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Posts posted by bear56

  1. in my opinion, it is always best to start with the least harmful substance which i believe is minoxidil. if it does not work then move to the next product like finasteride which shows positive outcome for a lot of users but with the possibility of side effects. i believe that some users get poor results because of several factors: overall health, impatience ( not giving enough time for it to work), inconsistency ( skipping the dosage), incorrect application ( not clean the scalp properly, so that the solution can penetrate properly). but here is what i believe is what makes the difference. you need a stimulus if you want good results. for example take a bodybuilder if he would take a protein powder alone without working out, he would not stimulate the muscle to grow. maybe not the best comparison but you get my point. the stimulus for hair would be massage and or microneedling. it will not bring hair back that is gone long time ago but it can  stimulate dormant hair to regrow and keep miniaturized hair alive and improve your overall hair structure. keep what you have regardless if you get a hair transplant or not. a hair transplant does not prevent your other hair form falling out. it only relocates your hair form the donor to the recipient site. so you can opt to take meds to keep it or follow the minoxidil/ microneedling and/or massage if it works for you. 

















  2. i did the entire top. sometimes the sides but you need to go to .5 mm for the sides. i did minoxidil right after. it all depends how you can tolerate it . you must monitor the scalp to make sure it does not get irritated. make sure you clean your scalp before you micro needle  and always use a sterile cartridge. if you  must reuse an old one you have to soak it in alcohol. i always used a new one.  using microneedling plus minoxidil makes it 4-5x more potent. there is plenty of literature out there. i had to cut my hair every month and it got noticable thicker. i had fine  hair grow that i had never seen before. you will start to see noticable results after 3-4 months. good luck!

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  3. i did micro needling using a dermapen #8  prior to my ht  for about 7 months. i used 1.5 mm depth at  first which was quite painful especially in the frontal are where the skin layer is thinner. eventually i went down to 1 mm which was more tolerable. i also used 5% minoxidil  in conjunction with microneedling the same day. suggested use is 24 hours afterwards to prevent skin irritation. i can definately say that my hair felt thicker after a few months and less shedding.

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  4. 1 hour ago, NikosHair said:

    I'm sure others will chime in if they have tried it so soon after the HT.

    Lots of variables in terms of healing.

    The biggest concern would be infecting the recipient site.

    IMO Minox massaged in using a circular motion would be less risky, while still bringing the blood to the surface to nourish the new grafts.

    Then 3+ month introduce gentle dermarolling.

    Increase intensity as the weeks go by.


    thats what i was thinking . thank you!

  5. 1 hour ago, NikosHair said:


    Dermaroller along with Minoxidil treated group was statistically superior to Minoxidil treated group in promoting hair growth in men with AGA for all 3 primary efficacy measures of hair growth. Microneedling is a safe and a promising tool in hair stimulation and also is useful to treat hair loss refractory to Minoxidil therapy.

    A Randomized Evaluator Blinded Study of Effect of Microneedling in Androgenetic Alopecia: A Pilot Study - PMC (nih.gov)

    thank you ! what i was not so sure was to do it after lets say a month or two  after ht. on the recipient hair. i wanted to see if someone had experience with it .

  6. 3- 4 months  months is when the hair typically starts to grow. the hair is at first almost invisible( no color/no pigment), then over the next couple of months as it matures it will get thicker. also all implanted hair do not grow at the same time. they are at different phases. eventually the hair will synchronize which can take 12 months and longer. so i would definately expect your hair to thicken up. i think it looks very good already at this stage and will only get better and better from here on out. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Madhur Vansil said:

    Hi Everyone ,

               I have completed 3 months after my HT at Eugenix Gurgaon .I also have documented my journey here in details :



    But I am worried on seeing those gaps in between transplanted hairs and harsh lighting makes me feel there isn’t much . 

    Please refer to my previous topic which shows my 0 to 3 months progress collage 


    Posting a 95 days Update :

    Front : (Normal Light  - First Row / Harsh Light - Second row )


    I don’t know but I am literally getting worried on this . Please share your thoughts on this .

    For overall journey till now please refer to my journey link and last topic post to better understand my situation .

    i think this looks very good for 3 months. 

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