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Posts posted by Cody95

  1. 7 weeks post op. Regrowth began again. I was surprised at how soon it started. Mind you, I am taking 1mg Finasteride daily and 5% Minoxidil Foam twice a day which works to speed things up a bit. But all in all its a great start. Folliculitus started around this point. Small red bumps from the new hairs trying to break through the skin. Sometimes a bit itchy but not bad at all. Its a good sign!



  2. These ones are Immediate Post Op. Surgery took about 8-10 Hours. Was totally painless. The numbing was excellent. Virtually Zero discomfort. 


    The first few nights were a bit tough because of the uncomfortable bandages and throbbing headaches. Was prescribed Oxycodone painkillers and it took all the pain away. By day 4 there was virtually no pain just tenderness.



  3. About myself: Age 26, norwood4. On 1mg finasteride daily and 5% Minoxidil for 4 Months preop. Medium hair shaft thickeness with Straight hair. Significant anterior miniaturizing  and very minimal at crown. Strong donor density. 

    I had a 3000 graft FUT done by Seager Hair Transplant Centre in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Dr. Aditya Gupta.

    Im going to post my results thus far and I hope somebody on here finds this helpful. I will continue to update as I go!


    These first pics are what I looked like Pre Op. 




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