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Everything posted by Savemyhairline

  1. I also feel like I’ve seen guys in a similar situation and they’ve had their hair restored well if I’m being completely honest. For my temples, he said, I haven’t lost hair and they’re all just miniaturized/baby hairs. To me it’s like, the hairs may as well not even be there they are so thin, here is a pic he took: again, I feel like the guys who have gotten good transplants and were completely bald here and further back even, would beg to differ. I don’t think I need a 6000 graft mega session here but just a nice 2000-3000 grafts for the frontal third would be nice. i am consulting with Hasson again, showing him some more pics as well as what Bisanga said, and asking his opinion. I think I’m done with any meds beyond topical minoxidil and oral finasteride. Literally would rather be bald than have potential heart issues with oral minoxidil. I was willing to risk my libido with fin which thankfully is just fine after well over a year. I am not willing to risk the most important organ in the human body, even if it is a “small” risk.
  2. The pics might make it look better than it really is, I feel like when my hair is parted the wrong way in the wrong lighting it can look pretty bad. I tried to use bright bathroom lighting but as we all know different lighting can make your hair look better or worse. I am pretty worried about oral minoxidil, A lot of doctors say the risk profile is very minimal but haircafe is kind of freaking me out with it. I would never want to risk my cardiovascular health, literally your most important organ, over hair. Need to do more thinking/researching on it I guess.
  3. I’d like to get a consult from him in person but flying to Vancouver for a consult seems excessive. I can’t afford Konior but I was considering getting his opinion in-person, not sure its worthwhile since I think he charges like $500 just for a consult and like I said I can’t pay for him to do it so makes less sense.
  4. Nah not recently. The pics I posted were the shortest I’ve cut it in a while. Thankfully I can hide it somewhat easily just by combing my hair the right way, just would be nice to not have to worry about wind, super bright sunlight, oily hair, etc. also my hairline, or at least my temples are just super high and thin so I was hoping to get them addressed. But hey, I think my hair now is about the same as it was when I was 21, so I can definitely live with it as long as the meds prevent it from getting worse for a long long time.
  5. Bisanga said mine was above average, which is good to know. Seems like most people do that tbh. Idk if I want to fly out to get another in-person consultation from someone reputable and ethical, have to think on my next move I guess.
  6. Think I need to take a few days, let the disappointment settle then decide. I do find it interesting that Hasson was willing to book me without an in-person consult based on my photos. I am booked for June with a fully refundable deposit with him as of now. I definitely don’t want to make a permanent mistake here though, of course.
  7. I definitely trust his assessment, just a bit saddened by it I guess. Idk I guess I was thinking I could finally put an end to my #1 insecurity, my hairline. Diffuse thinning sucks.
  8. That does look like a nice result. I wish I could slick my hair up or back but it just looks stupid so I have to comb it to the side to hide my temples. I feel like fibers don’t really work well for temples either, they’re more for midscalp and crown. Though I’ve only ever just used the fibers and no spray or anything so I guess I’ll experiment.
  9. Naw I haven’t. Seems like it doesn’t really do much other than help with dry skin from minoxidilx, which I haven’t had. I guess I could experiment and see but I don’t have high expectations for Niz
  10. Yeah, silver lining is I will save a lot of money and not have scars, but definitely a bit disappointed.
  11. Yeah shock loss/trauma to the skin and existing hairs. I will most likely follow his advice, though still want to do do more research Into oral minoxidil before trying it.
  12. So I finally had my in-person consultation with Dr. Bisanga. He told me it would be a mistake to get a hair transplants for me. I’m 26 y/o diffuse thinner, but really the most intense thinning is in my temples. He said I haven’t actually lost any hair, it has all just been thinned out on top. He did say my donor density was good at 75. I’m on fin and foam minoxidil. He recommended I switch to oral minoxidil. Kevin Mann’s videos have made me apprehensive in taking oral minoxidil, though Bisanga really was saying it could reverse the loss I have. I’m going to look into it more. i wish I could just at least get a small procedure to fill in my temples which undoubtedly have the most thinning, but he really felt it would be a mistake and do more harm than good. H&W and Rahal were willing to schedule a HT appointment, I’m wondering if they would’ve changed their minds after I flew out to them and they saw me in person, or they’d just have a different opinion. Do you think it’s worth getting another opinion in person from someone reputable? I consider Bisanga to be amongst the best of the best so maybe I should just take his opinion and hold off.
  13. Blonde hair (dirty blonde), he seems to be the go to guy for blonde type hair. Also the vast majority of my hair loss is in the frontal third. Plus with my face shape a more conservative hairline makes sense, which Bisanga factors in as well as facial ratios, etc.
  14. I’m meeting with him this weekend too, very excited. I think he’s my #1 choice, I am booked with Hasson for June of 2023 but honestly I may cancel after this consultation because Bisanga may be the best in the world for my particular case. plus it’ll be a lot less expensive which is nice. I’ve also never been examined in-person by an actual doctor that does HT so I’m sure that will be more valuable than just providing pictures.
  15. That is quite young for the amount of loss you have, we’re the same age. If you don’t mind shaving your head that really is the easiest and best option. If you’re willing to try fin/min you can see what happens, maybe you’re a really good responder to it and your hair will look a lot better in one year. Only one way to find out. I had a good response to them. Some people are hyper responders. I’d say if having hair would make you significantly more happy than it is worth trying, you don’t want to look back on your life with regrets. Just my 02.
  16. It looks like your crown is dipping into NW7 territory unfortunately. The lower part is obviously not as thinned out yet as the top part, but you can see the thinning pattern which will continue to progress. Based on your skin I’m guessing you are on the younger side, less than 35? Imo you are not a good candidate based on what I see in these photos. Especially if you are not willing to take fin/dut. You seem to have a decent beard so at least you can experiment with different styles and a shave head.
  17. Some guys get lucky and don’t go past NW3/NW4. Most guys don’t reach full on NW7. I think most balding men are heading for NW4-NW6 territory. All depends on the individual. Imho if you experienced balding in your 20s or earlier and not inhibiting DHT, you are likely to be chasing transplants without a period of being truly satisfied, but again every man is different. Some guys have pretty good recession early on and seem to hold it for many decades. the crown is really what you are trying to protect with as much native hair as possible. A hairline can be repaired relatively easily compared to a crown, especially one that dips into NW6/7 territory.
  18. Based on my research, I feel comfortable inhibiting my DHT by ~70%. I’m also the type of person who sometimes worries about potential, unknown long-term effects with lots of things; using a microwave, living in a city that is highly polluted, other various everyday products most of us use, etc etc. My point is, mental health is just as important if not more important than your physical health. I’ve known too many people who are no longer with us as a direct result of their mental health, not a thing wrong with their physical health. Being bald would undoubtedly lower my quality of life significantly. I don’t think I’d become suicidal or anything, but I know I would not be anywhere near as happy. I personally have never seen a hair restoration result without some sort of DHT inhibition that I would personally be happy with in the medium to long term. More power to anyone who doesn’t mind some bald spots or noticeable thinning. It is a personal choice.
  19. Yeah, I was hard on myself for not starting fin early but honestly I’m kind of glad I waited till I was 25 (and a half) just to be safe. Probably could’ve saved more hair but I think 25 is the right age to do it. If you’re much younger and really aggressively balding you may have to look into other options beyond meds/transplants.
  20. I think people aren’t considering the sample size being used for this…. People on a hair loss forum. People who have experienced sides are more likely to go on a hair loss forum and seek out other options/opinions. Most people take finasteride, have no side effects, and don’t register for a hair loss forum. So while the number may not be as low as big pharma is saying, I would bet it’s nowhere near the 50% this poll implies. My general practitioner was the one who prescribed it to me. I had a bunch of concerns at first, kept asking for blood work, etc. He assured me the likelihood of getting side effects was very low. Trusted him and haven’t looked back.
  21. Voted no. I recall at the very beginning I had VERY mild testicular pain but it was so minor that I didn’t even realize that could’ve been the finasteride until after the fact. I think it went away very quickly, I thought I just slept funny or something at the time. I wouldn’t even really count that as a side effect it was so minor. Sex drive is just as high as it was, nipples look the same, no brain fog, I think those are the usual suspects for people.
  22. For sure, I apologize if I accidentally implied you were fear mongering, I absolutely wasn’t meaning to! I just mentioned Melvin as I follow his YouTube channel.
  23. Yeah for sure, it’s helped all over (well fin + min, not sure which more as I started around the same time). My hairline was already mostly gone though so I obviously wasn’t returning to NW0, though the density definitely improved. Are you saying I should get grafts in the crown? Or just a good position as just focus on the frontal third?
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