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Posts posted by Mir_a_Mir

  1. 8 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Never EVER go by trust pilot or these anonymous sites, it’s 9/10 complete garbage. This is why our site is so valuable. 


    Thanks Melvin. This is so overwhelming!!!! And frankly I am so disappointed and discouraged right now. I was all excited and ready to pack my bags for Turkey soon. 

    But here is a question, all these hair mills, what about all the videos and pics they post? Are they all fake? Someone must be getting HT from them and I know it a gamble, a big risky one, but there must be some results right? Some one must be getting it right, no? These mills are probably proving okay for some people no?

    Its unbelievable that these places have TONS of content on YouTube and Instagram, it can't be all fake, is it?

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  2. Thank you both @blackislbackand @JDEE0 . I appreciate your input. The name is a big throw off for sure. But man, I have to say these HT mills in Turkey are unbelievably deceptive. I mean to what extent do they even go to in proving they are genuine. For many the amount of research most of the people who visit forums like this is not possible.

    I think I am going to reach out to Dr. Demirsoy and Dr. Bicer as they seem to be very reliable and trusted by a lot of folks here.

    Thanks again.

  3. Hello everyone,

    I've been reading the forums at HairRestorationNetwork after stumbling upon this amazing site for a few days now and my mind is blown, in the most positive way. So before I proceed, I thank all the folks who give their time in helping others by sharing their experiences and opinions. 

    My brother got HT with Dr. Koray Erdogan ASMED last year and while his hairline is decent, the crown area is almost left as is. So when I started researching HT for myself, I immediately eliminated Dr. Koray after some initial evaluation. He is good, I guess, but not worth the price in my view. 

    Now, since I wanted to take my parents for vacation to Istanbul, I figured I can probably get my HT and get 2 birds with one stone.

    After a bit of research, I've finally shortlisted a few clinics and wanted your feedback as to what you think of these Drs and clinics.


    1. Blue Magic Group www.bluemagicclinic.com --> Dr. Serkan Kemal & Dr. Selahattin Tulunay. 

    YouTube Channel: 


    Bloomberg QuickTake on YouTube: 

    Why I am considering them, well

         a. the consultant I am speaking with has provided me with a ton of information, practically answered every question I had.

         b. Featured in a Bloomberg, seems like a good Hair Mill is anything..lol

         c. Offering me 5500-6000 grafts via the DHI method in 2 days

         d. Cost is 3850€

         e. Very clear and transparent communication and everything looks good, a little too good to be true in fact. 

         f. Initial assessment done by the doctor after he looked my pics. This is not usual, but its great if its true.

    But when I looked up on TrustPilot and other there were some that explained all that I am seeing right now, in terms of communication and transparency but it turns out that the 2 people who posted the reviews had the most horrible experience.

    So I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of this place Blue Magic Group in Turkey?


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