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Everything posted by mirzaTechie

  1. hi guyz, i had HT 2 weeks back, started shedding, looks like i've started the shock loss phase.I have my transplanted region full of scabs(all dried up).When i tried removing them with fingers they got removed with tiny transplanted hairs.Is it way shock loss hairs are shed?? or we should'nt remove them.
  2. Hi chandu, Dr.Madhu adopts advanced techniques(Ultarefined FUT) to perform HT as compared to Ravindra reddy. I had my personal experience with Dr.Madhu, I underwent surgery with Dr.Madhu 2 weeks back on 20th November 2009 for 2491 Grafts.The surgery was very smooth with almost no blood clotting and he placed the grafts in a very well natural looking fashion. Also Dr.Madhu claims he is a member of ABHRS(american board of hair restoration society). This forum already had recommended Dr.Madhu for India.
  3. hi jnd3344, felt sorry about your situation, looks like you've done HT without shaving your existing hairs at the recipient area.If that is the case then it must be carefully handled.Also don't try to remove your scabs yourself , just let it be there, they will eventually go off with the time.Consult immediately with your HT doctor , he would correct this situation.
  4. HI HaiRisWhere, I don't think Dr.Madhu is performing in rajahmandary,because here they do not perform surgery in hyderabad when Dr.Madhu is out of station.But came to know that His wife who is also a good expert (a member of ISHRS) performs in Rajahmandary.Actually Dr.Madhu prior to coming hyderabad worked in Rajahmandary for 4 years.Even here in hyderabad when we ask for any sort of medical bills, they issue bills relevant to rajahmandary clinic. The reason why he is charging less in rajahmandary is may be , it's not a metro city and highly developed place(rajahmandary) and people living there may not afford that hefty price!!!! This also because one of patient i met who required 10,000 grafts ( as he was totally bald) need to spend around 4 Lacs for his surgery which is very expensive!!!!! he was suggested by doctor that if he's concerned about the cost of surgery he can have it in rajahmandary. But still i think , even rajahmandary staff are using advanced techniques in Hair transplantation(please confirm before taking any decision).
  5. Hi, I had Hair transplant 12 days back, my grafts are settled(I guess), but still lot of scabs and transplanted hairs are still there.I work in a software MNC, Im bit embarrassed to have my scalp visible to everyone due to scabs and donor scar.Hence im wearing the bandana cap whole day upto 9 hours, can i continue this for about month or does it harm/stop the transplanted hair to grow?? Please advise.
  6. Thanks Dr Charles, So if Finasteride combined with estrogen-blocker will prevent the side effects, Please can you suggest any safe estrogen blocker tablets approved by FDA and available worldwide.Im asking because i stay in India, any tablets which are safe and easily available.
  7. HI Ashok, Im from Hyderabad in India.I Recently Had HT from Dr. Madhu on 20th Nov 2009 @ Hyderabad.He told me that i comes into NW Class 3 category.He placed 2491 grafts for me.The surgery was smooth, i was under local anesthesia,today its 10th day post operation for me, fortunately may be due to good procedure he's using, i didn't face any blood clotting problem on my scalp but slowly im facing shock loss.It would be good if we have more number of grafts as it may give denser look. The surgery will be performed by two experienced staff(girls) who are good at art or design, of course dr madhu will operate at very sensitive areas where already some hairs are available. Dr madhu charges cheaper price (25 /-) @ his rajahmundry clinic.
  8. Hi guys, im a newbie to the forum.I recently had HT (only frontal part of head), as my crown part of head and back are still having hairs(but thinning) my doctor suggested me to use Topical Minoxidil 5% and finpecia(finasteride) 1mg per day to reduce further hair loss.Im already facing this Gynecomastia problem( from earlier days not with the usage of finasteride) still adjusted to it.Im afraid (after getting knowledge from internet) that usuage of finasteride may lead to gynecomastia, but guy like me who is already facing this problem may worsen this.Can I just stay on using Topical Minoxidil 5% and skip finasteride??? Or is it mandatory to stay on taking medication after Hair transplantation? Please suggest me!!!!!!! Thanks in Advance.
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