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Posts posted by A_4_Archan

  1. 13 minutes ago, hairlines said:

    Thank you for the write up. I had a call with him early this morning about a very similar plan, FUT + FUE combination. I'm trying to make a final decision between him and Dr Path.

    My main concern has been about communication ability in English, as that is all I speak. From what I'm reading here on the forum he is quieter and doesn't say so much which is OK, but do you think we understands and can take feedback well? Particularly interested around hairline design etc.

    Even am booked with him for march 

  2. 19 minutes ago, manwithaplan said:

    Hey, thanks for the comment. I agree, I’ve been in contact w Bicer and Dr. Yamun. Both were professional in the feedback I gave from pictures and videos. Both said I’d need more that 3500 grafts (not surprising). I’d say in total, I’d need 5000ish grafts to get a full transformation I’m happy with. Bicer, I know, doesn’t go above 3500-4000 ish per surgery while Yamun can go 4-5k per surgery. Bicer is more expensive compared to Yamun, especially considering the package and fixed price Yamun has with everything included. 

    However, I’m leaning more towards Bicer, as the feedback I got was realistic to a long term approach (for full transparency, I’m aware I’ll need 2 surgeries for a “full” transformation, just am aware how important the first one is for donor hair retention and fixing issues/not creating other issues.) I am awaiting a final estimated price from her as of Tuesday morning, via the consultant on WhatsApp. The before and after pics of her work are remarkable, and she seems to do a lot of the work herself where Yamun, from what I seen, has more techs do the dirty work, which can lead to some results that aren’t as refined as paying a bit extra for more personal 1 on 1 surgery and what not.

    3500-4k, to me (correct me if I’m incorrect or being unrealistic) is a reasonable first surgery, to touch up the hair line and add some volume to the crowd, then have a potential secondary one to touch up the final areas of the crown and any additional areas, no? 

    You should consult eugnix as well..they are very good with large sessions while keeping the donor safe...

  3. 11 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    It's voodoo as far as I can tell. With a large head and the extent of the loss, I've no idea how he did it.

    Will post a photo after the surgery later.

    Even after a year I have an itchy head where hairs are breaking the scalp (I assume just thickening up), and it's looking denser.


    This is me today under a harsh overhead electric light...




    Wow..looking great...so nw its like u r enjoying your new hair rather thn digging into how he did it ...happy for u😊

    I hope i get such a good result ..

  4. 10 minutes ago, kurzyeloo said:

    You must have misunderstood me. I didn't mean that you're trying to force me for pekiner, but other round. I crossed all of the doctors you've mentioned as they're waaaay to far from me and the flight prices to Columbia/Thailand/Mexico are extremely expensive, which for me means tightening my budget to afford the flight

    And see my earlier post i said dnt make the location be a barrier thn u cn explore more options..i evn mentioned tht thr r many good doctors in ur price braket and u cn check out the recommended list...so whr do u found me advocating any particular surgeon..and yeh m nt offended by tht..m jst keeping my point 😊

  5. Just now, kurzyeloo said:

    You must have misunderstood me. I didn't mean that you're trying to force me for pekiner, but other round. I crossed all of the doctors you've mentioned as they're waaaay to far from me and the flight prices to Columbia/Thailand/Mexico are extremely expensive, which for me means tightening my budget to afford the flight

    Yeh i thought tht exploring other options in same price braket wud be a wise thing to do bt as u sayin flights wud b costly Than again u are back whr u r ..in Turkey ....u have 3-4 options in turkey...so u cn compare them and thn take ur decision ...

  6. @vanilia your case is ofcourse not a repair one..as all said..its just that you need 2nd procedure for the satisfactory appearance ...u r correct that why shud u stop medication if it doesnt cause any adverse effects to u...keep on medication and i wud suggest even an oral minoxidil after consulting a surgeon ..and evn prp therapy ...you cn try to avoid surgery but if the appearance really concerns you thn go for it..and yeh from your pics i guess around 1000-1200 would be fine considering your thickness of hair which is reflecting in ur pics...

  7. @manwithaplan considering your age whervr you go plz go for a conservative approach and future loss in mind...specially whn u go to turkey...dont go like 5k grafts in one procedure ....and dnt be on and off from medication..use finasteride and minoxidil if you dnt find any adverse effects ....there are many good doctors in the recommended list who have produced good results and who have appropriate charges...look thm and analyse them ...

    I guess seeing the demand we should even make a list of surgeons called "budget stars" ...wht do u say @Melvin- Moderator

    Just a suggestion on a lighter note..😄

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