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Walker Paper

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Everything posted by Walker Paper

  1. According to Dr. Rassman, who is a great HT authority and a HT pioneer, you can assume almost any type of exercise 3 days post op in case of FUE. Me too, I am a gymnast and started my handstand routine 7 days post op. I didn't have any issues, might have even improved the blood circulation in the head. Just be mindful not to hit your head against something... but 4 weeks post op you are totally fine.
  2. Here is the link: https://www.barrons.com/news/hair-transplant-fad-turns-deadly-in-india-01669949408
  3. According to William Rassman 2 weeks post op is fine: https://www.realself.com/question/beverly-hills-ca-start-ketoconazole-schampoo-after-fue-hair-transplant
  4. Hello @sl, how many days after your HT did you start using LLLT? Thanks
  5. Don't worry, same thing happemd to me, I was in a 15- minute strong wind and rain the same day I finished my op and no damage was done. Relax and trust the proccess
  6. Hello guys, which month after your surgery have you noticed the most hair growth?
  7. Hello guys, I am on the 10th day FUE post-op and today while gently rubbing my scalp some of the dried scabs fell off with hair attached to them, maybe around 100 or so. Have a look at the picture... will this hair grow back or is that a lost graft? Thanks
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