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Everything posted by schalke04

  1. I had 1600 grafts put in (Class 3) at the end of last November, but have yet to see any (there is almost none, some fuzziness) growth - Dr. E. said that I could be just a slow grower - Do you think that is true? Had FUE done in the front. Almost have given up.
  2. I am also a bit worried - had 1600 FUE grafts done in the front 5 months ago and so far virtually nothing - I was told that FUE procedures may take a little longer sometimes to start growing - hope that's true / spent a lot of $'s
  3. Ok thanks - I had the grafts done in the front and widows peak - am/was a class 3 and 39yo. Maybe FUE takes a little longer to grow.
  4. I had 1600 FUE doen with Dr. E. 4.5 months ago - everything healed well - am getting nervous as I virtually see no growth whatsoever so far - Is that normal or should I be worried? thanks
  5. I had 1600 FUE doen with Dr. E. 4.5 months ago - everything healed well - am getting nervous as I virtually see no growth whatsoever so far - Is that normal or should I be worried? thanks
  6. I had 1600 FUE's done with Dr. Epstein in November, all in the frontal area. So far, I have seen zero growth, although my skin shows a few pimples. Should I start to get worried? Have been using finasteride.
  7. I had 1600 FUE's done with Dr. Epstein in November, all in the frontal area. So far, I have seen zero growth, although my skin shows a few pimples. Should I start to get worried? Have been using finasteride.
  8. I am also at that stage. It has been 3 months and 10 days - I have some pimples and a few single hairs showing, but nothing else - does not make a difference at all at this point. That is normal then, right? I had 1600 FUE's done in the front only, am NW 3 and 39.
  9. Yes, You are definetely too you for a HT - I just had mine done at age 39 - been on Propecia/Finasteride for 10 years and have had no side-effects whatsoever - if you want to have kids then you would not take the meds for a little while and you should be fine. Good Luck!
  10. I just had 1600 FUE done by Dr. Epstein in November in his Miami clinic over 2 days - so far, I have nothing negative to say - everything went according to plan - am actually showing a few pimples, which I hope are signs of upcoming growth. Will post results in a couple of months. I have to say about him that he seems very professional and of good ethics.
  11. I have been using Propecia/Finisteride for 10 years and have not had any side effect. I was a NW 3 when I started and still am. You should use it, especially since Finesteride (same as Propecia) is so cheap. I would probably be a NW 5 or NW 6 if I had not done so. Also, am 2 months pre op with Dr. Epstein - 1600 grafts FUE to thicke up the front. Will post photos once it starts growing in.
  12. Hi, Could anyone please answer this. I am 5 weeks post op with Dr. Epstein - NW3 - FUE 1600 grafts to fill up the top. Now I am getting some pimples where the grafts were transplanted. Is that normal?
  13. Hi, I just had an FUE session (1600 grafts) with Dr. Epstein. So far, things a going well - is it safe to dye my hair again?
  14. Hi, I just had an FUE session (1600 grafts) with Dr. Epstein. So far, things a going well - is it safe to dye my hair again?
  15. Thanks Wantego! I look forward to seeing your progress. This is a great site and without it I don't think I would have been able to make a good decision.
  16. Hi, This is my first post to this site. Quick history - I am 39 YO, have been on Propecia since '98 and have been (I believe thanks to Propecia) a NW 3 ever since, with very limited hair loss since then. I always had a widow's peak, no loss on top, but thin hair in the front. Almost became one of the victims of Bosley's fancy marketing campaign about 10 years ago. What kept me from have a procedure done was the Strip method. Heard about the FUE method about 6 months ago, came across this site and ultimately heard about Dr. Epstein. Made an appointment with him in NYC and had the following done 3 weeks ago in his Miami office: Day 1: 1000 grafts, Day 2 600 grafts, all to fill up the Widow's Peak area and thicken up the front. Planning to do another 1000 grafts in about 7 months with him. Had a very good experience, there was some pain and swelling in the first few days, but it was bearable. Dr. Epstein mentioned that I should have close to 100% growth - I like to believe hime and hope it will make a difference, but time will tell. I still feel a bit sore in the donor area, but it is getting better every day. I wear my hair a bit longer so I was able to cover and hide the procedure from my colleagues (also used Topiks) - I will post pictures once I see growth
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