.4€ (Dr Christina / Maras),
    and for Dr Bicer I need to wait until June 2023 while HDC (both Dr. Maras or Dr. Christina) are available this November.
    Isn't the fact Bicer's calender is much more busy tells me that she is better?

    In my inexperience point of view, I don't see a big (or some) different in the results of this clinics,
    so I ask myself what do I'm missing (why she's more busy)?
    I don't care to wait almost a year for Dr Bicer if she realy worth it.. 

    I need to choose one of the clinics and I don't know how to🤷‍♂️
    btw, and if it HDC - so Dr. Maras or Christina?

    I'm 33y/o and 6NW

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