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Posts posted by Beno99

  1. 1 minute ago, Ajamilo said:

    Is almost 4 month bro. You should not expect anything in this stage.
    Give it two more months and you will probably be happy

    I strongly doubt this. The left side looks absolutely horrible compared to the right, this is not normal and not going to become any better.

    I’m just sad about all the hairs from the donor that are gone for nothing now 😔 such a waste 

  2. 16 minutes ago, BeHappy said:

    How long ago was the hair transplant? It doesn't look so horrible that you can't simply wait it out until you save enough money to afford a proper fix with a much better clinic. I wouldn't do SMP at this point. The last thing you want to do is start trying all sorts of permanent (or semi permanent) things that you never intended to do without thinking them through. You also don't want to be spending money needlessly especially since you said you went to Turkey specifically because you couldn't afford somewhere else. We see this way to often where people go somewhere cheap and end up spending more money than they would have if they just did it right in the first place.


    It’s exactly 111 days since the hair transplant, almost 4 months.

    Regarding SMP you might be right, but I’m just really frustrated with the way the hair looks now. From what I’ve heard it looks good for 1-2 years and than fades away. Maybe doing it once while also saving money for a top clinic is a good idea.


    And yeah you are right regarding the turkey thing, it’s really a gamble tbh. Many guys go there get very good results and than there are unlucky ones like me.

  3. Unfortunately my hair transplant didn’t work out. I’ve already conditioned my mind that it might fail so I’m not really surprised but still I’m very sad about it. Im a young guy and dealing with hair loss this early is really depressing, all I wanted was to feel and look better but it didn’t work out. I didn’t have enough money to go to the best clinics and went to turkey instead as most guys here from Germany do for hair transplants. Most get good results but unfortunately I’m not of them.

    I now wonder what I can do ? Its adviced to wait a year to get another transplant so I’m not really sure what I can do in the mean time. Perhaps an SMP

    Here are a few pics:

    Its just the left side that’s problematic at least. The right side and temple looks very good, unfortunately I didn’t get the same growth on the other side 





  4. 2 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Your being overly paranoid. Your now a couple of months into your transplant journey and you have posted multiple threads about various ways you may have damaged your grafts. Nothing you have done will have affected them. We have reassured you of this on quite a few occasions. Within a couple of months you will start to see the regrowth for yourself. It’s pointless now wondering about the “what ifs” just look forward to the next 10 months of progression. As I’m sure your aware it’s a full 12 months to see the final result. 

    Yeah I guess you are right. It’s just that I’ve lost lots of confidence because of hair loss and this whole thing is very important to me. I just don’t want to screw things up, just imagine if all the hairs that got taken off the donor are gone for nothing. It’s frustrates me a bit to know that this whole thing might end up as a failure.

  5. One thing that still worries me too is that at day 2 during my first wash it took me like 15-30 minutes to get rid of all the lotion, I wonder if using that much water at day 2 could damage newly implanted grafts. I always tried to be very gentle, using water in a cup like it was recommended by many youtubers. I got told it’s fine since I didn’t bleed but it still worries me.


    It was the next day I switched to washing them with water in a spray bottle, it worked very good after that and I had no issues getting rid of the lotion. 


  6. 4 minutes ago, gillenator said:

    The water spray did not cause any damage but tell us more about the sun exposure…how long was your scalp exposed and was there a red scalp or worse, any sunburn?

    Like the user @JohnAC71mentioned I’ve already posted about the sun exposure thing earlier. At day 15 I was outside for a few hours while it was sunny, at day 5 it was only a few minutes while leaving the airport but it was really hot outside still. I had no sunburn everything looked as always so I hope it caused no issue.

  7. I started using lotion and shampoo 2 days post op but had problems getting rid of all the lotion so the day after so day 3 till day 14 I washed it off by using water in a spray bottle and it helped me getting rid of the lotion better. The clinic told me this is all right and it won’t do any damage but since I’ve seen different opinions on some issues regarding HT I wonder what you guys here think.

  8. So I’m almost 2 months post OP now and something worrying has been happening yesterday and today. Every morning I wake up I see some shedded hairs on my forehead which is normal but this time and yesterday I’ve seen some hairs that were extremely short like a few millimeters. I have not cut my hair on top since the procedure so they are almost 2cm or longer by now so it’s not the normal hairs.

    When I look closely I can see a few very small hairs at the very front of the hairline and temples which I think are the grafts that are growing in after they shed. They are the same length as the hairs that I’ve described above so now I’m worried that those very short hairs I’ve lost were supposed to be grafts growing in. Why have I lost them and is this normal ?

    I tried searching online for similar cases but couldn’t find anything, I hope I can find an answer here 

  9. My operation is exactly 47 days ago now and after the OP when I drove home I sweated a lot because of the weather. After I opened the air conditioner everything was fine but I sweated for like good 10-20 minutes if I remember correctly. didn’t though much about it until a while ago when I read that sweating should be avoided after the procedure.


    I wonder when surgeons warn of sweating is it because it affects the grafts or just to avoid scalp infection ? Or is it both ? Is there any chance I might have caused damage to the grafts because of that incident ?

  10. 11 hours ago, gillenator said:

    It really depends on how your scalp responds to the corresponding level of trauma that is caused to the scalp...bottom line, shock loss is unpredictable.

    The other factors are, how much native hair is present within the recipient area and even the adjoining areas...and if the native hair is in a diffused state, it is more susceptible to shock compared to hair that is not diffusing.

    Shock loss typically occurs approximately 8-12 weeks post-op for those who may experience it.

    8-12 weeks really ? In pretty much every shock loss case I’ve seen it started way sooner like in the first weeks or month. That’s also why I wondered if I would be safe by now since I made it now to day 40 without any shock loss.


    and yes there is lots of native hair present in the recipient area so I’m still at high risk I guess 😔

  11. It’s exactly 38 days now after my hair transplant and my hair looks almost exactly the same as It did before the procedure, only a few spiky grafts at the front of both temples are still there. I have not experienced any shock loss yet, meaning loss of native hair. Before the procedure I was always scared of this happening and so far I’m glad it didn’t.


    I just wonder, am I safe now ? Or can it still happen even more than 5 weeks after the procedure ?

  12. 1 hour ago, JohnAC71 said:

    They'll be L shape and some that are J shaped. What you have to prepare for is that eventually all of your transplanted hairs will shed. Perfectly normal and expected. 

    I know that they will all shed but the fact that so many of them have that weird shape is bothering me. I can’t stop but think that there is something wrong with it, maybe the assistants did something wrong during the procedure ? Or I did something after the procedure that may have caused them to become like this ?


    Did you also had these J or L shaped hairs that shed ? Did they all regrow normally ?

  13. 18 minutes ago, aaron1234 said:

    You're safe to buzz them at 4 weeks.  The question is whether you plan on doing that longterm as you'll need a certain length to achieve the illusion of density with the transplanted hairs.  

    That’s great!

    I currently already have a buzzcut/undercut since I’ve been cutting the sites to 0-1mm since day 14 and with the new lowered hairline and fuller temples it looks really nice actually. Its the round thin spot I described above that puts me away from growing them out longer. My plan is it to cut them to 6-8mm weekly and the sites to 0.

  14. 30 minutes ago, Yoo said:

    I'd consult your surgeon and see what they suggest, from my research there's different advice ranging from fine to buzz after 2 weeks to only cutting with scissors until many months.

    If density is your concern, then there's going to be more of an illusion of density when there's some length to the hair. Buzzing it too short will actually make the hair appear less dense.


    Yeah some surgeons say it’s ok after a few weeks while others recommend to wait months it’s weird.


    I have that weird round thin patch behind my hairline where they implanted a few hairs but not enough for it to be full. Before my HT when I had long hair that spot always became visible when I brushed my hair up but not while having a buzzcut (6,7 mm). Because of that I want to cut them regularly but I wonder when would be the safest time to start doing it and also if the grafts could get potentially damaged even if I would wait longer.

  15. I’m at day 28 post op now and wonder if it is risky for the transplanted hairs to cut them with clippers once every or second week to keep them short ? Is it safe now or do I need to wait longer ?


    This is important to me as I don’t think my density is good enough to do any good long hairstyle. I want to keep them short and cut them regularly but I wonder if transplanted hair grafts would be in danger by it.

  16. 6 hours ago, gillenator said:

    How many minutes was your scalp exposed to the sun?...and what was the UV rating that day?...and most important, did you experience any sunburn to your recipient area?

    I don’t really know the exact amount of minutes. It was a few hours for sure I would say between 2-3. It was between 35-39 degrees that day.

    I don’t think I experienced any sunburn since my scalp/skin looks and feels exactly the same as before. I have no redness at all.


    I wonder how big the chance is that my grafts are damaged now. So far I have experienced zero change but I still fear they might be damaged and not grow properly anymore because of this..

  17. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:


    Hello and thanks for the video. I haven’t blooded a single time on my scalp post surgery and I’m also past day 10 so judging by your video I don’t have to worry ?


    Problem is there are many articles online that say that sun exposure could damage the grafts and recommend staying away from it for a month or even more. I was at day 15 yesterday and it was really hot and sunny here, I also sweated so I’m really worried about having damaged grafts now..

  18. Sorry I have to open yet another thread but I’m really worried I might have damaged the grafts permanently and would like to know your opinions on this. 


    It’s very hot where I am and while going out the first time since my OP (yesterday was day 15) I was under direct sun light and also sweated because of the weather. My scalp looks completely normal since day 12 so I was happy to finally be able to go out again but completely forget about how bad the sun is for transplanted hair. Some say it might cause damage others say it’s fine because the grafts are supposed to be strong by now.


    I just wonder, did anyone here experience the same ? Being under the sun and sweating like 2 weeks after your OP ? Did it affect the results ?

  19. 15 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Your grafts are very safe ! No probs after a week let alone 2 weeks 😎

    Thanks for the answer! So there is no way it might damage the grafts in any way or make the results worse ? Its just that online I’ve read you need to avoid sweating and the sun for a few weeks or it might damage the grafts. I’ve did a good job avoiding both till today. I hope what happened today won’t have an effect on the results.

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