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  1. Any updates with people posting photos and using the latest Hasson topical?
  2. Yeah I saw that after I watched the video. I am thinking I might do 3 days a week to start and try that for a bit.
  3. Ok I am new so I am learning how to use the site. I was replying to GrowNewHair question asking about my sides from a previous topical finasteride I was using
  4. The sides I got were depression, I could not get an erection. Wasn't able to get my wife pregnant. It was miserable. It is so strange how some people can be just fine on it and then others its like it barely touches you and bam all these side effects.
  5. Yeah I guess I am just a tad hesitant. Dr. Hasson in his video did say the patients had really no sides but mine were bad before so I am hestiant just remembering what I went through and then just maintaining the 99/month, I think right now that is more of my hang up. I don't want to detour you. I want this to work for sure.
  6. I bought it but haven't started yet. I just don't think I can afford $99/month. Plus I had side on their topical finasteride they had out before this new solution.
  7. I am starting Topical Fin from xyon. So we will see how it goes. Anybody else try it yet?
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