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Posts posted by FUT4000

  1. 11 minutes ago, digi23 said:

    There is a difference between being honest and being negative. PRP is not yet scientifically proven to do anything for hair, it helps with healing in tissue but is under investigation for hair. So you mean being positive is to say to Norwood 7s that they can have a full head of hair? I am here to try to help, not to light up your day. You seem like a troll aswell. 


    "not yet scientifically proven" Yet here i am providing you the same scientifically proven link again. 


    The being positive remark had nothing to do with hair loss, it has to do with your toxic style of commenting to people's posts on this forum that has gone unchecked.  

  2. 8 hours ago, digi23 said:

    Please send me a serious study, where it actually shows it does something to hair growth/hairloss. There is zero evidence in this. 


    "patients presented clinical improvement in the mean number of hairs, with a mean increase of 33.6 hairs in the target area and a mean increase in total hair density of 45.9 hairs per cm2 compared with baseline values. No side effects were noted during treatment. "


    Dude you would have found that with a little Google search. you seem angry and bitter in every one of your posts for some reason. 

  3. 9 hours ago, digi23 said:

    This is a big problem, people who go by Google reviews, the clinics know it so they just buy a couple of hundred 5 star ones. Not sure in this case in particular but its very common. You need to dig deeper to find the real reviews such as forums like this. 

    That area will ATLEAST be 6500 grafts+, so 3195 will not do much, but you should see an improvement.

    PRP is total bullshit, never take anyone serious who say you could benefit from PRP or Laser therapy, there is zero evidence it even does anything for hair growth.

    Plasma rich protein is not bs there are multiple studies that show it releases growth factors that enhances tissues regeneration and healing. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, JDEE0 said:

    Like I said, he made it clear it was nothing to do with the protein - you can eat 300 grams of it a day if you want to, doesn't matter, he said it must be something that is commonly added to protein supplements (powders) that he suspects could cause issues and just told me not to consume more than like 5 scoops a day, not that most people ever would in the first place.

    I can try and find out.

    yea more than 5 scoops of any supplement a day is going to cause all types of problems lol

  5. 13 minutes ago, JDEE0 said:

    Generally, I would think that the answer is a resounding no. As long as you're not deficient in some sort of vital nutrient, I don't think it's going to matter what you eat.

    Saying that, I had surgery last week and Dr. Pinto asked me if I take any supplements of absolutely any kind, so I said no, only protein powder, thinking nothing of it as, well, it's just protein. He went on to say that he and some of his colleagues have seen/done some research or something that indicates there is a slight possibility that a gross excess consumption of protein powder specifically may hinder graft growth/survival.

    He made it clear that it's nothing to do with the protein itself, but rather they think that some of the additives that are added into most protein powders (he named some, but I can't remember, and he said he didn't know for sure anyways) are the culprit. I was advised not to consume more than 5 or 6 scoops per day, which would be a bit of an insane amount of protein powder to consume in the first place, but he just pointed that out.

    You would think protein would enhance cell growth (including hair transplants), due to its metabolic chemistry. Can you ask Dr. Pinto where we can find the research he's talking about?

  6. On 8/27/2021 at 3:46 PM, giegnosiganoe said:

    Same thing happened with my IN PERSON consultation with Dr. Diep. Big red flag.

    dr diep requires pictures of the back of your head, he knows if you have good donor or not, how is that a red flag lol

  7. 7 hours ago, Patro1995 said:

    Hello, I am 9 months after the transplant, I have been taking biotin, zinc, saw palmetto, and minoxidil for two months. The transplanted hair is very thin at the bottom, when I lift it up, you can see the difference, I still have empty holes in the hair, you can see in the photos, what can I do to improve it all? Because the effect is not very nice. ( yooretouch clinic Turkey, JACKSTRONGHAIR  ) . I have to struggle with microfibers...   When I put them down you can't see it, but if you lift this hair up, you can see it very much. Please help me something, greetings.
























    my man get you a barber that doesnt give you a two tone haircut like that. you have to taper or blend it in which will soften the look on the hairline. i believe melvin has a video for cutting your own hair. 

  8. On 11/9/2021 at 7:34 AM, londonhairlossvictim said:

    Hi guys, I want to get my teeth straightened. I have overcrowding and a few chipped ones.
    So I been in touch with 2 clinics in London, UK - They both told me moreless the same. They say they have to extract one tooth and then they will give me Invisalign Aligners. Veneers also for the teeth + a bit of composite bonding for chipped or grinded down teeth. I've been quoted the similar package from 2 clinics I visited and they both quoted me at 6-7K GBP. Duration, from start to finish a 9 month type of situation for the aligners to work their way over time.

    Now I contacted a few in Instanbul. On Youtube some examples of people that go over there for what is called the "Hollywood Smile" treatment.
    Based off pictures I'm getting a similar response from a few where they tell me:
    1 tooth extraction
    I had one place quote me 2.7K and another 4.5K


    Does anybody know the differences and any info on this? Or maybe a forum I could ask, why I'm being told here in UK about Aligners and both ones in turkey suggesting something else 

    Can you post a picture of your teeth, or PM me

  9. On 10/31/2021 at 1:53 PM, Sleeplessinsf said:

    I'm glad I found this forum. I underwent a FUE HT 2 years ago in what I know "now" a not so great clinic. 

    They said they harvested/implanted 6000 "hairs", and now I know they overharvested my donor area.

    Currently I am looking into a reputable clinic where a "doctor" not a technician does the surgery and the ones that I found through research are HLC and Dr Pekiner for FUE and BTH. 

    Q1. Are there other clinics I could check?

    Q2. FUT + BHT maybe ? Any clinic that does this ?

    Help appreciated 🙏





    By your screen name you're in the bay, have you tried contacting Dr. Diep?

  10. 8 hours ago, Balding Bad said:

    Hi y'all -- so after being resistant to the idea of getting on Fin I've slowly warmed up to the idea. I was initially 90% ready to pull the trigger on going with a hair transplant procedure, however I realized it might actually be worth it to try Fin first to see the potential results before I go down the irreversible route of surgery.

    Anyways, I was just perusing the HIMS website and saw that patients are able to obtain a Rx for Fin through their teledocs, which sounds very appealing to me since I currently don't have a dermatologist readily available to see. Moreover, if I could get a prescription online versus going in-person to see a doctor to confirm I'm balding that would be so much easier.

    That being said, does anyone have any experience with HIMS or any similar type of telemedicine companies?

    Just wanna get some feedback before I consider going down this road.

    Also side note, given my current hair loss does anyone think Fin would be noticeably beneficial to me or is my hairline too far gone to be revived with Fin? You can refer to my previous thread which has tons of photos of my current hair:


    Many thanks in advance!

    Your primary care physician can prescribe finasteride. HIMS is fairly more expensive than going through your insurance and your PCP. 

  11. On 7/26/2021 at 4:52 AM, bepatience said:

    so I am getting a surgery on my leg (not hair related).

    I always wear toppik because of thin hair on my head.

    Can I put toppik and go to the surgery or is it considered "not sterile" or something?

    this might seem ridiculous but I have never gone outside in years without toppik or a hat so I feel better with toppik even while sleeping on the operating table. 

    Your whole body is not sterile. Unless you put toppik on leg hair then you can keep it on your head 

  12. On 9/20/2020 at 8:31 AM, azza786 said:

    Hi everyone,

    Logging back into this forum after soo long. For those who don't know me I go by the name of azza786...you can see my journey on my blog.

    I am now 33 and had my first HT at age 20 in Ottawa, Canada..long time ago I know!

    Between then and now, I have had a total of 4 HT surgery's including FUE, BHT and Strip surgery amassing to over 8500 grafts.

    With that amount of extraction, one would expect a half decent result at the very least.

    After persevering and persevering, rolling with the punches, being optimistic, I can easily say I have lost the battle. You can see my situation today...very disheartening and the effect its taken on me on a day to day basis over the last 13 years has been devastating...I struggle to talk about its impacts on me to anyone as it was something I had wanted to tackle and get out my way and move on in life. Ofcourse, I have moved on in life but the impact my experience has left with me has made it all the more worse. 

    Over the past 13 years as you can see I have tried all the recommended pills and lotions but I don't know what will help me now. I am depending on a hair system to get me by for the last 10 years but that hasn't been easy to fathom till this day. 

    What rubs it in for me is not just my investment into this in the attempt to counterattack it and not seeing a result but seeing others who have been successful in their surgery's and I'm sure have moved on with life. Don't get me wrong, there is no jealousy- no need for it but more a relative disappointment for myself as to this is not what I wanted.

    I'm sure alot of people would say shave off the hair. How would that be possible with a scar that is there on the back of my head?

    There is not a single day that passes where I think of what I can do. I am and have always been a risk taker with positive hopes but this has been devastating to say the least. Surely, there must be a way.

    Sorry if I have cribbed too much...just sharing my pain which I find tough to share with people. 

    Any help, advice or suggestions would be great. I really need to find a solution as I don't want to rely on hair systems for the rest of my life.

    What makes it more unfortunate is despite the troubles it has given me, somehow I have managed to keep my youthful appearance. I wouldn't say it's just the system but it's the way I am. So having the loss that I have just makes it worse.

    Thanks guys!









    I just looked at your blog and after your first and second transplant everything looked decent. What happened after that? why did you get additional HT procedures? Looking at the quality of your hair I believe you have something metabolically going on possibly. Have you had blood work done?  

  13. On 5/25/2021 at 11:42 PM, Sean said:

    Well folks,

    I learned a lot of things in life and that is to not consider some surgeons as friends or think some folks genuinely care about you.  It is all about the dollars in the end my friends.  Very few are probably genuine.  I think my open and friendly nature had me taken for a fool.  

    From my first failed procedure to that doctors second failed repair attempt, it set me on a downward spiral.  His nurse was new to extractions at the time and learning and he had a new planter from colorado join him at the time.  Basically, A lot of room for errors were made and I ended up being some sort of guinea pig when I should have been patient.  

    Fast forward and then that doctor told me to try another doctor to try new hands and I went to this doctor who was supposedly a repair doc.  It made matters worse and things look more unnatural. He used other hairs and claimed he will do lateral slit but made matter worse and more unnatural.  He used chest hairs and beard hairs and nape hairs etc.  shocked the area more and i feel terrible.  Hairline definitely didn’t go as planned with this doc and made matters worse due to the high level of unnaturalness.  

    I believe in prayer and I believe in karma.  To leave me hanging like this and making my situation worse, they’ve caused me great pain.  The docs blamed each other and left me hanging.  

    As it stands now, I need to get repaired as this hairline looks ridiculous for years. I just need a repair and I am getting older.  These doctors robbed me of my youth and caused me immense pain.  I see their cheerleaders time to time and hope others do not need multiple surgeries to move forward.  Ironically I helped some of their former patients by helping them discuss and get repairs elsewhere.  Many people from various doctors reach out to me with various repair concerns as well.  I try my best to send them to the right people via honest approach.  Most folks new to hair transplants and those with positive outcomes after my assistance have been happy-  that works as a redemption for me.  I am able to save someone from what I couldn’t save myself from.  

    I am in need of a repair now.  If any doctor, that considers themselves ethical, are willing to take a look and see if you can do something, please feel free to send a message.  I would really like to move forward with my life and hope those that I did email, would respond as well.  Thank You!

    Do you mind posting a picture of your result?

  14. On 11/10/2021 at 6:41 PM, digi23 said:

    If you do this, I would say you are not a candidate for a hair transplant. If you experience side effects, I would accept hairloss and move on. Its not worth it.

    I think you got a good looking head so no problem to shave it. It is probably tough to hear, but without Finasteride or Dutasteride you will not be able to maintain. 

    With FUT you are putting bigger scars on your head, you will not be able to shave down as much as with FUE, and with FUE your donor will not be enough to match your hairloss.  It is a tough game this but we try to give you an honest opinion, no bullshit.

    Even though you are giving an honest opinion, doesnt mean its necessarily the right one. You are telling him hes not a candidate for HT because he is experiencing sexual side effects from finasteride? He still takes them dude, and you dont have to absolutely be on finasteride to get a HT. You maximize your chances of success of course, but you cannot tell him hes not a good candidate because of the sides. 

  15. 40 minutes ago, follically challenged said:

    For sure. But sometimes when my hair gets a bit longer and it starts to look like im covering the receded temples it may look a bit....odd? Hence they may be trying to let me know to sort it out with a hair cut or something, i.e. jokes are perhaps their way of trying to help me? I dunno...

    Don't get me wrong, Im not rocking a combover, but with receded temples and the hair is super thin anyway, perhaps i do let it grow somewhat longer than it should just to try and reduce the forehead size somewhat ha.

    Also, it isn't always friends. At a party last week, a guy i kinda know was pointing out my hair to some others of the group and i caught him and asked what was up... He then explained they were just talking about hair color... but the fact that there was sniggering going on makes me think otherwise. Those situations are hard to deal with.

    I feel you on situations like that. Those people are extremely immature, but they have insecurities too. They aren’t as obvious as ours probably but we’re not the type of people to make fun of them for it. You’ll meet a lot of good people in life like on these forums that help with things like this. You’re not alone! 

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  16. 9 hours ago, follically challenged said:

    - or dumb, ignorant statements to that effect. 

    How many times has someone pointed out your thinning hair situation? How do you / did you deal with it? (besides HT)

    It's like a gut punch every time, and there is nothing satisfactory you can say.

    If you just accept it in the jokey nature it is intended, then you just become fair game to the taunts. And you certainly cant get defensive about it because then people will view you as overly sensitive and treat you differently, or potentially tease you more...

    Overall, its a shitty situation, and quite amazing to me that with all the sensitivity nowadays around others issues, like race, culture, sexuality, weight, etc, it is still viewed as totally acceptable to just mock someone's thinning hair. Sigh.

    Just wondered how you guys deal with it / dealt with it, and if you have any tips. Thanks

    You don't need friends like that. Make your circle smaller trust me you will be happier

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