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Everything posted by Phab

  1. @win200so you made the payment and got no tracking number? How long has it been? If you don't wanna wait, talk to paypal, without the tracking number they can easily give you a refund.
  2. Dr. Mwamba;s clinic must get thousands of emails every day about this product. The clinic of Dr. Hasson where also sells topical Finasteride told me there's a 6 month wait to get the product. And on top of that, it's only avalable for Canadians. This is why I raise this question: there's not many companies working on it. This seems to be a gold rush but only 1 company seems to be working on it, this company called Polichem by Almirall, from my research.
  3. Very good. That video helps make a decision for someone who is gonna have for the first time. But what about someone who already had one, and need more? I'm still uncertain if I should do another FUT (2nd one, already had one before) and a FUE later (3rd one) or FUE now and another FUE later. (I'll need 2 more) I spoke with different surgeons/clinics, one says is better to do FUE another says is better to do FUT again... It's hard to make a decision when diffferent surgeons say different things
  4. I have found many clinics that used to offer in the past, do not offer FUT anymore. These clinics told me that is an old practice, but why is that other surgeons prefer FUT over FUE saying FUT is still best aka "gold standard", so why stop? Anybody knows? It's hard to get a non-biased answer from these clinics so I thought I asked here.
  5. I'm interested in knowing more about the science behind this: if hair foliculos are in the deep layers of the skin where blood vessels also exist, I don't undertsand how this is not going systemic at high levels (100x the oral one) And most importantly, if there is science behind this, how come only a couple of players are testing and producing this? How come multi-international multi-billion dollar companies like Merck itself, are not? How come there's no mainstream news about it? You have to dig in really deep in the Internet to find anything, that's very strange. These talks about topical solutions have been around for years and years. There's a ton of money to be made but multi-billion dollar companies are just not interested? There's a prob another more rational reason.
  6. There has been talks about a topical solution from Parati and Dr. Hasson for years, check this out, a 2016 thread
  7. @mustang is that where you got topical dut from? what about topical fin, where did you get?
  8. Ok, that makes sense. I would prefer to use topical Finasteride than topical Dutasteride then. Yeah, hard to believe that a massive multi-billion dollar multi-national company is sleeping at the bus stop, when a much much smaller company in Italy works n releasing these products
  9. I wonder why hasn't GlaxoSmithKline / Merk worked on this topical dut / fin form if they are better and safer
  10. So just so I understand. Theorically, topical Dutasteride would have less chance of side-effects than topical Fin because of this weight of the molecule?
  11. Interesting. Wondering why hasn't GlaxoSmithKline / Merk worked on this topical dut / fin form if they are better...
  12. @Melvin-Moderator So I read here that topical Dut: https://fueclinic.com/services/treatments/topical-dutasteride/ "Due to having a larger molecular weight (537kda) than finasteride it remains longer in the scalp with only a miniscule fraction of the medication becoming vascularized and going systemic. Our patients report reduced shedding, hair loss stabilization, regrowth and minimal to no side effects while being able to use this medication every other day or even weekly due to its large half-life." Would be interesting to ask Dr. Hasson's clinic about this, I will try to find out. As they are in touch with the company conducting clinical trials, they might know. Might be something interesting for your youtube channel. I sent an e-mail to Polichem, will update here
  13. Thanks for the info. Very interesting about the molecular weight. Is it true or selling strategy? I have a good update about this, check here
  14. I have updates. 1) I found this: Topical Fin by an Italian company called Polichem is released in Europe https://www.hairlosscure2020.com/topical-finasteride-finally-here-in-europe/ 2) I talked to Dr. Hasson's clinic in Vancouver that worked with Polichem and thus also has it available from a partner pharmarcy there but it's only available for Canadians and there's a 6 month wait list cos it's the only pharmacy there producing it: https://www.hairlosscure2020.com/dr-hasson-ditches-oral-finasteride-and-switches-to-topical/ However, there's hope! They told me that the application has been sent to FDA for approval so it should be approved next year or 2023 the most, hopefully sometime next year! This is Topical Fin. I aksed about Topical Dut, they said it's in trials, but they couldn't tell me what phase. I will inquire more in the near future. My assumption: That may not be approved by the FDA since the oral is not approved. Unless the trials show no or little side effects (that's me being hopeful)
  15. This is a good video about Dut from a famous doctor, I had to watch it a couple of times to really grasp. It's not about topical solution, but about the pill. However, the topical form ALSO goes into the bloodstream, I have no doubt about that. He also talks a bit about topical Dut saying about decreasing side effects, which is not true. The company he refers on the video is Polichem, which is the one from the trial I posted above, a trial of topical Fin not Dut. So are they conducting both Fin and Dut trials? I couldn't find any info on that. Much the opposite. I believe the doctor got confused in the video, which is not good for us. At the end of it, my summary is: Dut is more effective than Fin but can also cause more side effects. This explains why it's not approved by the FDA for hair loss. And I doubt topical Dut ever will. Topical Fin could be approved, maybe. The trial I posted above is for topical Fin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJiXcxFfFiM
  16. @Gooner Sellers of topical solutions don't guarantee no side-effects. But I've seen some of them write: "less" side-effects, which cannot be said as true. @Melvin-Moderator that was phase 3. Not sure if they are applying for FDA approval, according to the process after phase 3 comes the New Drug Application (NDA). I couldn't find any more info on that
  17. There're a clinical trial on topical finasteride that shows the same results as oral. We could probably guess that topical dut works too. My only concern is that the side-effects are also similar. I discuss this in this thread where I raise a question: Is it really worth to invest in a topical form? I want to be positive that this would work the same way as the pill but with less or no side-effects, cos that's the point of this product. But that doesn't seem to be the case, so my question is, why even bother? An counter argument would be: Maybe some ppl experience less side-effects on the topical than on the pill and that may vary from person to person so its production may still be valid. And in that case, com'on FDA, let's approve this thing! Same can be said for PRP. An off-label treatment that may or may not work. The difference is: no side-effects of topical fin/dut. But way more $ I'm critical and skeptical when it comes to hair loss products. Specially when ppl say things like "No initial shed, it actually stopped shedding immediately". Just seems like a seller of topical dut. So just wanted to give my thoughts: it's always best to listen to professional doctors.
  18. Yeah, I read the solution is not uniform. That could make our body absorb different levels of Finasteride/Dutasteride at different times. Not saying that would be a problem, but with the pill, the body may be able to better adjusts for an always/constant amount. It just scares me more not knowing how much my body is absorbing it I'm sorry for being negative, but I don't believe the liquid form would be diffferent than the pill. I want to believe it is but even clinical trials indicate it isn't. "Side effects between oral and topical finasteride also seem similar, although they are based on surveys of the patients rather than any scientific methodology." I know this is a trial on topical Finasteride not Dutasteride, but I read that Dutasteride is a stronger drug so I believe the topical solution would be stronger too with the similar side-effects, if not more (it is not approved by the FDA for hair loss). Being so expensive compared to the pill, and not really offering safer results, not sure they are worth the investment. I'm gonna try taking half, maybe even quarters and will report back. But since everyone is different, that may not mean anything. Anyhow, wish me luck. I wish the same to you!
  19. Yeah, you're right. But I think the topical solution is more dangerous than the pill. Because when taking the pill you your body is absorbing exactly what you take. When putting it on the head, there's no way to know how much. It could be less, it could be more, depends how much you drop on it and there's no way to know, is there?. And the skin will absorb into the bloodstream. Does that make sense?
  20. @G_5000 So you tried twice? I have the same problem with you with finasteride and ED and we are the same age. I started using it when I was 20. Used for 10 years and stopped about 7 years ago. So I stopped it when you started it. ED still an issue. Anyway, I hope this topical solution works better for you. Keep us posted because I might try next. I wonder why such product has not become available and approved yet. Finasteride has been in the market since 1992, and there has been a lot of research on it for years before that. There should be enough time for this topical solution to be available like the pill form is. I have a thread in this forum where I say I'm gonna give Finasteride another try and cut it in half. There's a doctor that suggested it to me. And in this video this doctors say to do the same thing:
  21. Yeah diffuse thinning caused by alopecia. I still have some hair on top. And 50% is not accurate. They say you only notice going bald after 50% and ppl can already noticed, so I'd say I have 30% of my hair on top
  22. For someone who has lost 50% of hair on top and is going to do HT in a year's time, is it better to take Fin before HT? I have 2 arguments: a pro and a con. I would like to discuss. A con argument: It's best to not take fin and let the non-transplanted hair fall as to leave space for new trasplanted hair. Assuming transplanted hair won't fall due to DHT. That way the surgeon has more area to cover with "good" transplanted follicles creating a density of ONLY transplanted hair. A pro argument: It's best to take fin before HT as to make the hair stronger to avoid shock loss and to have more density. Even thou the density is with transplanted and non-transplanted hair and even thou Fin doesn't completly block hair loss so part of the hair will still fall. What is best to do?
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