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Posts posted by Kent

  1. 3 minutes ago, davidn said:

    Just general: Isn't it the opposite relation? Pretty sure the lower the hairline the more temple work needed as an industry rule of thumb. 

    Maybe it’s the angle of the temples. I think Nordster34 posted he has a wider forehead which may also factor in. 

    I’d like to see his result full head on to get a better sense of the design. It’s hard to assess the design based on only portions of the face and head. 

    I wonder how often Hasson does temple work on his patients. It seems like a specialized skill. 

    • Like 1
  2. In looking back on Nordster34’s pre pics it looks like he had some natural temples already. The only reason I can think of for building out his temples is because his hairline wasn’t dropped down far enough. If the hairline had been designed lower I think it would have lined up with his pre-existing temple area. 

    My pre pics are very similar to Nordster34. Hasson lowered my hairline quite a bit more that Nordster34’s and he was able to blend it in with my temples quite naturally. 

    Nordster did you request a higher hairline than what Hasson recommended?

    Does anyone know the criteria a surgeon uses to recommend temple work?


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  3. 14 hours ago, Nordster34 said:

    The hairline is looking really good and natural! I like that he rounded the corners a little bit to give it a softer and more refined look. Mine ended up having sharper more angular corners and I really wish mine was a bit more like yours in terms of shape. The growth looks fantastic! 

    Thanks very much - I’m happy with the results so far.

    I like the design Hasson suggested. I was wondering if he would recommend temple work after following your posts but he didn’t. 

    A lot of folks have strong opinions on your result so take everything you read with a grain of salt - both the good and the bad. I really like your result and I think the design Hasson used for your transplant was based on the shape of your head. Hasson was really good to me and discounted the price when his office switched my scheduled FUE to FUT. I have no doubt they’ll support you 100% when it comes to touch ups and adjustments. 

    Cosmetic surgery will never turn out exactly as we think but hopefully we can be happy with the good features. We have a good doctor who I think will make sure you’re happy in the end. 

    Cheers friend!

  4. 1 hour ago, Nordster34 said:

    Curious if folks have thoughts on the density of the left hairline corner. Is there any chance this will fill in over the next few months? If not, do you think this will be an easy repair? I’d like to be able to part my hair at this corner, so the sparsity is a bit of an issue. Here’s a pic of what it looks like when parted at this corner. 


    I’ve read that new hairs can still pop at the 9 month mark. Everyone grows differently. I’d give it a full year before making plans to fine tune. 

    Great hairline by the way. 

  5. It’s almost 5 months. I attached some pics (2 with wet comb through and the rest are dry). 

    The hairline is impressive but the hair behind the hairline is still patchy. 

    I’m looking forward to the new hair become integrated with my native hair. I really want to be able to go to a barber for a nice cut and style that shows off the hairline.

    A recap - FUT from Hasson 3875 grafts in July 2022. The procedure was routine 7:30am to 5:30pm. There was no pain. I had my head shaved completely. I noticed early growth around 2.5 months. The hairline became defined around the 4th month. 

    If you have any questions let me know.

    cheers !!!









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  6. Day 116 (a week away from 4 months) post FUT 3875 grafts with Hasson in Vancouver. 

    My hairline is beginning to become defined.  Small fine hairs are getting thicker and longer. 

    My linear scar is still a bit red but feels better ever day.  It’s entirely covered by my hair, which has grown back after a complete shave for the procedure in July. 

    The lighting makes the hairline look thicker I think but I’m still happy to see things begin to happen. 

    I’ll post again at the 5 month mark. 







    • Like 3
  7. Hello fellow Hasson FUTer. I’m attaching a few recent photos which are at the 2.5 month mark.

    My scar is still a little red (see photo) but feels fine. It’s completely covered by my hair. 

    I’ll do another update at 3.5 months. 

    Best wishes to you my friend!  Happy healing!




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  8. 20 minutes ago, Raskolnikov said:

    I agree with you. I didn’t ask the doctors how much I have available in my donor area, but Dr. Cengiz (the one who did my procedure) told me that if I want/need to have another FUE procedure in the future (hopefully I don’t, but you never know..) I have an exceptional donor area and have enough for “several more procedures.”

    If you need to be more efficient in the future with your donor area you could consider strip. Not sure why more younger guys aren’t choosing FUT

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  9. One month after 3875 graft FUT with Dr Hasson in frontal band and corners (fine hair).

    Three images - one right after, another about 2 weeks after, and the other today at one month. 

    Nearly all the hair has shed - small amount remaining. Hopefully this means it will grow in faster! 

    Recipient area is still fairly red. 

    I’ll update again in a month!





  10. 1 hour ago, Scream said:

    My consultation resulted in an estimate of anywhere from 3000-3500. However, based on what I've seen from others, I feel fairly confident it will be on the higher end, if not pushing 4000. I'd love to only need one day, but I am mentally preparing for two!

    Yep, one day is a lot as it is. I was delighted when they were able to do everything in one day. You might be in luck as I had a total of 3875 grafts - all in one session. 

    Actually, that was FUT. FUE may result in a second day. 

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