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Posts posted by AxelShip

  1. Hey guys,


    I posted on this forum about 18 months ago and was really thankful for the advice. I've been on Finestaride 1mg for about a year now and started taking topical Minoxidil 5% earlier this year. After 1-2 months of the minox I experienced a shedding phase but afterwards my hair became much fuller and thicker. I was really happy with the results but 4-6 months after that I've noticed that my hair has got thinner again. It's not as as bad as it was prior to taking Fin and Min but it's definitely not as good as it was at that stage I mentioned. 


    Do you have any idea what this might be? Or any recommendations on what I should do?


    Thank you!

  2. 4 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Hey @AxelShip welcome to the forum. I'm an Aussie in Melbourne and I can promise you that after 27 years of research here alone we have the worst doctors and even worse surgeons when it comes to MPB. I would speak with a good doctor and have a script made for Finasteride 1mg a day. Even in studies the placebo group developed side effects. Having said that I have recently dropped finasteride (after surgery three months ago) as my libido really dipped. Too hard to tell if it was a nocebo from work stress or from the drug. I will wait until the 12 month mark from my surgery and then revisit finasteride (and add minoxidil) once my transplanted hair has fully grown out. When it comes to surgery forget it here. The so called best surgeons here are charging what the best overseas has to offer but without the skill set. Wishing you all the best mate!

    @GatsbyThanks mate! I will go to another doctor and be a bit more forceful to get the script. I did originally look into the Aussie surgeons and I'm so happy I found this forum because everything I've read is exactly what you've said. I can't believe they can be so bad.. but I guess the whole industry seems pretty shady which is what makes it so hard to find decent advice anywhere.  


    Also, thanks heaps to @NARMAK, @mafpe, and @Mike10 for the discussion on Fin and the side effects. My wife is more concerned than I am on that front but it's definitely something I'll be keeping an eye on. The doctors I spoke to were dismissive instantly due to the side effects but it does seem like so many people are using this drug.


    Do you guys think that I should give the meds a go first and then see how that goes before looking into a HT? Any idea how long should I wait before making that call? Also, is there anything to look for that might be an important to note in making a decision for or against a HT?


    Another thing, @Euphoriamentioned that the other two meds, min and ketaconazole with fin might work to regrow the hair, is this something I should be jumping on straight away with the finasteride?


    Thanks so much to everyone for your replies, I'm so happy I found this forum!

  3. Hi everyone,


    I’ve been reading quite a bit on this forum over the past month but I’d like to get your opinion on what I should do. I’ve been to 3 different doctors in the past 12 months and they’ve all told me not to take finestaride and have pretty much dismissed my hair loss concerns (one told me that I’m married so why do I even care about my hair anymore!). Recently I have noticed that my hair is receding worse than it was previously and am at that point where it looks bad so I’m either going to have to shave it completely bald (which I really don’t want to) or fix it somehow.


    I haven’t ever taken any medication or anything for my hair, mainly because the doctors have not even entertained the idea of prescribing it. I have read that the only true fix is a transplant, which I am open to, and money isn't really an issue. I was reading through posts for recommendations on different surgeons but I guess I'd love some overall advice because I’ve also read on these forums that you should be on medication for a while before even considering a transplant.


    So with that in mind, and my photos below can you please let me know what you think my next course of action should be?







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