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Everything posted by Buffaloboy

  1. THAT I can vouch for as well. It took 3 calls just to get them to take my deposit. Then two different receptionists gave me two different surgery dates. They couldn’t find my consults with the doc (there were two to choose from!). They couldn’t find me at all in the system. Etc etc. If Melvin talks to Dr Diep again, I would love him to ask Dr Diep what’s going on with his front end staff.
  2. Jim, have you thought about asking Dr Diep why he placed your grafts in corn rows?
  3. To be clear, I was a big fan of him before all of these reviews. Now I’m confused. I thought I had booked one of the best surgeons in the country. The holes aren’t my concern (I’m not doing FUE). My concern is the “grid” pattern.
  4. Oh THATS the post that was deleted. Darn. I wish Dr Diep would come on this forum and answer questions.
  5. @Melvin-moderator what is the story on this??? 1500 holes for an 800 graft procedure?
  6. Can you tell me among those you tagged, who received surgery after 2019? I’d love to hear from patients within the last 12 months. The ones from 2015 to 2018 should be good. From everything I’ve read, he’s went downhill after 2018. Someone in another thread posted this pic and it scared me bad. That’s awful. Can anyone actually defend this??
  7. I wonder why he suddenly changed to doing grid like? I find it so odd. Threads from 2015, 2016, etc don’t showcase that.
  8. One note: I can verify that Diep’s secretarial staff is either overworked or undertrained. I had to call 3 times to get them to take my deposit. One person told me the first available surgery date is March 2021. The next person told me November 2020. Big difference. They couldn’t find my file. They thought I never had my consult with Dr Diep when in fact I had 2 consults. They send me emails multiple times that say the same thing. It was rough. This obviously has nothing to do with Diep himself but the front end office staff is having a tough time right now.
  9. My date with Diep is scheduled for a couple months from now, but I’m beginning to become worried by the amount of negative recent reviews. It seems like Diep was fantastic 2-4 years ago, but recently his staff has been rude, his grafts placed in a “grid” pattern, and results not great. This is just what I gather from recent reviews. What would YOU do? Stick with Diep? Or switch to Hasson and lose that $1k deposit?
  10. Thanks Melvin. Here are some updated pics too. Please ignore the embarrassing hair cut. I did it myself because the barbers were closed due to Covid.
  11. FUT. Diep was very strongly convicted that FUT is the way to go. I can post more pics in the morning. Im slightly nervous about Diep right now after reading some of the posts in this forum and his “grid” like work. Im considering talking to Hasson too. Does anyone know Hasson’s rates? Diep quoted me $19k for a little under 4,000 grafts (can’t remember the exact number right now). I have about $18k left to pay since I gave them my $1k deposit. Edit: Just found H&W’s prices on their website.
  12. I am scheduled for surgery with Dr Diep later this year. Around 4,000 grafts. However, I am concerned that I’ll travel a long way to him,only to learn that my donor area is too thin. My consultation was over video and he said the donor area was fine, but I’m curious to hear what you smart folks think as well.
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