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Posts posted by Mars11

  1. 4 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    You could go for a hair transplant if you have done all of your research and have chosen the best surgeon who meets your needs. The only thing though is that you have only been on Finasteride for 4 weeks. I developed side effects at 8 weeks and stopped the drug. I strongly recommend that you give yourself a good 6 months as a minimum on Finasteride before proceeding. If you cannot tolerate it then your plan of attack will change dramatically. All the best!

    Hi Gatsby,

    thank you for throw in a different aspect to my situation. So far I rather experience a maintain or even positive increase of functions that are associated with Fin side effects.
    Nevertheless I think it is a good idea to watch the effect (either way) till next year before diving on into an operation.
    All the best for you too!

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  2. 6 hours ago, Gabreille Nelson Mukhia said:


    You can go for the frontal zone reconstruction. And finasteride can help retain the pre existing hair. 

    You can go for the hairline reconstruction if it bothers you a lot. If it doesn't bother you the you can forego the transplant.

    Hi Gabreille,

    Thanks for reply to my post. Maybe it’s due to the fact I’m not a native English speaker. But I do struggle with one of the parts which you have mentioned. What is the difference between frontal zone and hairline? 

  3. 7 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    No one has a crystal ball unfortunately, you should plan to have another procedure, will it be in 10 years, 20, no one knows. As long as you’re committed to this lifelong journey, it’s fine to proceed.

    You are absolutely right of course. I was just wondering if someone like you, who obviously has seen a lot in this forum, could make a (approximate) prediction. But I mean every case may be different and I understand nobody is able to really quantify the risks.

    Do you know whether it’s normal to observe a little increase in shedding when starting Fin?

  4. 2 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Personally, I think next year would be okay, as long as you’re committed to the medicine. How much do you plan to lower the hairline?

    Hi Melvin,

    thanks for your reply! Yes, I'm aware that I need to stick to medicine for the rest of my life then. As far as I can tell, it feels like I could tolerate it very well. 
    I just want to lower the hairline very little and keep it conservative.
    Of course nothing can be determined a for absolute certainty, but do you have a recommendation from your experience regarding the haitline? Is the risk very high that i would need a second operation in the next 5-10 years?

  5. Hi everyone,

    I would like to introduce my situation shortly - I'd highly appreciate any kind of feedback. 

    Age: 27
    NW: 2,5-3
    Family history: my maternal grandfather was NW5-6; besides him no one in my family experienced noticeable hairloss
    Rate of hairloss: moderate, probably not fully stoppet at this point; started when I was about 18 years old
    Medicine: Fin (1mg/eod since 1 month), Minoxidil (daily since 6 years), KET-Shampoo (2-3x weekly)
    Recommended Grafts: 1800-2200

    I'll post pictures of my current hair status below. So what I would like to know is the following:

    1) Is it rational to tackle a HT next year? While most of the clinics I contacted didn't advised me against and recommended a HT since I started Fin. There were one famous which advised me to wait longer because the risk of further receding of my hairline which could result in a 2nd and 3rd (...) HT in the future.

    2) I experience some kind of more shedding atm. I use a higher amount of Minox than before and as written above I just started Fin - could that explain a increase in shedding?


    Thank you and have a good one!










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