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Posts posted by Hisoka

  1. Hi,

    I have sent my photos and details to several clinics, most of them said that I am suitable for a hair transplant, and started talking about scheduling a date to do it.

    Except ASMED and HLC (which are the best ones among them).

    Both ASMED and HLC said that its not recommended for me to do hair transplant for now.

    The exact answers were like this:

    * From ASMED:
    First of all, thank you for your interest in our services. We have studied the information and the pictures you sent us and Dr. Koray has indicated that you have a lot of miniaturized hair (very thin hair) specially in the donor area, therefore you would be recommended to use Finasteride to strenghten your hair and slow the hairloss. The recommandation would be for you to use Finasteride for 2-3 months in a first stage in order to strenghten your hair in the donor area before a surgery. If you would decide to use it then please resend us pictures later on, to check your hair.

    * From HLC:
    Thanks for the request and interest.  Based on the photos we think that a hair transplant in your case is not recommended right now. You have a lot miniaturized hair on top and donor area. A hair transplant would bring no improvement at this time.  We encourage you to go to a dermatologist and inform you about finasteride and minoxidil. These drugs can help to strengthen the thinned hair at the top, crown and donor area. However, these drugs should be taken at least 6-12 months to see an effect. After that we could re-evaluate your case again.

    I attached some of the photos that I sent them

    And what I am trying to understand is two things:
    1. Why other clinics said I can do the transplant with no problem?
    does it mean that only in ASMED and HLC the doctors really saw my pictures?

    2. What is wrong in my donor area?
    I was sure it is pretty good, I cannot spot the "miniaturized hair" on it







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  2. Hi all,
    What are the best months of the year to do the hair transplant?
    As far as I know, its better in the Winter, but, which months exactly are the best?
    And which months should I avoid?

    More information about me:
    I am 30 old Software Engineer, I live in Israel, and my job is half remote (3 days from home and 2 days from office). which means that even in the summer, my job allows me to stay indoors.
    Only when I travel to work 2 days a week, I have to travel for about an hour using the train, which is also not supposed to be a problem because I can try to sit in a place where there is no sunlight.

    What part of the year exactly you recommend me to avoid?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi All,

    I am 30 year old and looking for a good clinic to do a hair transplant (I uploaded images of my situation).
    I started to lose hair 10 years ago, and this is my first time, I have not done any hair surgery before.

    I thought about turkey because I am from Israel, its not far from me, and also they have many years of experience in this field.

    Its important to me is to increase the density in the front upper side of my head, and of course NOT to have overharvested donor area.

    I don't have a problem to pay more in order to get top quality.
    I have been  searching for a couple of months and I have come across these possibilities:
    - Dr. serkan aygin
    - Dr. Emrah Çinik
    - Dr. Koray Erdoğan

    I am thinking of "Dr. serkan aygin" due to the large number of good reviews he has.

    But I am still wondering if this is the good decision, 
    What do you  think? is Dr. serkan worth it, or do you have any other suggestions?





  4. Hi All,
    My friend recommended me a doctor called "Dr. Uğur Yavuz" in Turkey,
    He said the doctor is a pro, and he has won "best doctor of the year" award in 2018 (I attached the doctor's photo).

    In addition, unlike most famous doctors, he is really involved in the whole transplant operation.

    Anyone in the crowd knows this doctor?
    Can you share feedback about him?

    Thanks in advance.



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