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Posts posted by BobbyBoucher

  1. Wow that is interesting reading.

    Dr Bicer from my own experience has a great team and the original post seems to tell the story of procedures and knowledge in place to deal with such situations.  I wonder if the knowledge exists in cheap hair mills?

    Glad You are ok after all this @Stines.

    I was going the SMP route and booked with Jay at Elixir SMP just outside London, before I had really bad reaction to head shaving and later booked to go to Dr Bicer. Elixer is one of the best around in many peoples eyes.


    • Like 2
  2. Hi Mate.

    Been using this every day now. hair seems great, and my dandruff is gone? Who'd have thought?

    I am flying to Turkey Monday, for an operation with Dr Bicer Tuesday.

    The shampoo was bought for this reason. I can't say if my hair is fuller as i keep it shaved to a 1 most of the time, but my scalp is 10x better and i've sufferd with that for a long time. Head and shoulders was my  normal shampoo. 

    For me this 360 seems great. It's pricey at £22 but i've been on it weeks now and loads left. Small amount to wash which i leave on, then another small amount to fully wash. I reached out to the maker on insta and she gave me excellent advice and no hard sell.



  3. Just an update on the Shampoo.

    I am still pained to pay so much for a bottle of shampoo and i was very skeptical.

    Having used it now over a week i can report it seems quite a decent product. I suffer from dandruff and some itchy scalp. Normally I just use head and shoulders.

    I reached out to the owner on Instagram, and she advised to use the shampoo as normal, then another small amount (so use it twice basically).

    To my amazement my scalp is itchy free and when i rub it tons of skin isn't flaking out.

    Be aware though that this shampoo is not advertised as anything to do with itchy scalp and flakes.


    So far, so good!

  4. 19 minutes ago, Ne001 said:

    Thanks mate... Does seem on the pricey side... But after dropping cash on those grafts, might be a good investment?

    I've not heard of this brand before though... Seems to be decent based on reviews... Be good to hear back from anyone on here if they've got experience with it.


    The woman who owns it does lots on ticktock. I've just bought a bottle myself.

    All the money i am about to spend via Dr Bicer means that £22 is nothing really esp when the ingredients are not as harsh as normal shampoo.


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  5. On 3/4/2023 at 2:09 PM, THE GAME said:

    Lastly my entire experience with Dr Bicer has been amazing . From ozen to Dr Bicer herself it has been a wonderful experience. I look forward to going back and finishing the job.


    i can assume the first question will be do i take any meds ? I take minoxidil foam 2 times a day i use ketaconazole 2% 2 times a week . I only use baby shampoo. I also use my micro pen every 10 days. 


    Great result's there buddy!

    I am having my transplant with Dr Bicer in April after i had had to cancel my original appointment last year.

    It took me ages to find the right Clinic for me, and Bicer has been fantastic in all communications from start and right up to now.



  6. 5 hours ago, Randomdude said:

    If I were you I’d look into airbnb’s too. I have surgery with her next week and honestly didn’t want to deal with taxis and didn’t want to completely break bank on hotels, so I got an airbnb like 4-5min walk from her office. Also staying 8 days post op just to relax and also I’ll work from there. 

    we’ll see how it goes but you should look into it

    I looked in to it but I don't want to be walking anywhere once the hair transplant is done. Not really advisable. All hotels and apartments are only 5 mins away and pretty much same price as airbnb :). 

  7. On 5/16/2022 at 1:03 PM, mayotuna said:

    Didnt get any work on my crown but I do feel it will be something I will need to address later in life.
    I'm using Minoxidil in the crown area + Finasteride & Biotin 

    I've also played with disguise sprays/fibres which sorts it out but I dont really use them right now

    Dr Bicer and Ozen (Dr Bicer's assistant) are great with communication. Once I returned to the UK I was texting and video calling them atleast 2/3 times a week for 3 weeks. Any issues/worries, I would send a picture and get a response either immediately or later in the day. Now I'm just updating them once a month like I do here. They're always very enthusiastic and friendly 


    Looking good so far buddy!

    I was told i may need a second op after my first with Dr Bicer. She made me aware at the quote stage. Wish it was only one needed but at least she is open and honest about things. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/19/2022 at 4:20 PM, mo23 said:

    Hi Everyone ,

    So I have been dealing with Hairloss for quite a while now (33 , started at 19). I have been using minoxidil for the past 8 years(once a day). Hairloss was slow but wasnt getting better for sure until now ofcourse where I wish I had done something about it earlier.  I recently upped my Min application to twice a day and finally had the cajones to try Fin (MWF) for the past 3 weeks (I tried to stay clear all these years because of sides). 

    I finally went ahead with my transplant with Dr. Bicer On March 15th. I was initially considering FUCAP , Camacho , and Bicer. Decided to go with Bicer since I saw some pretty good results on this forum for folks with average donor hair (Appreciate everyone's reviews!)

    When I booked , the plan was initially to tackle my hairline and midscalp and then do the crown (if my donor permits) during my second procedure. When I got there , Dr. Bicer switched it up by focusing on the hairline and crown to achieve consistency between the crown and midscalp. Second surgery she would shoot to increase density in the midscalp and crown (leveraging beard and chest hair). I went into this with the expecation that I am not going to achieve full coverage given my donor restrictions. Hopefully though I can fix my hairline and gain some coverage for the rest. Bicer implanted 3750 grafts in total. I dont remember the breakdown but she did mention I had more singles than usual. 

    The experience itself was great . Ozen and Bicer make a great team and really helped me overcome some of my anxiety going into this. I would definitely recommend her based on the experience so far , hopefully the results match up :) !!

    A couple of pointers though to highlight. They dont provide free transportation and Hotel. I had my wife accompany me for the trip and got there a bit earlier to enjoy Istanbul (Amazing city btw). They had qouted me 500 euros for hotel 4 nights adding my wife to the room. 100 euros for transportation from Istanbul airport (Not sabiha). I ended booking on my own . Park Inn by radisson  (179 US dollars 4 nights). It was literally 10 minutes from the clinic and took an uber for 4 dollars each way. Hope this helps out some you cheapskates out there lol. 

    I"ll Keep you guys posted on progress !












    Did you pay taxi in USD and how did you pay Bicer? Bank Transfer or Cash and if cash was it USB/Euro? Thanks

  9. On 12/9/2021 at 10:51 PM, blackislback said:


    Few practical remarks for Istanbul, for ex. usual i use for transfers from airport taxi.booking.com, as Booking.com is reliable worldwide company, and in many EU countries used their taxi service, but in Istanbul suggest not use, as their local partners are horrible companies, who not respect scheduled time etc. , better check by hotel to call taxi for you, as hotels have deals with local taxi comapnies and get them fast, specially hotels like 5*.

    Solve internet roaming before your visit Istanbul or buy from local networks SIM, as you'll need almost whole time G-transl or Microsoft-transl :) , as there rare people who speak English,and then by G-transl by voice translate, you explain them in Turkish and they speak to your phone and you get transl in Eng :) ,  Taxi drivers rare speak English, in shops same, restaurants same :) ,  so much patientce and G-transl :)...

    In some cases you can use their public transport lines like boat lines, metro, etc. to move from Asian to European part of city, as it's much cheaper than using taxi.

    Be warry in restaurants, specially at those old-tourist part of city Eorpean part, many of them like cheat about prices - totals, it's like anywhere with tourists :) ...  

    Blue mosque - entrance is free, Hagia Sophia - free entrance too, and need worth visit attractions like Galata tower - nice view of city from tower, Top kapi museum - best thing to visit, as much historical stuff from whole world you'll see there and Otoman imperia period, and worth visit Obelix, Basilica sources, and new attraction highest TV tower think 360m, top view of Istanbul from this place, tickets are like 10 to 15e for these attractions.

    Shoping near to clinic you can find too, 2-3 big shoping centers, prices are not so high, for ex. Gap, original sunglasses, etc, purchased, were very cheap, as Turkish Lira lost much of it's value.

    Istanbul is too big city 16 millions population (non oficial is about 20 millions), and need more than 6 days to visit all nice places, but at least can visit 4-5x best in 2-3 days.

    I asked doctor Bicer, can i walk out after HT, her answer was sure, if not so hot or so cold, as days i was there was about 15-17C, sunny, was very nice walk out, had no any problem with my head when was out, even 1 day after HT :) .

    If anyone need any other information feel free drop message in this thread or by PM.

    And this way want say big thanks all members helped me with their experience, advices, suggestion, members like @mark2137 , @MachoVato , @tokerutaichou , @Alshe  , @Thomas107 , @yacine.drose , @JST07 . @Eran , @Rudiz31 , @HairTransplantNovice ,  rest i already mentioned in my replies, hope didn't forget someone, so thans all of your for all help to me!

    Thank you for posting.

    Can i ask if you booked your own Hotel or took the package offerd by Dr Bicer's team of transfers and hotel? What hotel did you stat at ?


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  10. On 1/4/2020 at 7:01 AM, Bustamove said:

    3rd session complete. 1 more to go next week then all done! I cannot recommend Elixir pigmentation enough. IMG_20191231_190919_734.thumb.jpg.33c87c63fbbcbf15ed8c275f1281e3cf.jpg

    Great work there!

    I wanted FUE and lined up a place in Turkey. At the same time I was also looking in to SMP. Turns out that a transplant might not work too well for me as I have under active thyroid. I went to welfare abroad and in fairness they wanted me during medical screening.  

    For a few months on and off I chatted to Jay at Elixir SMP.  I finally paid my deposit this week and turned my back on a transplant. 

    I recall seeing this post on google when i first searched for SMP UK. I also spoke to a few other places and Brandwood clinic etc. 

    Glad you sorted your SMP out though mate. Congrats.

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