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Posts posted by Boomerang

  1. 10 minutes ago, rob7331 said:

    Hi all, 4 months.

    I'd estimate about 90% of the hair you see is still native + first transplant so don't be mislead by the longer length. That said I'm starting to see more hairs sprouting so I'm hopeful for a strong density jump as we enter the growth phase. I promised myself I'd be extra patient with this HT though, so I'm going to continue holding my thoughts for now.

    Of note is some continued patchiness on both sides of my head just above my ears, although I was always a little thin in that spot, but it's something to watch going forward. The donor on the back of my head however feels good and dense. I bet I could do a third HT if I wanted to.

    I like doing these updates every two months as the results are more significant, so I may wait until month 6 for the next update.

    1 front 2.JPG

    2 front.JPG

    3 left temple.JPG

    4 right temple.JPG

    5 side 2.JPG

    6 top.JPG

    7 top 2.JPG

    8 donor.JPG

    Thanks for the update rob. 
    You are a month ahead of me.

    Yours and my both side donor situation is same.. 

    why are you considering 3rd HT? Looks like whole area was covered.

  2. 12 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    Thank you. 100% hoping to make sure i keep a good set of updates. 

    Day 4 

    Talking of which, yesterday was Day 4 fully post-op by my count and it was just a case of trying to rest up, using saline spray when i can up to and before 2hrs in some cases. 

    The recipient areas gone very dry and scabby and lots of itchiness now compared to before. I think the right side of the donor area where more hair was taken was itching a bit more but spraying it with saline spray too helped calm it a bit. 

    Tonight was also my first day fully being back home and its been tough with trying to find a solid sleeping position but i am trying to stay as upright as possible and boxing myself in to avoid ending up on my sides. I am told that you can sleep more normally starting day 7 post-op but i do also feel cautious of doing this because of the fact that i feel i could still do more harm than good. 

    Completely understandable. So much efforts, emotions and of course $ have been invested.

    I used to roll up a towel and place it under my face between cheekbone and jaw bone growing back over my ear, so a rolled up towel placed below the eyes and sleep sideways. It worked for me. I couldn’t sleep sitting up after 3 days.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Ajamilo said:

    Nicee too see it starting to sprout out now. Is the white hairs your beard?

    I know, can’t wait to see the visible growth kicking in...

    No, they are pre existing hair. 
    beard hairs were used for the FUT scar only.

    I had 4500 grafts from back and side of head, placed the n top, plus 300-400 grafts from beard into the fut scar.
    Plus transplanted hairs haven’t grown that long yet.

    I see white hairs in my pre op pics



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  4. 3 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    Thank you! Currently here in Delhi at the hotel and hoping to visit the clinic in the afternoon. I have made a thread in another forum section and will regularly be posting updates there. 

    Are you staying at Doubletree?

    have a chat with Mr Kalayan  (asst mgr restaurant) when you go for breakfast. He’s an excellent guy, goes extra mile to help and make you feel comfortable.

    ok will checkout your thread

    rest up

  5. 26 minutes ago, rob7331 said:

    Agreed with prior posters and happy you had a follow-up with Dr. Arika for your concerns. Two months is definitely too early to hyper focus on patchy spots - hell I'm almost at four months and there's still a few minor spots regaining their strength. Give your body the time to heal - the assessment at 6 months, 8 months, a year etc will prove more intriguing.


    Thank you kindly.

    Good luck with your journey. I will definitely follow your journey 

  6. On 5/14/2022 at 3:26 AM, Ryan Daniel said:

    Hi @Boomerang

    I do not believe this is over harvesting as you seem to have had an excellent donor area pre-op. But I could be wrong, nothing is guaranteed

    The extraction seems to be very balanced on the back judging from the post-op photos they took of you

    I have a theory that by extracting so many grafts on separate days might have been traumatizing on your backside, not everyone's scalp reacts the same way and may end up with a different outcome to SHOCK LOSS.


    This is how my donor area looked 1 month after 3000 grafts FUE in TURKEY. It was horrible and traumatizing. 

    I believe after a few weeks later from month 1 it started to fill up. I think I got my first haircut at the end of month 2




    Lucky for them (and me) my hair grew back.  Still to this day I have extraction scars larger than they should be. The extractions that I had from Eugenix were much smaller. None the less, I still cannot keep short haircuts but with some length everything is covered.


    You have 2 choices,  wait for improvement and see what happens. Or else if the situation remains bad you must demand that your donor area gets fixed free of charge (most probably using beard grafts to fill in) You mentioned you are at two months, this is usually quite on the late side of shock loss but it can happen. I would remain calm for the next month or two months and then take action.

    Good luck sir

    Thank you for support and sharing your experience. It means a lot. All the best to you too.

  7. Hi guys
    I have an update on this and like to keep you posted since this forum has been so supportive.
    I had a video call with Dr Arika yesterday. Dr Arika went through my pre and post op pics and she assured me this is not over harvesting, I just need to give this time. Re the other Dr comment of ‘not our work’ we have labeled it as miscommunication as the intent was not to deny. Eugenix has taken the responsibility.
    After Dr Arika dropped off the call, post op team Yugbir and Kirtiman stayed on to share with me the Yugbir’s own journey. His results look great.
    Dr Arika and her team has assured me that my Results will be very good and the patchiness will improve just need to give it time. They were very confident of their work, which was good to see.

    At this point I like to say that my concerns have been taken care of and I will keep you all posted on the progress.

    thanks guys and all the best on your hair journey


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  8. 3 hours ago, Egy said:

    Wait a few more months, the shock loss takes up to the third / fourth month after the transplant to recover well, in any case, yes, the comment where they say that it is not their job is strange, here I expect that @Eugenix Hair Science @Eugenix Hair Science to intervene and clarify.

    Thanks and I really do hope that it is shock loss. 
    The Dr didn’t seem interested, seemed rather bothered. 
    straight up his words were ‘where is it from, we don’t do this close extraction’... and he said that couple of times... 

    Their post op care is good for sending std follow up messages for periodic pics and a std response ‘according to dr assessment everything is on track’

    Irony, when you talk to dr they say it’s not their job

    Anyway, thanks for the support guys, means a lot 

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  9. 9 minutes ago, Captain Haddock said:

    You did no wrong, trust me. The last thing HT patients should do is blame themselves after not getting the care they deserved.

    You might think that a higher package must mean better results but no, I've had the founding surgeon do my donor extraction and it hasn't turned out good either.

    feel bad for you man. How you dealing with it?

    It just sad that knowing that someone who has had two unsuccessful procedures and has traveled from another country with hope... and in general people who pay Eugenix prices expect good care and results.

    so far feedback on care is -ve 

    results we will have to wait and see

  10. 38 minutes ago, didu911 said:

    At this point, I wouldn’t say it is 100 percent over-harvesting. 
    You had a strip procedure and in my opinion the blood flow around that area is not was it used to be, but the donor should recover. 

    The after care you described is a catastrophe indeed!

    If it comes down to Eugenix, I was never impressed by their over-all work and also their package system is very confusing to me. 

    At this point I can only hope that the results come good to make up for it. 

    re Eugenix, Dr Arika no doubt is fantastic. There are people there who lack professionalism, I wish had known them I could have dealt with it better and could have avoided this.

  11. 1 minute ago, Jeev123 said:

    This is the second over harvesting of donor I’ve seen this week on this forum from eugenix, this is actually really shocking

    Post op team initially said it’s shock loss and will recover...

    yesterday I spoke to one of their Sr Doc.. he said it’s not their work they don’t do such close extractions..

    I was shocked, how can you just deny.. pics are in front of you..

    he then said grow the hairs long to cover it...

    no one is letting me through to Dr Arika even after raising concern so my times. Sr Dr who came for video consultation, came without homework ie without looking at the pre and post op pics... 

    very disappointed with the post op careless communication, lack of responsibility and no empathy.

    not feeling confident about the results now


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  12. Hey guys,

    discovered this forum from Melvin’s channel, so thanks Melvin.

    I had my hair transplant done 2 months and 22 days ago from Eugenix in India. I know it’s too early to expect results so I am not worried about that at this stage. I am concerned about how the donor area looks, especially on both sides near the ears.

    I had 4500 grafts implanted in two days sitting: 1800 on day 1 and rest on day 2. 

    I will share some pics and hope you can share some advice..

    (last 3 pics are the most recent, 3 above those were at 5 weeks mark)

    (Adding last two pics pre extraction)

    thanks everyone 
















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