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Posts posted by Cody95

  1. Sides do sometimes happen on fin, but most studies have shown that in the vast majority of cases they're only transient. Which is usually the case with almost every single pharmaceutical when you first start taking. I myself did briefly experience some side effects early on. It was reduced ejaculation volume and for a time my libido totally crashed. I must admit this caused me to get horribly stressed out! Constant worrying made everything that much harder (or lack there of 🤣) I had ED. But it was 100% because of the stress... (I know this because I still experienced morning wood so obviously everything works down there haha.)Which brings me to my next point...

    It is important thing to underscore is the incidence of the Nocebo effect. The FDA report from the controlled studies has shown this as well. (You can find it on google). Studies did indeed show that rates of erectile dysfunction were almost the same in the placebo group than in the group who were administered the drug. Which of course means that they probably experienced the very same problem that I did... im sure many who take fin can relate to it. 

    But this didn't last. I had low libido for about 2-3 weeks. I was contemplating quitting the drug. But I decided not to because of the studies I read. Eventually Libido returned to normal levels, I was still stressing about psychological ED though. By month 3 on Fin, everything felt totally fine and I began to worry less and less... its now been 10 months and everything is great. No noticeable side effects at all! The result on my hair has been significant!! Its important not to stress because while yes it is possible that fin can cause physiological ED, most of the time its psychological! 

    Hey if worst comes to worst, get yourself some ED pills haha... even if the issue is psychological they work. I even tried a couple when I was so worried, they worked great lol... 


  2. 1 hour ago, Cali Time said:

    So your still taking fin. How about minoxidil you still on that? Great fast results for 5 months 

    Yep still taking fin and still using minoxidil and will continue to. Its the best line of defense from further recession, which I know is inevitable.. but hoping to buy quite a bit of time before I eventually get a 2nd transplant down the road!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Captain Haddock said:

    Oh man. Fantastic hair already. Very happy for you bro, Dr. Gupta did an amazing job, and you didn't even have to spend a lot. 7500 CAD is an excellent price for what we see now is a quality work. 

    Yes! I am elated at the result thus far!! Dr. Gupta and his team do some amazing work thats for sure. The price was GREAT. For certain when I need more work done in the future years I will be going back to them! Miracle workers haha!

  4. You might be able to grow a bit with Minoxidil, and sometimes with Fin. But that is really advanced. A hair transplant might be able give you some improvements, but it'll take numerous procedures and you'll have have a pretty significant donor density. Honestly that doesn't seem ideal. Maybe to improve things a bit you could get SMP done, make it appear as though you have a buzz cut. Or you could always wear a hair system, they seem pretty good nowadays! 

  5. At this point the improvement is just happening so quickly its hard to keep up. The density and hair calibre has changed so much in the last 3 weeks. This is finally the really exciting part of the process. At this point its getting hard to notice unless under a really harsh light! When I look back and see where I started to where I am now its just mind boggling for me. Best decision I've ever made.


    The Impact the finasteride has made on my hair cannot be understated. My hair prior to this was a lot weaker, thinner, finer etc, over the course of the year the quality of my hair has changed a lot as a result of that as well. My hair hasn't been this dark or thick since I was a teenager before the MPB started to set in. 



      Ps. dont mind the messy hair it hasn't been cut in like 8 months 🤣20201223_214917.thumb.jpg.bc501fb26ac0bde354638ed6f9d8b9b7.jpg



  6. 4 hours ago, jolly said:

    I do not agree , I have personally had a horrid experience with fin , and also many of my friends have as well , i developed sides after 5 months and depression after that , had to stop urgently but the sides continued and it took me 1 full year to get my old self back , but 2 of my friends were not so lucky they crashed after 3 and 5 years and have since not recovered fully , one is a bad case of gyno and has already done surgery and the other just does not feel like his old cheerful self again .

    I just frown at the mere thought of taking this drug again , it just fucks your neuro transmitters .

    You and your friends seem to be amongst the unfortunate few. The majority of people won't see those kind of unbearable side effects. I know tons of people who take fin, atleast a dozen. Many of them taking for over 5 years. Only one of them decided to stop Fin due to side effects and it was because of a weakened libido. The rest of them found that they only had temporary, managable or no sides. For the record I'm not trying to discredit you or write off what you experienced. I'm sure it was very damaging. I just think its important to point out that not everyone has this experience because everybody tolerates the drug differently. But nevertheless, someome should always take the potential for this under consideration before starting Fin.

  7. Hey, so I have some experience now with Finasteride, I've been taking for a year now. I was 24 when I started ans naturally I was freaked out reading all the horror stories online haha... 

    Yes Fin does have side effects, every single pharmaceutical on the market does. The severity of these sides can vary immensely depending on the person of course. I started Fin and everything went well for the first 6 weeks. Then I experienced side effects. First reduced semen volume, then I felt a major drop in my libido and that freaked me out substantially.. it was basically the point where I felt Assexual. HOWEVER, this didn't last. I know its scary and when it happens is very stressful which literally just worsens the problem... i ended up with minor ED but it was 100% because of stress. But I read a lot of Controlled Fin studies online saying that in almost all cases sides resolved with continued use. So Instead of getting scared like most and quitting, I continued. By month 3 all of the noticable side effects were completely gone and I've never seen them again since. The results at the end of the day have been good, some new regrowth but significant increase in the quality of my hair strands, and it did stabilize my hair loss as well. So just take it as it comes, it will be reversible if you get them and will most likely go away on its own. Just try to remember to keep the stress and anxiety about the Fin down because it won't do you favours. Good luck, you'll be fine and you'll be thrilled that you did it! My big regret is that I didn't start when I was younger like you!

  8. Good call on the Fin. I'm 25 and I was in the same boat and I had a transplant done. Your NW level isn't bad, its definitely receeding and a transplant in the future would be beneficial (age 25+). In terms of hairline, most transplant surgeons wouldn't go very much lower than what you currently have because it would look unnatural when you're a bit older. To me you look like you're a good candidate because it seems you have wavy hair with good donor density and decent scalp contrast making the appearance of transplanted density a whole lot easier. You have plenty of options. Just try not to expect to have "perfect" hairline because its just really not realistic for us younger folk, we won't have the same perfect hairline as many of our peers. But when we are in our 30s onward we will probably have better hair 😃


    Good luck whatever you choose,


    Finasteride, Minoxidil, maybe Microneedling, Nizoral, Alfatradiol are all some options you can use to hair prevent loss and even grow new hair!

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  9. 47 minutes ago, Yogesh Mander said:

    Looks your dermatologist is skilled therefore you got good results. In some cases people failed to get desired results. What cost this total hair transplant to you? 

    Yes the dermatologist is one of the most experienced in my province and he came highly recommended. In total, it cost me about $7,500 CAD. But it has been well worth the cost thus far and I feel confident that the end result will be desirable. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Your doing really well with the early growth 👏

    Yes so far its exceeding my expectations in terms of speed of growth! Usually the more significant growth phase starts between months 4-6. So I'm pretty excited to see what it will look like even 1 month from now. With concealers (dermmatch) I'm able to style it in public and not be noticeable as it currently stands, finally no more hats for me🤣 

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