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Posts posted by Bandit90

  1. 4 minutes ago, JC90 said:

    @Bandit90 thanks for this. When you done your first head wash did all of your scans come off? Im hoping the rest of my scans come off in my second wash tomorrow 



    All looks on track mate! For all my transplants it did take a few head washes to get all the scabs off. Should all be off by day ten, just keep repeating what your doing each day! 

  2. 7 hours ago, GeneralNorwood said:

    And speaking about Etwan. He kind of dictated his last surgery, so i guess he is better at planning surgeries then Sethi :D


    I'd say the planning by Dr Sethi is generally very good. For me who is a NW7, he covered the area in two sittings. My honest opinion, I think your case would have been long put to bed in two sittings like mine, as our end goals are really not that dis-similar . Anyways, I don't want to trigger an intense debate, lets keep this thread about the OP and his transformation. 

  3. 10 hours ago, JC90 said:

    @Bandit90 Eugenix died my hair a fair bit when extracting. I don’t think my pictures do my donor justice, when I would run a comb through my donor in an upwards direction it’s feels thick. Even now when I very lightly run my hand up the back of my head it feels like no hair has been taken so I can’t wait to see how it ends up in the coming months. 

    got my first head wash tomorrow, a little nervous and I don’t have any of the cotton bandages left. It might just have to dab the recipient area with saline water and Dove  intense repair shampoo and leave to soak in. 

    if anyone has any tips please let me know 

    Similar to me, you have a very low scalp/hair colour contrast which makes the donor difficult to assess from pictures alone, but this will play into your favour by aiding the illusion of density. I actually wish I took some photos of my scalp when the clinic put the black hair dye on, because my donor area instantly changed and looked way healthier.  


    In terms of the final head wash, our very own Melvin did an an excellent video, which I personally followed and worked well for getting the scabs off. 


  4. @GoliGoliGoli One thing I would be mindful is that people with blonde hair can often have the appearance of ‘miniaturising hair’ whereas this is infact just finer blonder hair. I say this because I was personally was rejected from the top clinics via online consults, because they had a similar take to you. Whereas when I went to see a forum recommended doctor for an in person consult, he told me that my hair has an illusion of being miniaturised, but is in fact healthy hair. Also when Eugenix died my hair black for the extractions, it became obvious my hair wasn’t miniaturised in the areas you would think it was. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Well, it's a question of what is the point of these threads and what is the point of this entire forum to begin with. Is the point that we're supposed to offer our honest opinions, feedbacks, and criticisms in a polite way so that others can learn about best practices in the HT industry? Or is the point to glad-hand each other to the degree that we bite our tongues when we see a clinic demonstrably behaving in a way that makes it clear they prioritize profits over patients? 

    I'm willing to be passive-aggressively bullied into silence, so I wont post on this thread anymore. But I would like to hear from @Eugenix Hair Sciences what their thinking was when they extracted grafts from an area that is clearly undergoing significant miniaturization. 

    Your missing my point, I don't want you silenced! all i'm is saying let the OP's journey unfold, as it's just theoretical analysis at the moment as he is three days out of surgery. By month 6/7 with the pictures the analysis will just be so much more purposeful. 

    • Like 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    In OP's pics you can see that the clinic extracted scalp grafts from below his FUT scar in an area that is miniaturizing. Any time a clinic says "Oh ya you're a candidate" and then immediately starts harvesting grafts from what is at best a questionable area, I think that speaks to the fact that they were not a candidate to begin with. I've seen this in other Eugenix cases where they harvest grafts from what areas that are clearly quite miniaturized. If I had gotten back from my HT and noticed a ton of grafts were taken from areas where I have retrograde alopecia, I would've been apoplectic. 

    This type of analysis right now isn't necessary nor helpful. As the OP begins to document his journey, there will be lots of scope for analysis. it's evident you really don't like the clinic which is fine, but i've been following your posts in recent months and you do tend to go in quite hard at the clinic (again is completely fine - its your opinion). But I would just be mindful  to avoid causing the OP any undue stress, as he is fresh out of surgery. 

    • Like 3
  7. Think we need to relax with the hindsight criticisms, OP surgery is complete, so let the proof be in the pudding. OP's case is very similar to @garcimore75 whom I had a call with earlier this year after his second sitting and trust me he is looking killer. The criticisms by some posters are a tad overboard here. Let's just use a ‘wait & see’ approach, rather than cause a tonne of undue stress to the OP who has just had surgery. If we keep going this hard on patients who have just had surgery, we are just going to put off posters from sharing their journeys. 


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  8. 3 hours ago, JohnnyR said:

    Well… eugenix told this guy

    the same thing they told you… but nothing happened on the bald transitions…  

    in my opinion there will not regrow enough to make it invisible.

    Not apples with apples. OP has a compromised donor and has rightly been conservative on the first sitting. Over 5.5k grafts in one sitting for this type of donor is a lot. Crown and temples are to be covered in the second sitting after an evaluation of how the donor recovers.. IMO this is a commendable approach to surgery! 

  9. Good luck growing! Works looks clean, expecting a great result. Nice to see some blonder hair cases from the clinic! Its always a killer sleeping the first 7 days post-op esp with lower crown work, but will be over with in a flash. Also did you consider having beard grafts into the FUT scar?

  10. How’s tricks Jay! Your combo of transplanted hair and SMP is looking killer mate – 100% are rocking it. TBF your current design with recession looks both solid and natural, and agree with other posters that hairline lowering should not be the priority. That said, on my last sitting I used 350 grafts to tweak my frontotemporal angle, which I think does give a lot of bang for the buck. I 100% agree with others that the density in the mid-scalp and crown should be your focus, then if you want to reduce the frontotemporal angle, you can make an informed decision to do so (maybe even as a 3rd sitting). It’s a good dilemma you are in mate, because you did the sensible thing by starting conservative. You're doing the right thing and asking the right questions, ultimately it will be your call so just make sure you are armed with the facts to make an informed decision.

    • Like 1
  11. Month 3 Update

    Not a great deal to update, still in the ugly duckling phase, although I do feel I’m now on the decline out. Previously transplanted hair from the first two sittings continues to grow well, which is always reassuring. Haven’t seen much growth yet from the last sitting, although that said, I have had a couple of pimples sprout up in the last 48 hours. Strangely I’ve had a lot of pimples (some quite painful) in the donor area in the past month, which I never really got post sittings one & two. Also Ive been doing a DIY buzz cut on the sides, to keep things a little tidy, which seems to work fine. 

    Still a lot of lingering redness around the hairline, which I’m expecting a good six months before this subsides, like the first sitting. In any instance, I’m a lot more relaxed compared to a month back, very much just kicking back and waiting for the magic to happen.  










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  12. Cheers mate! Feel like your second sitting is well due! Bet you cant wait to have that crown filled! 

    Yes, 100% my hair was good after the two sittings and I could have easily lived with the result. The driver for the third sitting was to improve crown density so that I can have a bit of flexibility on the hairstyles. The hairline & temples work was not a necessity and more a luxury, but when you have the Maestro Dr Sethi proposing hairline enhancements, it just becomes a no-brainer!

    • Like 3
  13. The important question is, did you have in-person consults with these doctors? When a doctor says ‘no’ to surgery, this doesn’t mean point blank you are not a candidate, it’s more their way of saying they are not confident enough to able to make enough of a difference to warrant cosmetic surgery. But If you curtailed your expectations, there is probably a case for surgery. If I were you, I’d take the finances out the equation, and just take the opportunity to consult in person with the doctors the users have posted in the thread, this will get you an understanding of what realistically could be achieved, which you can reflect on to see if you would be satisfied.

    • Like 1
  14. Glad your surgery is going well. High-Norwood restoration its a unfortunately a marathon surgery, but in a couple of weeks time you’re going to look back and will thank yourself! Remember to keep cool and trust the process, will be a long few months ahead waiting for growth.. but it will be here before you know! 

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Tommy1991 said:

    Day 8.

    I think it’s prudent to upload some outside photos this time to give some insight as to what you can expect.


    Have noticed hair fail in recipient area which is totally normal!  

    I tried to capture the new grafts as best I can, you can pick them out when zoomed in. 








    Healing nice Tommy! To 99.99% of the general public the redness will just look a bit of sun burn from not applying the sun cream high enough up the face. Going through a similar experience myself at the min (with redness in front of the hairline). 

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Al - Moderator said:

    This has been an incredible transformation. Do you get people who haven't seen you in two years not even recognize you or can't believe it's you?


    Thanks Al! I don’t think I’ve ever had a situation where someone doesn’t recognise me due to having hair. However, those people I haven’t caught up with in a while, I tend to notice their eyes wandering up to my hairline mid-conversation. I’ve had a couple of curious people ask a few questions, but with British culture, it tends to be that you just don’t comment on appearances, even if you have a strong burning desire to do.

    1 hour ago, GeneralNorwood said:


    They're probably trying to pull off the wig, but to their surprise, it's real hair :D

    Haha... It's become my new party trick, that I reveal that this head of hair, is in fact all implanted.

    • Haha 1
  17. 20 hours ago, Antonfarat said:

    Quick one for you Bandit.

    Firstly, what an truly jaw dropping result, very very very impressive work by Dr. Sethi indeed. 

    There seem to be a few fairly wiry black hairs in your crown, I assume those are beard hairs. Has Dr. Sethi explained if those will ever fully change texture and become more similar to native scalp hair? I read in one of your comments that you said they are starting to blend in, so figured you had some knowledge on this? 

    Congrats again on your result, hoping to see something similar on my noggin one day tbh. If I could only be so lucky. 

    Cheers mate!

    Yes, I noticed my implanted beard hairs change texture. Like any hair when the growth first starts, there is a very wiry appearance to it, this is even more so with the beard.

    I’d say around months 14/15 months after my first sitting, I noticed that the implanted beard hair in my mid-scalp started to slacken off and behave like scalp hair. For the crown, I'd say the beard hair took a full 18 months to begin to slacken. If you look at my progress pictures you can see it was very obvious which was the beard in my crown, but if you look at my pre-op pics from my last sitting, the beard hair has become much slacker and blends in with the scalp hair.

    In the mid-scalp, it's almost impossible to distinguish between scalp/beard.  In the crown area, you would probably have a better chance of distinguishing, but it's getting harder to tell as the months go on.

    When I crunch the numbers I’m on about 2/3 Scalp and 1/3 Beard implanted on the scalp, when you subtract the temple work. Zoomester is a very good example of someone who has had a lot of beard hair implanted in the crown and retains a natural result.

    Hope that helps & good luck with your journey.

  18. Good luck Tommy, wishing you speedy healing and more importantly closure on your frustrating journey. Stating the obvious, but the work looks very refined & clean, which is demonstrated by your fast healing from the hairline extractions.

    Quick question, is there any plan to add grafts to your hairline, not necessarily lower it, but perhaps add singles to your newly re-positioned hairline, or is it that what remains post-extraction, shall be the final hairline. Also, if you feel comfortable would you be able to share what the hairline height was before the surgery and what It is now.

    Nonetheless, your journey will bring a lot of hope to the unfortunate growing trend of young males who have suffered the ill-fate of poorly designed, low hairlines with multi-grafts.

    • Like 1
  19. 6 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Your two months is looking more like four!!! At just over two months now for me it feels like I can see the key to open this prison. It’s all growth from here on @Bandit90. 👊🏻

    Cheers Mate! Feel like ive really started to turn a corner with it the past couple of days. The illusion of density is beginning to kick back in. Another few more weeks, and I feel I will be back to baseline! 

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