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Posts posted by Rossybop

  1. Baby shampoo seems to be getting good votes but I am approaching the 1 month mark so perhaps I don't need to stress too much about using baby shampoo as time wears on?

    I will avoid Nizoral as has been reccomended by you guys just now. I'll also refrain from tea tree shampoo.

    I'm not well versed in scientific shampoo dynamics such as SLS ingredients and sodium laurate so I'll have to ignore those terms.

    It looks as if perhaps I should continue using the CR Labs that was given to me (even though it doesn't seem to be obliterating the sebhorric dermatitis) and maybe I shouldn't worry too much about using regular shampoo such as Head & Shoulders (for dry skin).

    Seen as Nizoral has been discredited for a few months I assume maybe I should avoid Neutrogena coal tar shampoo too for a few months because I think that stuff is pretty strong?

    Thanks very much guys for all your assistance. Its greatly apprecieated.

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  2. I'm 3 weeks and 6 days out of surgery. I get a bit of sebhorric dermatitis/flakey skin. Its not in the recipient areas but I seem to have it in the native hair, although usually you have to look underneath the hair with a good light to notice it.

    I was given some CR Labs mild shampoo after surgery and that will last another couple of weeks. I tend to shower/shampoo every 2 days.

    Anyway, the sebhorric dermatitis is just a bit annoying when I see it in the bathroom and I'd love to flush it out and see a super shiny healthy scalp staring back at me.

    What shampoo(s) should I use?

    Prior to surgery I used to use Nizoral about once a week although I'm not sure how good or bad that is. I've got coal tar shampoo, and Head and Shoulders, I also have tea tree shampoo handy; I think tea tree shampers is mild.

    I've often see people say baby shampoo is your only man for a few months post-op.

    The truth is there are so many different shampoos out there of different strength and ingredients and for different hair/scalp qualities.

    So, what should I use given I am 3 weeks and 6 days out of FUE surgery? I seem to get white flakey dandruffy stuff on the scalp, once in a blue moon I might get a mild touch of psoriasis up there.

    Thanks and best regards - Ross.

  3. I'm 3 weeks and 5 days out of surgery. I'd like to buzz my hair to a #4 all over at the weekend. It will probably barely cut anything but it should even out some of the slight discrepancies seen as a few chunks of hair were left unshaved upon surgery.

    Is it safe to buzz my hair about 4 weeks after surgery? I've actually found at least two sources on the internet now that say it is not highly reccomended, although I think most people see no problem with it. One source suggests that it can upset grafts, or healing or something like that if you buzz it too soon.

    Also with Regaine. My surgeon's written instructions said Regaine can be used from 3 weeks onwards, but in an email he sent me he said it can be used from 4 weeks onwards. Perhaps this has something to do with scabs and healing. Anyway, I started using Regaine yesterday - 3 weeks and 4 days post-op - surely this won't cause any complications? My head is pink and sensitive, many grafts have shed, many have not shed, many grafts have grown, quite a few have not grown at all but they are still there.

    This is my current status.

  4. 1 hour ago, TorontoMan said:

    Minoxidil has a half life of around 22 hours, the reason why it is recommended twice is thats just how they tested it during their trials. The patients were using it twice a day and they had to recommend it like that. I was only suggesting once a day, because as you'll see when you start, applying this stuff twice a day is a bit of a bitch. In the beginning you're keen you could do it, and later it does become slightly redundant. However, if you don't have a problem with it, and realistically if you care for your hair then doing it twice a day shouldn't be a problem at all anyway, then by all means do it twice a day to increase your chance of results. 

    As for microneedling, there has been a lot of rumble in the community about guys finding it effective. Simply, you create small punctures in your scalp so that your body will send more blood to the areas for healing. More blood = more nutrient supply for the health of your foliciles. I would read into it on your own, but its a fairly low risk treatment with some good potential for maintenance and it will help your scalp absorb any topicals like minoxidil. Also its easy compliance, you would not do it more than once a week, and each session should take you like 10-15 minutes. For me its rather therapeutic. 

    I actually started and stopped it twice before, once about 10 years ago and once before surgery. I only came off it because it was in the pre-op instructions to do so. I can see how it is a pain in the ass doing it twice a day sure I've already given up on it before 😂 But now I'm willing to commit these things because I'm more serious about sustaining a good head of hair. If it does work really well once a day then I'd easily manage that. Its funny that you say it works well once a day and yet most people don't say that. Even many doctors will reccomend two doses per day, and even a lot of internet articles reccomend it twice per day.

    The microneedling sounds totally fascinating and if its easy, threapeutic and super effective then I'm all for it, but after casting my eye over the net I think its expensive. If it costs way too much I probably won't be able to commit to it.

  5. 1 hour ago, DenverBuff1989 said:

    its a popular alternative treatment for hair regrowth. If you head over to Reddit r/tressless, a fair amount of people (mainly very young/early 20s) apparently have a lot of success with it. 

    I just cast my eye over it on Google. It sounds interesting I'll have to read about it on Reddit. If the results are good I'll defo look into it, but I think its expensive, like, €190 per session in Dublin.

  6. 3 hours ago, UnbaldEagle said:

    I hope you're good otherwise. :) How's the recipient healing?

    I've got some persisting numbness and it's so annoying. 

    Lol cheers man I'm actually feeling good and I hope you are too :)

    the recipient seems fine. I've removed all the scabs and crust and most of the flakeyness. There's still a bit of flakey residue at the sides/temporal peaks but its hard to tell if that's healing residuum or if its dandruff, sebhorric dermatitus, dry skin or any such other thing. Generally everything seems good though. The rate of shedding has slowed down and you can see somd hairs have grown faster than others, the expected tinge of pinkness is in the recipient area. No pain, but likewise I still feel some numbess in most of the recipient area and the mid scalp feels a tiny bit bruised but I feel like I'm less numb now than I was before, if that makes sense lol.

    Ok, rant over 😂

  7. 9 minutes ago, UnbaldEagle said:

    As for your other question, people usually "stop seeing" any benefits from minoxidil after a few years because that's when the minox-lengthened anagen phase ends. That doesn't mean it stops working and its use should be discontinued, on the contrary. 

    Cool man. You are wise :) Somebody on here wrote a post suggesting that using the two together can aggrivate or speed up hair loss if they don't agree with the patient or if you discontinue using Rogaine, it was something along those lines.

    • Confused 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, deitel130 said:

    I've never heard of any issues with using both at the same time. Have you ever tried Rogaine in the past? You will most likely shed a bit at first as your hair cycles.

    Cool. I tried it twice but never stuck to it. Once for a few weeks about 10 years ago and again for a few weeks a couple of months ago, I stopped using it because my transplant instructions advised me to do so. I'm willing to commit to it if its worthwhile now though.

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  9. I'm 3 weeks out of surgery now and I'm thinking of starting Rogaine within the next week or so, if its worth my while. My surgeon said I should be ok to use it 3 -4 weeks after surgery.

    However I've been on finasteride for 5 months now and I plan on continuing finasteride but recently I discovered a thread here where someone said its not a good idea to use both Regaine and fin at the same time. I thought it was odd because I've never heard that before.

    I'm wondering should I start using Regaine or would it make no difference if I didn't?

    Should I use it once or twice a day?

    Is there any risks attached; if I use it for 2 years then stop will I lose tons of hair?

    Do you really only get 5 years use out of it?

    Is it perfectly fine and risk free to use it in conjunction with finasteride?

  10. 40 minutes ago, pkipling said:

    Yep! Not only normal, but expected. :) The first few months after the procedure are often the most grueling part as you sit and wait for results to come through - and the more you watch for them, the longer they seem to take. So try not to watch your scalp like a hawk over the next few months and do what you can to put it out of your mind. Happy growing (and Happy New Year!)

    Thank you so much man. Perhaps that's good advice. I shed a bit when I pulled the scabs off at day 13 - 16, but then the shedding seemed to stop. I think I'm slowly shedding again now though at 21 days.

    Its soooooooo gruelling as you said. I look at and think there's not much density there and I see the hairs looking different and feeling different and I worry about the angles and so on. Only time will tell how it goes though.

    Anyway thanks a lot buddy and happy new year to you too.

  11. I'm actually intrigued by both problems lol. I want the angle of my hair to grow flat down my forehead and not up into the sky. The new grafts currently seem to be pointing more upwards than my native hair. As for the direction I don't mind if it grows a little to the left but I would hope it doesn't grow too far out west because I'd rather it go mostly down south.

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