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Posts posted by rr1992

  1. Hello Everyone!

    I have just returned home to the US after having a 2700 graft FUE procedure with Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong in Bangkok, Thailand. I want to share my experience for both feedback and to help others who are searching for a surgeon.

    Background - I am a 29 year old Caucasian male with a receding hairline. I have always had a high hairline but noticed over the past several years it seems to have creeped up higher than I was comfortable. I begin looking into a HT 3 years ago, but kept putting it off as I was dreading the post op time needed to see the full results (shaved head, ugly duckling stage etc). and to be frank I didn't have glaring hair loss so I was able to go without it.

    Dr selection - I was open to traveling anywhere in the world to have procedure done as long as I felt it was a reputable clinic/surgeon and the price was within my range. I was really looking to pay no more than 10k total. Hasson and Wong in Canada really caught my eye but the price was just too high when I saw there were other clinics with similar results and far less expense. Ultimately, it came down to Dr. Laorwong in Thailand and Eugenix in India. I scoured through years of reviews and felt that Dr. Laorwong was the right choice as I had a very hard time finding any complaints, pricing was very competitive, and he is thoroughly involved in all steps of the procedure.

    Procedure - Traveling to Bangkok during active COVID restrictions was NOT easy. There are many hoops to jump through and it was stressful to plan my trip. In fact, I had to change my procedure date several times as COVID rules and regulations evolved. Dr. Laorwong was very understanding and was able to push my surgery date back one day on short notice as I was frantically trying to meet all of the necessary travel requirements.

    After arriving to Bangkok I quarantined for 1 day and then headed straight to the clinic at 830 for an initial consultation and surgery to follow. The Dr took some measurements and drew an initial hairline and asked for my feedback. I agreed to the hairline as it was in line with my expectation based on our email conversations. The only additional request I made was to fill in the temple points and he agreed and added that to the projected number of grafts needed which totaled 2700 : 2400 for the lowering and dense packing of my hairline and 300 for temple points (150 on each side).

    At this point we went straight into preparation for the procedure. I was administered a COVID and HIV test, then Dr. Laorwong himself shaved my donor area and I was taken to the operating room.

    The procedure itself took longer than I expected (which I didn't see as a bad thing as it only reassured me of the thoroughness). The donor extraction took roughly 2.5 hours followed by a 20 minute lunch, then 6 hours of incision and implantation. The 6 hour stretch was the worst part for me as laying on my back for so long without moving my head was causing me a lot of neck discomfort. I was given 30 minutes of LLT then sent back to my hotel for the night and scheduled to return the following afternoon for a cleaning and checkup.

    I wasn't in any pain and was able to sleep mostly normal. Returned to the clinic the next day and everything appeared to be in order and I was given another round of LLT, and a bag that included cleaning instructions, medications (antibiotics, Tylenol) and some shampoo. I will note that Dr. Laorwong prefers patients to stay at least 3 days for follow up appointments, but I was unable to due COVID restrictions and the need to get back to the US for work. I had the 1 follow up appointment the day after the procedure and flew home that night.

    Overall Experience - The experience was excellent and I can only hope the results are as well. Dr. Laorwong is a man of few words and straight to the point, but is very thorough and seems to take a great deal of pride in his work. At this point I feel very comfortable having chosen him as my surgeon.

    Below are some before and Day 2 photos. I will add to this thread as my hair grows and I make progress. Any questions, comments, and feedback are welcomed!



    Before photos -








    Day 2 -








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  2. 18 hours ago, Hristo13 said:

    Hi @rr1992 ... it was a combination of my suggestion based on a hairline design I wanted and Dr Laorwong taking measurements using a ruler of my face and making recommendations ...  it is probably one area I wish I had spent a little more time considering ... I had an in person consultation the day before surgery and if I could change one thing it would be leaving the drawing of the hairline, which we did on this day, on overnight so I could see how I feel about it in my own time and over a few hours

    Thank you!

  3. 11 hours ago, AA1989 said:

    There appears a mismatch in your expectations and the procedure the doctor is proposing (based on the number of grafts)

    1. How old are you?
    2. What is your family history of hair loss?
    3. When did your hair loss start, and how has it progressed over time?
    4. Regarding the glabella measurement, where would you like your new hairline to start?
    5. Have you noticed improvements during the time you have been on finasteride?
    6. Which doctor have you chosen?
    7. Have you seen independent reviews, where the doctor has performed temple point reconstruction? (It's tricky to get right and easy to get wrong!)


    @AA1989 and others. I think this answers all the questions that have been asked.

    1. 29

    2. Dad has MPB. 2 of 4 sons have MPB.

    3. I don’t know when it started. I’ve never lost hair from crown nor have I had noticeable hair loss. Just seen my hairline creep up little by little for years. I’ve always had a high hairline though so hard to say how much.

    4. I’m not sure where exactly. I just want a lower hairline and smaller forehead. It’s hard to visualize so hard to say where exactly.

    5. Again never noticed active hair loss so not sure, but continue to take it to prevent any loss.

    6. Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong

    7. I’ve looked at Laorwong’s reviews and results extensively. Some included temple work. I didn’t see even one result that didn’t look great IMO.


  4. 7 hours ago, AA1989 said:

    Useful reading: https://shapiromedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/article_hairline-design.pdf

    What is the distance between your glabella (blue line on image) and the start of your current hairline?


    @AA1989- Thanks for the info. It is roughly 4in from my glabella to my hairline.

    @NARMAK- I've been on finasteride for the last 5 months. Was on it for several years a few years ago. My crown hasn't lost any hair, I think my losses are just the normal recession that comes with a maturing hairline. I just don't like my forehead, so looking to drop hairline a bit. The doctor has estimated 2300-2500 grafts.

  5. Hello,

    I am looking for some advice on planning out my new hairline for my procedure that I have upcoming (next week!). The Dr. and I have been emailing back and forth and he drew an initial hairline on one of my consultation photos, but as expected it isn't very detailed and is more or less just a line drawn across my head.


    Here are some photos of my current hairline, my main purpose of the procedure is to reduce the size of my forehead and I am especially curious if I should opt to have any grafts added to my temples as well. 


    Any advice/recommendation is very much appreciated!








  6. Hi All,

    29yo male from the United States. I was going to see Dr. Laorwong in Thailand later this month for a 2300-2500 FUE procedure to lower and pack hairline. Unfortunately, because of COVID travel to Thailand requires a 10 day quarantine regardless of test/vaccination status. I can't take that much time off of work (I work remote but the time zone differences make working from there very difficult). So, now I am looking for recommendations on similarly priced (2.50-3.50/graft) surgeons who may be options. I can travel pretty much anywhere (that is allowed right now) and I am looking to do ASAP as I would like to get through the beginning stages while it is still winter!

    I've attached some photos as well for reference.



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