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Posts posted by Kent

  1. I really hope it grows out nicely for you. You deserve the highest ethical standard. Why don’t you contact Dr Hasson and share your concerns. If a planning mistake was made to your temple area then Dr Hasson should help you correct it. This is disappointing to hear as I’m scheduled for a HT with Dr Hasson in a couple of months. Your advice about being assertive and ask questions is helpful. 

    I hope it all works out for you. FWIW I actually like your temple points and think they’ll nicely frame your face. But it’s not what I like and you shouldn’t have to deal with this alone. I think speaking to the clinic will make you feel better.

    best wishes and keep us updated 


  2. I’m not sure it matters if it’s the doc or experienced techs who do the punches or implants. It’s experience that matters. The incisions are planned and made by the physician which is what I think you’re paying for. And the proof is in the pudding - Hasson consistently hits (conservative) home run's. It’s the results that you want so who does what becomes academic - it’s a team effort and the doc is the lead. Check out Hasson’s before and afters - wow! I agree the graft fees are high but you’re chances for a good result are very good. A bad result would be heartbreaking. 

  3. Happy to hear you’re feeling more positive about your procedure. I’m surprised to hear the clinic mixed up your day 2 extraction count. Wtf? However, the 500 - 600 graft difference isn’t overly significant for future need. You have every right to raise this as an issue in my opinion.  But don’t let that detract from your amazing HT from a great FUE doc. I know that’s easy for me to say but I may need you to give me similar advice when I get my HT in July.

    Very happy and excited for you! You did it !!!

  4. Where are you travelling from? Do you have a long flight? I’m sure a loose fitting hat will get you home safe and sound. Fortunately I don’t need to travel as I live in Vancouver.  I’m planning on going directly home after the procedure and hiding out. lol I’m a teacher and get July and August off which gives me time to heal before I’m back in the classroom. I’d like to keep it private from the students - although I’m sure they’d be supportive and curious. 

  5. Is FUT a better hair transplant option for very fine hair?

    I read FUE has a lower graft survival rate compared to FUT due to greater stress on grafts, so overall density is higher for FUT.  

    If my main goal is maximum density should I get FUT?

    I’m planning to get my hairline and corners rebuilt (2000-3000 grafts). I have no hair loss at the crown and lots of donor hair. My hair loss isn’t progressing (I’m 55 and take finasteride).  

    I’d love to get FUE but worry fine hair + lower graft survival rate may result in poor hair density.

    Does anyone know if FUT is significantly better for hair density for people with fine hair?


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