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Posts posted by mmokin

  1. as we know a lot of people believe that an overharvested donor is basically incurable (which is technically true with conventional treatments)

    but just for headcannon im going to post every possible fue donor repair strategy i can think of that could be possibly implemented some more theoretical than others.

    1) Donor farming with oral minoxidil to implant newly grown beard and chest hair into donor once they have become terminal
    2) SMP with temporary pigment touch up every 3-4 years until permenant solution is found
    3) Stem cells to clone new hairs or any other method of cell replication (decades away into future)
    4) Fue combined with Verteporfin for skin to heal with newly created hair grafts (possibly implant these hairs directly
       back into donor where scars were made)
    5) Heavy microneedling at 2.25-2.5mm in effort to fade scars and bring back pigment to fue dots
    6) Homogenous extractions in next transplant in order to create diffuse thinning pattern so is not possible to tell where extractions were

  2. i had an fue and am trying to get my donor back in good condition by donor farming with oral minox so I can implant new beard hair or chest hair into scalp lmao
    i can buy like 100mg of this online for £850 pounds, so you're telling me i could fue grafts out of my scalp, inject this, implant the grafts back into the donor and get 100% density? loooooooooooooool


  3. On 1/5/2022 at 2:57 PM, Curious25 said:

    Does anyone know what the comparable dosage of using this orally, would be compared to the 5% topical application twice daily? 



    yh its a simple equation:

    1ml roughly equals 1g for water

    0.05*2 = 0.1

    approx 0.1 grams of minoxidil is in a 2ml application, due to the low molecular weight of minox (209 daltons) i suspect a lot of it is going systemic

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, HT8235 said:

    Hey guys! I had my FUE procedure 1 month ago to restore my hairline. 


    I'm 27 and have been on fin for 3 years now. I was very self-conscious of the receding in the corners and temples of my hairline. My recession was mild but something that was really bothering me so I ended up getting an FUE procedure done with one of the top ranked docs on this board. They did 3000 grafts till to in the corners and thicken the hairline. I wanted to bring in the temple peaks, but we were already doing 3k grafts so the surgeon wanted to focus on the hairline and didn't think the temple peaks were that bad.


    The first 6 pictures are pre-op.


    The next 5 are 1 day post-op.


    Then a few days post-HT.


    Then 3 weeks post-HT. Everything was going well till this point and I was feeling pretty confident despite still looking odd from the procedure.


    The last 4 pictures are 1 month post-op and I'm a bit concerned. Obviously shedding a ton in the recipient area which I expected, but also seem to be shedding a ton throughout the mid and back scalp. Is this normal shock loss? Or perhaps I never noticed how thin it actually was since my hair used to be longer?



    Trying to trust the process as I know everyone goes through the ugly-duckling phase and I'm confident in the surgeon I chose, but hard to look at how I looked pre-op vs now!


    Thanks all and will update as things continue to progress.

    your hair looks lighter on the top when they shaved your head i think you were diffusely balding but couldnt tell with longer hair.

    they say you need to lose 50% of your density before you can visually tell you are experiencing hairloss


  5. On 1/3/2022 at 11:50 AM, Kay787 said:

    I have added some pics below, first one was day 4 as ibhad the bandages off at day 3. Then the infection started right after day 5 and started dissappearing after day 7.

    At day 11 it all seemed to have started going well and then the shedding/shock loss started at day 14.

    Pics below looks like not added in day order but have the day number on the pic 20210913_081945.thumb.jpg.249df9450b15631cd485298db3dfe42d.jpg20210906_082933.thumb.jpg.f3966ff862fa9e646ae01c5a060a8295.jpg20210908_154412.thumb.jpg.e1316636d44c21a2b0b18a3071c65ef1.jpg20210909_115913.thumb.jpg.31a5a03fe8b22d374570f48db4ebed47.jpg20210913_082013.thumb.jpg.9e69ff5b3619cd3e0be7a456124d70e2.jpg



    since there was more hair at 11 days post op than 2 months it probably is shock loss but i dont think the surgeon did a good job extracting to get that much shock loss

  6. 4 minutes ago, JDEE0 said:

    Oral minoxidil will be more effective overall, yes. It's not necessarily a catch all truth for everyone, but the problem with topical for many people is that they genetically lack the necessary sulfotranferase enzyme in the scalp that is needed to convert minoxidil into minoxidil sulfate; the drugs active form that actually aids hair growth. 

    With oral minoxidil, the liver processes things instead and largely bypasses this issue so it doesn't really matter if someone lacks the enzyme on the scalp very much. If you happen to be someone who has said enzyme in abundance, then topical will work just fine and there's less of a need to use oral/it won't be drastically more effective to begin with. But many people see little success with oral for the above reason. 

    you mean less success with topical in the last sentence?

  7. 13 minutes ago, Etownone said:

    I'm just trying to get some clarification here bud..   Because u said:

    "but they are using topical minox which has been shown to be less effective than oral for scalp hair." 

    If this is true, which this is the first time I heard this,  then I'm switching to oral. 



    minoxidil needs to be turned into minoxidil sulfotransferase to do anything since its a prodrug, the skin can do this to a varying degree but if taken orally it is converted into the sulfate form in the liver.

    im pretty sure this is why its more effective than topical but was looking for a study to confirm this

  8. 5 minutes ago, JDEE0 said:

    I feel you, difference is though someone like earl has always had a high hairline with no recession in the corners. Was the same back in like 2010, and in other words, is not MPB whereas OP's is.

    Besides, I'm not saying he shouldn't get a HT soon even if he doesn't take fin ever, just saying that it's going to progress over the years which OP didn't really seem to fully accept/realise when he said his hairline has been the same since a teen. Sounded more like he was saying he's not suffering from MPB, I was just pointing out that he in fact is.

    I'm 27 myself and have just had a HT with loss a little bit worse than this, so I'm not saying don't go for it, just to be weary. My overall point is: look at someone like Ralph Fiennes, guy had a pretty sick hairline in Schindlers list when he was about 30 years old or so, but has since gone NW4+. Not the end of the world by any means and he could fix it easily with 3500 grafts and fin, but things will progress if left alone.

    yh i agree with everything you said, if you arent willing to accept balding as a potential reality then dont do HT

    • Like 1
  9. 32 minutes ago, JDEE0 said:

    It's definitely male pattern baldness, and whilst you may have always had a bit of a high hairline when you were younger, I can promise you that your hair isn't the same as it was when you were 15/16; it's just progressing slowly. You need to accept this fact as it will only continue as you get older, and you'll inevitably need more HT's as time goes by, especially so if you're not using fin (which it sounds like you're not from your post). Considering using meds (if you do end up doing so) would mean that your loss will be slowed considerably and you can stave off needing another HT for as long as possible, most likely much longer than if you don't use them.

    Your loss isn't particularly aggressive or anything, but like I say, in the long run you will lose more hair. It probably won't be very fast (although nothing is a given), and how much will be lost is anyones guess, but I'm just pointing all of this out as lots of people (especially younger) with fairly mild MPB don't want to accept that it is indeed baldness and if you approach this from that sort of angle, well I can almost promise you that you'll be very disappointed in the future when things progress and you're tied into the HT route. 

    You're young and you have lots of years for loss to continue, so be mindful and consider fin is my advice. As for your situation, you probably need around 2000 grafts, give or take, depending on the design. Your donor looks pretty good from what I can see, and the rest of your hair is in good condition as you have said. Lot's of surgeons are going to be weary of performing a HT on you being so young and unmedicated, they may ask you to wait a few years and try fin as a result, which is what I would reccomend too.

    I don't know much about clinics in LA, but I know Dr. Mohebi does decent work so maybe get in touch with them for a consultation, but really you shouldn't let location dictate where you go. Do some research and pick a doctor based off their results; it will probably mean you'll need to travel, but most of us here have done that.



    this is good advice but i think your being overly cautious. I for one had an earl sweatshirt hairline since birth and it didnt change even to my mid twenties and if you catch hair loss in the early months then you could recover fully with finasteride.

    if you plan to never take finasteride than i agree with you, you should never go for a HT but if its a contingency you are willing to accept i dont see why you shouldnt go for a HT at 25

  10. On 5/20/2021 at 2:19 PM, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Because it’s not a viable option. If you’ve depleted your donor enough for needing restocking, you’ve approached surgery the wrong way. The goal should always be to preserve the integrity of the donor. Because you don’t want to trade one thin area for another. If it were a good option, more surgeons would do it.

    is it because it is hard for the surgeon to do or the final result is not natural?

    of course i understand people shouldnt plan to do donor restocking before the first HT but it is a contingency plan like smp if you are already in a bad spot after getting overharvested from a surgery you regret having.

    from this perspective are there actually any issues with using body hair from beard, chest etc for the donor?

  11. On 12/2/2020 at 11:24 PM, Rossybop said:

    Does anyone have any knowledge or experience of Hair of Istanbul?

    I know a guy that had a transplant there and he's happy with the result. My friend tells me two guys from his barber shop got transplants there and he says they have got results. I was curious so I looked them up online (website and Instagram).

    My unprofessional opinion on what I've seen online is:

    They seem to produce brilliant results, in fact, the results seem almost too good to be true. The results seem to be "perfect." A lot of their hairlines are so sharply defined and low, they are like teenage hairlines from airbrushed photoshoots. Looking fantastic, having big white teeth, sharp youthful hairline, brown skin, big muscles etc, that's all great but is it natural? 

    It appears to me as if Hair of Istanbul provide dream hairlines. Perhaps they give people what they "want" rather than what's realistic. Then again, if it makes the clients happy maybe that's all that matters?

    dont go there they are garbage

  12. 1 minute ago, JC71 said:

    You have only have got to see the Forums recommend list evolve since it’s inception (20+ years) and yes Clinics/Drs from all over the world have been added and removed for various reasons. People are unfortunately still being botched pretty much everywhere. All we can do is try and educate and help people make the most reliable choices. Which is why we always say don’t let location and money be the driving factor. And don’t be taken in by a clinic promising amazing results. No ht is guaranteed, this is made clear by the better clinics. 

    i dont think theres a more degenerate industry than the one for hairloss scam after scam thousands of people preying on male insecurity 

    honestly wish i had surgical hairline lowering instead of a HT but it is what it is 

  13. 24 minutes ago, JC71 said:

    Nope not true at all. India also has some awful clinics, infact some are producing some shocking work. Eugenix, Medispa are the most reliable but again the rest are mostly a massive risk. 
    Same can be said for everywhere worldwide, over the last decade + i have seen poor work from just about everywhere ! 
    If you consider who can be relied upon it’s actually not that bigger list. US may have some really good Clinics/Drs but take a look at Bosley of any other chain clinics (we have them here in the Uk too) some of the worst results you will find. 
    Absolutely nothing dishonest in anything I wrote. 99.9% clinics can be ignored in Turkey, and pretty much the same for anywhere worldwide. Poor choices are everywhere.

    i agree with your edit

    but not getting sidetracked the post is to say that going to any package clinic in turkey like the ones stated regardless of their results is always a bad move

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