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Posts posted by Mars11

  1. Hello all,

    it's been 2 months now (day 63 after surgery). I am still using minoxidil foam and aloe vera daily.

    I can't really say if there is any growth so far. I would guess that most of the visible grafts in the recipient area are the ones that have not been shed. I am hoping that there will be some early growth in the next few weeks. So far, nothing special has happened, I would say. 






  2. On 12/24/2022 at 1:47 PM, Mike10 said:

    Work looks solid but seems like a lot of grafts for such a smaller case 

    Yes, this might be true. But it must also be said that Ferreira generally emphasizes a dense hairline. Most estimates from other clinics were more in the range of 2,200 - 2,600 grafts total.
    Nevertheless: For me, the hairline is the most important thing, plus my status comes across better in the pre-surgery pictures than it actually is. My receding hairline was already quite pronounced. Ferreira had even classified me as NW 3A-4A.
    Now, I can understand your skepticism, but I could rather live with a slightly open tonsure (should the donor be empty; capacity according to Feriduni and Ferreira about 8,500 - 9,500 grafts) than with pronounced temples.
    And the most important argument not to operate too conservatively or not at all:
    Am on 5mg/week fin for 2.5 years - with no side effects and stabilization of hair loss. But of course there is always a residual risk.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    @Mars11 the work looks excellent! Happy growing! 👌

    Thank you very much, @Gatsby!

    Today is day 9 after the surgery. Since the scabs came off today, I am attaching a few pictures from today. The photos are still made with a flashlight setting. Therefore, for example, the redness looks much stronger than it looks in normal daylight.
    PS: I really struggled to find any sleep at all until day 8 (3-4 hours max per night). So I contacted the clinic that I had a burning sensation in the donor area that I couldn't get rid of. Bruno advises me to increase the ibuprofen dose for a while and relax the donor area with massages - might be a placebo or not, but I slept over 10 hours tonight. :)  I really appreciate the aftercare that the clinic offers.







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  4. 9 hours ago, stephcurry30 said:

    You are in great hands and I'm sure this will be a home run result! 

    How much did you pay total or per graft? I am curious! 

    Since I had my first contact with the clinic in the beginning of 2021, I paid the price at that time (2.50€/graft). As far as I know, the price now is 3.50€/graft, but I can't say that with absolute certainty.

  5. 9 hours ago, Sitries1 said:

    Wow. You got your clinic photos back super fast!! I waited close to a year before getting mine back from my 1st procedure!  It Just shows how much better his operation has got with regards to the team around him doing the admin side of things. We're you dealing with Ines??  I found her to be extremely helpful. 


    Your work looks excellent - it's going to be another fantastic result from  Dr F. I feel very grateful to be a patient of his to be honest - I dont think there is anyone better. 

    Thanks for your reply. I really enjoy following your progress.
    Yes, my main contact person is Inês. I told her in advance that I wanted to do patient documentation, so she probably prepared all the images very quickly.
    In general, I agree with you that most of the processes seem to be very well optimized. 

  6. 17 hours ago, Tiger2050 said:

    I only see good results from Ferreira but it’s impossible to book him. Contacted him 1.5 years ago and was told online consultations were closed temporarily but never heard back again. I tried reaching out again several months ago and got the same response. 

    I would advise you to just keep trying. I'm pretty sure you'll get a personal reply at some point soon. 🤞

    • Like 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, WhereIsMyMind said:

    Super clean extractions and looks dense, looks like its gonna be a banger

    I noticed the hairline design is not symetrical (both corners not on same level), when it grows it will be impossible to notice most likely though. My transplant also resulted in uneven corners after swelling went down, but I might go for a round 2 for my OCD obsession with symetry 😅

    Yes, you are right. 
    I also noticed the asymmetry while drawing the hairline. Bruno and I have discussed this. It is intentional because my head in general and the temple points e.g. are not symmetrical. This is to achieve the most natural result possible. Also, what you see in the picture is far from what it is now - Bruno started the insertion at the left corner (of the picture), so at the time of the picture (still in the clinic on day 1) the swelling on one side was much bigger than on the other side. This causes a strong temporal asymmetry.

    Haha hope everything works out well for you!

  8. 6 minutes ago, PutTheFolliclesInTheBag said:

    Nice write up and a very clean job by Dr Ferreira by the looks of it! 

    I had my surgery with Ferreira in early March with a similar recession pattern, was also 29 at the time and had pretty much exactly the same number of grafts (288x, don't remember the exact figure) implanted, nice coincidence 😅 I also happen to be German too (fast schon gruselig haha). My hair grew in very nicely, I have no doubt that yours will as well 😌

    Will post my own thread around the 12 month mark, but feel free to reach out in the meantime if you have doubts regarding your progress etc, I took plenty of pictures especially in the early stages!

    Happy growing!

    Hi, thanks for your answer. 
    Might we found our Doppelganger. :D I'd reach out to you via pm if that's fine for you. 

    Happy growing to you as well!

  9. 5 minutes ago, Calihome1 said:

    Great to see another Ferreira review.  Curious, when you researched, where did you find other Ferreira results?  They are limited on here.

    Thank you for your reply.
    I have not seen any other results tbh. But over the last 2 years I have felt that those who have been documented have all done very well and ethically. The main reason I made the decision was because of his consultation by mail. It was exceptionally accurate (+ seemingly consensus that he's on of the top ones atm).

  10. Hello everyone,

    after about 2.5 to 3 years of extensive research on the subject of hair transplantation, I had the surgery with Dr. Bruno Ferreira in beautiful Esphino (near Porto) on December 13 and 14.
    Some preliminary information (age, status, medications) can be taken from this thread:

    Several sources are the basis for me finally approaching the surgery. First, the general information here in the forum and in the German forum (https://www.alopezie.de/foren/transplant/) helped me a lot to be able to assess the general chances and risks of a hair transplant as rationally as possible.
    Also, I had read as many patient reports as possible over the last few years, contacted consultants and of course contacted a number of reputable clinics/doctors. With 2 doctors I have been advised personally, with the others I have exchanged e.g. by mail.
    In the end, the total package (consultation, hairline design, comparable cases, price-performance ratio, all-by-himself working method) of Bruno convinced me the most.  
    So 2 years ago I contacted the clinic and received the recommendation to have a total of about 2,800 grafts implanted. At that time I started with Finasteride, which I still tolerate well (5 mg/week). My hair loss has almost completely stopped.

    So much in advance about my initial situation. In the following I would like to outline the course of the last week chronologically:
    The surgery was scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday (December 13-14). Unfortunately, I got sick the week before and had a cold that lingered in the form of a severe cough until Monday evening before the surgery. I was very lucky that all the sneezing and coughing from the night before just stopped on the 1st day of surgery as soon as I was about to lay down on the OP couch.
    Btw: One day before surgery, I had my blood tested for various health markers at a cooperating medical facility.


    Surgery Day 1:
    The walk from my accommodation to the clinic was about 15 minutes. 
    I arrived at the clinic at 7:30 am. Bruno's rooms are located there on the ground floor. I had a few short conversations with Bruno's staff and gave them some typical sweets that I had brought from home. All of his staff, from the assistants to the office member, were incredibly polite and personable, so I felt - I want to preface this - very comfortable at all times.

    For the next 2 days, I was provided with my own lounge/room where I could relax and eat during breaks. 
Shortly after I changed clothes and read some enclosed information about the surgery and aftercare, Bruno came in and we had a brief conversation about what I thought about the surgery. Now, since I had been sleeping very little lately and was still a little sickly (coupled with some excitation), I forgot a lot of what I had been thinking about before. Anyway. Bruno still knew about our previous exchange via e-mail. My desire is to fill in the temple corners. But it was especially important to me to have a long-lasting result that would not conjure up a youthful hairline, but a hairline that would still look age appropriate when I was 40-50 years old. 
    So we went to the next room. There, photos were taken from different angles and my hair was trimmed - one of my biggest tease for me was that my hair was completely shaved off. Nevermind, did look like a criminal but that was fine for the moment. 
    We coordinated on the hairline, and it ended up being the line that Bruno drew in the 2nd approach. Slightly lower than the first attempt.

    Then it was straight on to the operating room. After I was given a sedative, things started right away. The atmosphere was positive at all times, music was playing in the background and in the supine position I had a view of a TV. 
    I still felt the anesthetic injections slightly, but from then on the whole procedure was almost painless. Bruno always noticed immediately when the anesthesia wore off a bit and injected some more.
    By lunch-time, about 900 grafts had been implanted into the hairline. It was incredible for me to see how well-coordinated and professional Bruno was with his assistants.
    Bruno punches out the grafts and collects them together with a colleague. The grafts are immediately placed in a liquid and prepared under the microscope for later implentation. Bruno again does the slits and implantation of the grafts all by himself. 

    I was allowed to choose my own lunch and opted for soup and fish with potatoes. The selection was really great on both days and the food is highly recommended. 

    After a break of about 1 hour, we continued, so that almost 1,400 grafts were implanted on the first day.

    Bruno and his team took the time to explain some more steps to me and to take photos again. I started using the saline spray that was provided to keep the receiving area as moist as possible. By 7:30 a.m. the next day, I was ready to go.

    Surgery Day 2:
    Photos were taken again at the beginning. Everything looked just fine. Only a little wound secretion (fibrin) had formed, but this should not be a problem due to the recommended increased use of the saline spray.
    The 2nd day went almost like the first. The mood was good and by three o'clock in the afternoon almost 2,900 grafts had been implanted.

    Since I still had 2 days until I had to leave, I also came to the clinic the following 2 days to have my donor area washed. Again, photos were taken.

    Back at home, I feel pretty good. Only the swellings still distort the shape of my face. But since I took vacation until the beginning of the year anyway, that's not a problem.

    Unfortunately, I have hardly taken any meaningful pictures myself. That's why the attached photos are just from the end of the first day, sorry for that.
 In the course of the next week I should receive the pictures from the clinic and post them here. I'd like to do this chronologically from then on, so I'll post the clinic pictures first and then my own pictures from home. 
    Tomorrow I have arrived at the 4th postoperative day and will wash the recipient area for the first time. At the same time, I will be switching from saline spray to aloe vera gel. Both saline spray, aloe vera and the shampoo were provided to me by the clinic in sufficient quantity. I also received a vitamin blend from Bruno, which is not necessary in itself, but prevents deficiencies of certain vitamins. So I took it.
    Every few weeks I will send Bruno and his team pictures of my current condition and get feedback. 

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 




    • Like 3
  11. Hello everyone,

    more than two years have passed since my last post. At this point, I really have to thank the forum for giving me the information and assistance I needed to move forward with my HT.
    Brief summary of my current situation:
    Since I have been taking Finasteride (5mg/week and Minox) for more than two years without any side effects and my hair loss is more or less stable (see attached photos) I'm pretty confident on doing a HT - would you agree?
    There is a (very) slight decrease in the front third, but in the middle and crown area my hair situation seems better than ever. At least that's what my hairdresser (who I've been going to for 15 years) says, and a miniturization mapping by one of the famous Belgian doctors confirmed it. According to his estimation, my donor area offers about 8500 grafts for surgery.

    The next steps are that I will fly to Porto in two weeks and have a HT with Bruno Ferreira. The appointment was made more than 1 1/2 years ago. I will have the surgery spread over 2 days. The estimated graft count is 2800. From his first documented cases he was my favorite surgeon, honestly. I really like the way he performs the hairline. Communication started sometime in October 2020 and it was very detailed. Bruno asked for lots of photos and information. His answers were extremely competent and detailed.

    So of course I am very excited about the coming weeks. Some things like post-surgery hair situation in combination with work have really been a headache for me, since I work in an area where one have to look somewhat very business-like. But luckily I seem to have a very relaxed boss who doesn't mind me wearing a cap for a few months if necessary.

    I plan to post the surgery and my progress here on this forum. 


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  12. 1 hour ago, win200 said:

    I would do a relatively small procedure to marginally lower your hairline--around 1,500.  Then sit tight for a few years.  If the work is holding up well and your loss is stabilized, you can lower the hairline some more.  Five to six more years should give you a better picture as to what your loss will look like.  I got 1,500 grafts at 29, 2,200 at 33, and then 1,200 (I think) at 36.  I'm now 38, the work has held up beautifully, and I'm glad I spaced the procedures out to make sure that I wasn't going to hit 30 and get hit by a ton of hair loss.  It's unusual that someone who's destined to have very heavy loss can't see it coming by the time they're 35-38.

    Thanks, sounds resealable! My plan is max 2000 grafts for the first one. I’m going to have a consultation with Feriduni in December. I guess that’ll might point me in a certain direction graft-wise. 

    Wasn’t  it hard to perform that many operations? Are you in fin?

  13. 2 hours ago, Curious25 said:


    Reasses in 11 months time, when you have been on medication for 12 months, for two reasons. 

    1) you may have visually strengthened or regrown some areas, making your ht needs less so, or maybe even non so depending on how you feel. 

    2) you may not be able to tolerate continuous use of the drug/it may not have the desirable affects . . Therefore despite still being possible, your hair restoration course of action will follow a considerably different plan without using medication aimed to slow the hair loss process. 


    Thanks for the clarification!

    2) ok, I understand that it may take some time for Fin to accumulate and side effect might build up over time. May I ask why is it reasonable to observe affects until one year? Is it very unlikely for side effect to appear after 1 year (if those didn’t appear before)? 

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